Hey im not sure what modchip i have but i use AR to boot up games i can boot up PSX games with out useing AR but then i wanna boot a ps2 game i need to use AR it only reads CD-r ps2 games which really sucks, i wanna get my Guitar hero back up to work i beleave my PS2 is a v5 it has 6 screws on the bottom,and SCPH 30001 R and theres the screw where the HD goes, is there a certain boot method i need, i got my modchip back in like 2002 or something, and i noticed it does not boot any back up Dvd media, i can play Dvd movies and dvd movie back ups, if i can get some help on a way to boot Dvd -r or +r with my ps2 situation it would be much appreciated
Okay i might have figured out the problem i looked up booting methods, i turned off the ps2 turned on and held down the reset button put in orignal Guitar hero on with out codes and then hit x and waited 5 seconeds and swaped my Guitar hero backup and the screen went black then took me to the Ps2 browser aka didnt work but its a step forward it wouldent load at all before, think its the Dvd quality, i tried a memorex + R dvd those are the ones that take me to browser, and the -RW fujifilm just gets a black screen, Think i need better quality DVDs or what