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How to play download games on psp memory stick
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8. October 2007 @ 21:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I download games from torrent and i dont know how to play games from memory stick. I have new slim psp.
pl. help me to know how to play download games on psp
8. October 2007 @ 21:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
First things first, your PSP slim unit needs to be running CFW!! (Custom Firmware). You CANNOT play downloaded games if your PSP Slim is running O(official)FW! Once u have installed CFW, and the only one's available for slim are 3.60m33, 3.71m33, and 3.71m33-2, make a directory in the root (from my computer, click on your PSP twice, this is the root which contains all other folders such as MUSIC, VIDEO., PSP, MP_ROOT, PICTURE etc) of your MS called 'ISO' and place the CSO/ISO game files there. U will now be able to run them from the game menu in the XMB, under memory stick.

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8. October 2007 @ 23:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
How can i do CFM meand custom firmware. and where i have to place that iso. and Ater cfm can i play music & video?
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9. October 2007 @ 00:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
First off, find out what your PSP is currently running on:
Go to system settings, system information (ON YOUR PSP).

Once we know what firmware you are currently running on we can help you further.

You will then be able to play ISO and CSO files.

You should be able to play music and video files now but these must be in .mp3 or .mp4 format but I would still recommend upgrading to the latest custom firmware.

9. October 2007 @ 00:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You should be able to play music and video on ALL firmwares. To play music and video, place the music files (mp3 or AAC) in the 'MUSIC' folder in the root of your MS. To play video files, make sure they are mp4 and then place them in the 'VIDEO' folder, again in the root of your MS. U can now access them under Music and Video respectively in the XMB.

To get CFW for the PSP slim u need a universal Pandora's battery v1-v3, obviously v3 is the best as it is the most recent revision. Anyway, once u have used that, your PSP will have CFW installed and to play ISO/CSO game files, make a folder in the root of your MS called 'ISO' and place them there. U will now be able to access them under the game menu, under memory stick in the XMB.

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9. October 2007 @ 17:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi. I just got the PSP Slim and am a complete novice so your patience is really appreciated and I hope you will help me out.

I read your thread and see that in order to play games downloaded from a Torrent, I need to be running CFW. As I am on System Software Version 3.71, I did a search and found 3.71M33 update 2 by Developer Dark Alex (

So, here are my q's:
1. Any idea if this is safe to download and load onto my PSP?
2. Can you tell me HOW to load it onto my PSP :) - I am using a USB and activate the USB Connection on my PSP and see the drive on my computer but where do I put it and how do I fire it up?

3. Finally, on his site, he also speaks of 1.50 Kernel Addon 2 (dark Alex). Is this required to play torrent games or is it something completely different?

Thanks !!
Senior Member
9. October 2007 @ 20:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
wow All of a sudden, there is an army of noobs getting slims wanting custom firmware to play free games. Haha, why dont you guys read first. Sicdude made a thread in the 'mod and firmware discussion' it's in bold on the very top. You cant miss it. Everything you need to know should be in there As for getting to a custom firmware.

VIDEO OF MY 2 PSP's ON YOUtube >;]
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7. December 2007 @ 00:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I just downgraded from OFW 3.72 to CFW 3.71 m33. The problem is that when I put the torrent file, decompressed, in the ISO file on the root of the MS, the game reads curruped data. Can anyone help me find out how to make it work. Im fairly new at it but I just cant get it to work. If possible let me know were I can get the games from, especially sonic rivals. Thanks!
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7. December 2007 @ 14:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
CAN any 1 Plzzz tell me where i can get FREE Psp/psx game downloads , my e-mail i would reallyyyyy appreciate it

pspblender charges 37$ a year or sumthing

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 7. December 2007 @ 17:28

AfterDawn Addict
7. December 2007 @ 14:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Nothing like having newbies come in and ask other questions (Hijacking the thread) all it is going to do is confuse the original poster more.

CAN any 1 Plzzz tell me where i can get FREE Psp/psx game downloads
Piracy is a no no.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 7. December 2007 @ 14:46

7. December 2007 @ 17:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Start a new thread with your problem

No emails allowed - post edited. And totally off topic.

Now for games search and google can be your friend.

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30. December 2007 @ 22:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hi i just got the psp slim it's allready upgraded to 3.71 M33-3....and my question is how to put downloaded games to the psp my memory stick is 4G. memory i like plenty of games..pls help me out guys!
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10. February 2008 @ 10:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by ebat11:
I just downgraded from OFW 3.72 to CFW 3.71 m33. The problem is that when I put the torrent file, decompressed, in the ISO file on the root of the MS, the game reads curruped data. Can anyone help me find out how to make it work. Im fairly new at it but I just cant get it to work. If possible let me know were I can get the games from, especially sonic rivals. Thanks!
Make sure you have a disk in the psp don't matter which one but you got to have one in there in order for it to play. Hope that helps ya out

AfterDawn Addict
10. February 2008 @ 12:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by jaminjim:
Originally posted by ebat11:
I just downgraded from OFW 3.72 to CFW 3.71 m33. The problem is that when I put the torrent file, decompressed, in the ISO file on the root of the MS, the game reads curruped data. Can anyone help me find out how to make it work. Im fairly new at it but I just cant get it to work. If possible let me know were I can get the games from, especially sonic rivals. Thanks!
Make sure you have a disk in the psp don't matter which one but you got to have one in there in order for it to play. Hope that helps ya out

You do not have to have a UMD in the bay if you have Sony NP9660 NO UMD selected.


You should first update to 3.71 M33-4 before going any further.

After you have updated to 3.71 M33-4 then format your Memory Stick via system settings so needed folder directories can be created.

Go HERE and follow these steps to get your ISO/CSO working properly.

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30. April 2008 @ 08:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have pspp version 3.71 and i cannot play any games from my memory stick. Can anyone help me please.
30. April 2008 @ 16:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
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