I've searched and found that this site has a bunch of spyware and adware in its themes and stuff. However, there are some things that I just absolutely want, and have not been able to find them anywhere else. Particularly, Windows Login Screen themes.
Is there anyway to clean the files before installing them, getting rid the spyware and stuff? Or do those things get on your computer the instant you download them? If so, any way around those virusus.
I've checked out Windows Blind. I mean, I haven't downloaded it yet, but it just seems to be a program allowing you to personalize your themes. I'm too lazy to personalize each aspect manually. I prefer to download completed themes.
I really want to know if I could get rid of the spywares from the downloads of ThemeXP.
alot of software comes with third party add ons. it may be possible to decline these "extras" during the install. Carefully look around the website first for any mention of bundled add ons. next carefully pay attention to the EULA, most add -ons should be but arent always spelled out there. The EULA is that legal mumbo jumbo nobody reads during the install process.
Quote:Or do those things get on your computer the instant you download them
most likely software downloaded from legit websites would have to be installed first-- to your computer.
iam referring to quasi commercial software. anything downloaded off of malicious websites, from p2p, warez etc, the above dosnt apply.