I got the HD, and it loads to the M$ dash, now I cant seem to start loading my softmod again...
I checked the IDE Cable/Power cable to the DVD Drive, it opens, and tries to read the disc but then cannot. I tried putting the original 8gb hd in there but no dice either... What the hell? The HDD is currently set on master, if that matters.
I have the stuff from my old HD on there, such as stuff loaded from the .iso I created but I cant seem to read my MA disc, or any other disc for that matter... Please help!
EDIT: If my DVD Drive is fubar'd somehow, can I pull one from another Xbox and just put it in or do I need to do anything before I do that?
I know basics of computer, I wouldn't think the swap would damage the drive... But I pulled another drive from my other Xbox and it works... Guess I'm SOL for one drive. >_>