Im my never ending drama with the xbox (I know Sony is watching me) I need a little help.
I have a v1.0 that I finally got all softmodded up (with 160GB HDD) and then we took a big power hit and the PS is dead.
I also have a v1.6 that is still using the orig HDD, also softmodded.
What I would like to do, is swap the stock HDD for the 160GB HDD.
I have eeproms from both units. How do I unlock the HDD from the bricked xbox? Then, can I use Xplorer360 to replace the existing eeprom (1.0) with the new one (1.6)?
I have the HDD out of the xbox and hooked up to my PC.
I created a hdm disk with my eeprom.bin in the eeprom folder.
I boot from the xboxhdm (v1.9) disk and select option 1.
I type 'xboxhd', it does it's thing and tells me the xbox drive is locked (fine), then I type 'yes'.
Then I select option 6, to create the HDD PW. (I copied key and PW).
Quit and Reboot, get back to main screen.
This time select option 3 (linux hdtools). eventually type 'unlockhd -a'. It eventually tells me "detecting drive status" then scrolls through the status (one being security enabled : yes) and I end up at root@xbox-HDM:/2
Ive also tried option 4 (DOS tools). I created a floppy with option 7 on the main hdm screen.
Ive tried unlockx and hdunlock. UnlockX says not lockable and hdunlock says done. But when I reboot its still locked.
I found that tut as well. But for whatever reason, that program didnt work. I remembered the XBOXSCENE password after seeing that, but still didnt work. I even reset the machine and HDD after 5 attempts. It is a WD Caviar 1600 HDD, if anyone is curious.