I've been using Azureus for some time now, but two days ago it's done something unexpected, a real problem that I've been trying to solve since.
I launched Azureus and ran a 5 GB torrent to download. As expected, the program allocated the 5GB on my Hard drive, which went from 9.5GB available to 4.5GB available. So far so good.
A few hours later, I realized that not only had Azureus taken the necessary 5GB space for the download, it had kept using more and more hard drive space, as the download went. The download was almost done, and my hard drive was down to 0GB available.
It means that Azureus, for a 5GB torrent, took 10GB of my Hard drive.
I erased the torrents, rebooted Azureus, my computer, emptied the cache, used cleaning software, looked everywhere. I never got my 5GB back, and that is a real problem, considering the lack of space on my home hard drive.
Does anyone know what went wrong and how I can get my space back?
I'm on Mac OSX 10.4.10, and using Azureus
Actually, I did find something through File Buddy, though it might be a little too large for what I'm looking for. It a 5.4GB invisible file called windowerver_last.log, located at HD/private/var/log.
But this might be a file system, and I don't want to blindly throw it away. Any idea?
OK, I'm asking questions, I'm asking questions, but there's always an answer on Google. Apparently I can erase this windowserver_last.log file. That will bring me 5GB back.
Now, as for the possibility that this log file is linked to my Azureus problem: No idea, but it might.