Linux for internet only
Junior Member
15. November 2007 @ 23:56 |
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Ive been playing with Linux off and on for a few years.
Im looking to setup my room with 3 computers, I have 1 thats running windows xp with a hub connected to it that i use for my xbox to play videos.
Is there a linux distribution that I can install on the other 2 computers that when they turn on they go into firefox or any internet app that will connect right 2 my network?
Junior Member
16. November 2007 @ 08:56 |
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yea if u have Kubuntu you can use FIRESTARTER, thats what i use for y pc to connect to Xbox for videos n live. what u have to do is to give your xbox an ip. i gave my n u have to configer it to send it to that ip. i works nice
(+[__]%)psp:Bricked>unbricked with pandora's battery> 1.50> 3.52m33> 3.52m33-4>3.71m33-2
Junior Member
16. November 2007 @ 15:07 |
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What I want to do is use the network I have right now with my xp computer thats setup for internet sharing to make my 2 other computers boot to firefox. I have a few friends that come over and I dont want them to delete files from my computer. So I want to make computers 4 when they come over.
Suspended permanently
16. November 2007 @ 16:30 |
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Unless running as root how can they delete any system files (I hope you are not running ubuntu or similar.. insecure)?
Just set up a guest account on both machines, with a very limited set of applications..
say a group like :: internet
users :: root and guest
and make a simple guest password that is easy to remember like.. oh.. webuser
guest will get it's own /home folder and can keep bookmarks just like any other user.. but you have the option of when to allow access and what to..
This is a very old guide but gives the general idea of what you want
You should ask on the forums of your specific linux distro for help with setting up guest accounts and the way to allow them limited rights.
I would never set up anything to connect and run a browser cold from startup.. way to easy to scan for and exploit
Junior Member
19. November 2007 @ 09:27 |
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yea see firestarter is a programn so linux can connect to window networks
(+[__]%)psp:Bricked>unbricked with pandora's battery> 1.50> 3.52m33> 3.52m33-4>3.71m33-2
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19. November 2007 @ 22:39 |
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I honestly can't see what relevance firestarter has to this discussion.. the question is about setting up a couple of machines like public web browser kiosk terminals, not sharing any files from windows (which is easier with samba anyway) as is discussed here..
This article is more up to date.. and I'm sure Steve will help with any specific issues concerning his article
I'm sure that is exactly what you want.. happy hunting, let me know how it works out.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 19. November 2007 @ 22:42
Junior Member
19. November 2007 @ 22:50 |
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perfect, thats just what I want. thanks
Junior Member
19. November 2007 @ 22:55 |
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can DSL be installed to a hard drive? I know it will cut down on loading times when booting instead of a cd.
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20. November 2007 @ 08:25 |
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20. November 2007 @ 10:40 |
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...just don't dual boot DSL with windows, it's guaranteed to destroy your windows partition(s), has happened to me on old&new pc's, 2 or 3 times.. On it's own it's very nice, just tends to like wiping out Windows partitions for no reason and whenever it feels like it (surely it's just copying one of Windows tricks there!)
Main PC ~ Intel C2Q Q6600 (G0 Stepping)/Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3/2GB Crucial Ballistix PC2-8500/Zalman CNPS9700/Antec 900/Corsair HX 620W
Network ~ DD-WRT ~ 2node WDS-WPA2/AES ~ Buffalo WHR-G54S. 3node WPA2/AES ~ WRT54GS v6 (inc. WEP BSSID), WRT54G v2, WRT54G2 v1. *** Forum Rules ***
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20. November 2007 @ 12:46 |
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Thanks creaky.. I forgot all about that. Have seen dsl destroy windows just running from cd too once or twice. As it has never happened to me I have no clue what causes it, but it could be something to do with hitting "save settings" on shutdown? This possibly could be solved by actually making a small partition and pointing the "save settings" routine at it. Older versions of puppy had the same fault, but they seem to have solved that now.. And I would actually suggest using puppy instead of dsl as it uses a modern kernal and apps which are a lot more up to date.
The only advantage to using dsl is that it can use the debian potato/woody/sarge repositories, and with research also the most swingingist (uuuuhh) new things from the backports.
I didn't see any mention of dual booting the extra machines in the original question.. but good call ;-)
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 20. November 2007 @ 12:55
Junior Member
20. November 2007 @ 15:13 |
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I'm not planing to have windows installed on the computers. Just DSL.
Suspended permanently
20. November 2007 @ 15:54 |
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Then it's safe, and a great use of old 2-8 gig hdd's.
You have a choice of full or frugal install..
Check the forums for any specific issues.. They are a really helpful bunch over at DSL
My hint of the day.. You have cfdisk (partitioning tool) available at runlevel 2
on boot screen type
dsl 2 and then chose what you want from the menu that pops up, or type
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 20. November 2007 @ 15:56
Junior Member
21. November 2007 @ 15:04 |
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Originally posted by slugfuk: I honestly can't see what relevance firestarter has to this discussion.. the question is about setting up a couple of machines like public web browser kiosk terminals, not sharing any files from windows (which is easier with samba anyway) as is discussed here..
This article is more up to date.. and I'm sure Steve will help with any specific issues concerning his article
I'm sure that is exactly what you want.. happy hunting, let me know how it works out.
fire starter shares internet with your xbox just like bridging with windows.
(+[__]%)psp:Bricked>unbricked with pandora's battery> 1.50> 3.52m33> 3.52m33-4>3.71m33-2
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21. November 2007 @ 20:17 |
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An xbox, modded or not will connect to the internet just fine without help from any other programs linux or windows based.. but again.. It has nothing to do with this subject.
Do you have something to contribute to building a secure public access type web browser setup, or are you just spamming a particular piece of software that I have honestly never heard of until now?
Unrealfan.. If you need any more help getting DSL booting give us a shout.. It can play up sometimes.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. November 2007 @ 20:18
Junior Member
21. November 2007 @ 20:33 |
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Originally posted by unrealfan: Hi,
Ive been playing with Linux off and on for a few years.
Im looking to setup my room with 3 computers, I have 1 thats running windows xp with a hub connected to it that i use for my xbox to play videos.
Is there a linux distribution that I can install on the other 2 computers that when they turn on they go into firefox or any internet app that will connect right 2 my network?
trying to answer this guys question n u DONT have to mod your xbox to get internet from linux..
(+[__]%)psp:Bricked>unbricked with pandora's battery> 1.50> 3.52m33> 3.52m33-4>3.71m33-2
Junior Member
21. November 2007 @ 23:35 |
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Sorry I got you guys confused. I have a computer setup with windows with a network share for my modded xbox thats running xbmc to play my videos. I was looking for a way to make the 2 older computers I have go into my hub so I can use them as a kiosk kinda like a library has their computers.
I was just trying to explain how my setup was and what I wanted to do.
Junior Member
21. November 2007 @ 23:48 |
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ok, what os's r on the 2 other comps?
if windows all it takes is to share the entire harddrive for the hole network to see
(+[__]%)psp:Bricked>unbricked with pandora's battery> 1.50> 3.52m33> 3.52m33-4>3.71m33-2
Junior Member
22. November 2007 @ 00:48 |
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I dont have a os on the other 2, I was looking for a way to make them a kiosk like they have at a library where you can only go online with them.
Junior Member
22. November 2007 @ 23:25 |
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kinda need a o.s on them
(+[__]%)psp:Bricked>unbricked with pandora's battery> 1.50> 3.52m33> 3.52m33-4>3.71m33-2
Suspended permanently
23. November 2007 @ 20:46 |
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Which is exactly what we are discussing.. duh!! ;-)
Junior Member
27. November 2007 @ 09:24 |
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dude, i dont even know...........
(+[__]%)psp:Bricked>unbricked with pandora's battery> 1.50> 3.52m33> 3.52m33-4>3.71m33-2