Noob in need of help
18. November 2007 @ 20:42 |
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Hello to all
I just received a moded Xbox with Xecuter 2 chip 80gig HD and Evolution X, After spending the weekend working with this I have managed to FTP into it after a series of failures. Under applications(on the control panel) is XBCopy0025 so I tried to install a game using it. That failed and it installed the non working game under the applications header. So I guess I need DVD2Xbox but when I FTP-ed into the system most of the partions are empty and there are no folders listing the applications. Am I missing something that not showing all the programs? Also if it compatable with Evolution X I would like to install XBMC. Any help is greatly appreciated. blkbd
AfterDawn Addict
19. November 2007 @ 03:57 |
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Feel free to read through my tutorials, they will answer most of your questions.
Get AID v4.10 to install any applications you would like!
19. November 2007 @ 07:06 |
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Thanks for the point in the right direction, Got the torrent DL-ing now. will read through your toots. blkbd
20. November 2007 @ 20:44 |
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Quick ?, I have gotten the torrent for AID4.10 and have choose some of the add ons and and created a ISO and burned it to a DVD-R.(still reading the 52 page manual) Will I have to format the HD or will it install over the current games that are saved there?
AfterDawn Addict
20. November 2007 @ 21:14 |
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What are you formatting? AID will install independent to anything on the current drive.
20. November 2007 @ 21:50 |
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Was wondering if I needed to format the HD in order to install AID 4. One more ?. If I decide to format for a clean slate install, Can I just copy the game files to my PC and FTP them back in later? or is there more to that. Sorry to hound you I just got so many things floating in my head from all the threads I have skimmed through.
AfterDawn Addict
21. November 2007 @ 04:53 |
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AID is a disc. It doesn't install (you can, but not by default). You simply load the disc and select the applications you need at the time!
As for your game backups, I believe the method you described should be fine!
21. November 2007 @ 06:38 |
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Thanks Chunkhead
And if your in the USA, Happy Thanksgiving.
22. November 2007 @ 17:10 |
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I ran into a snag, I got the disc running and tried playing with it and tried installing some apps, and rebooted but nuthing there. So i tried some skins with the same results but now when I reboot the screen with the Xbox logo and the Xecuter2 logo at botom is all I get, Even with the disk in it gets to the screen and keeps rebooting. I can't FTP into it in hopes of doing a clean install.
22. November 2007 @ 20:14 |
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what are my options? Can I simply yank the HD out and have my PC format it to Fat32 then throw it back in and boot up with the AID4.10 disk?
AfterDawn Addict
22. November 2007 @ 20:44 |
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You must have seriously done something wrong!
Luckily you have a chip so repair is easy. Get hold of the 'Slayers' disc and re-install a basic dash. If that doesn't work, format the hdd with the same disc!
The Slayer disc WILL load if you have a functioning chip!
23. November 2007 @ 07:03 |
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I think I know what happened!
Just remember I'm the noob here.
In doing some skimming through the threads looking for simular problems that happened to others, Someone stated that in setting up you need to create the folders that the programs go in, Well guess what!? I did not do this and when I hit uninstall I bet it took something else. Is there a tutorial on setting up the folders? I have a copy of Slayers program and if I chose one of the packaged bundles will it create the folders and everything for a more of a plug and play setup? sorry to be a PIA but I appreciate the help.
23. November 2007 @ 18:16 |
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I burned Slayers disc and poped it in and rebooted and all I get is the Xbox logo with the Xecuter2 script below,So how fracked am I and what are my options. Thanks blkbd
AfterDawn Addict
23. November 2007 @ 19:56 |
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Sounds more like your chip has stopped working? Unless you managed to burn the disc incorrectly? What type of disc did you burn to?
Can you still play games?
24. November 2007 @ 00:55 |
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I used DVD+R as that was the only thing that seemed to work as it worked on the AID 4.10, Unable to play anything. What would happen if I pulled the hard drive and formated on my computer to a fat32 or other format then reconnected it to the Xbox?
I have a Thompson DVD drive in the Xbox and when I tried using DVD-R and DVD+RW to burn AID 4.10 nothing would happen but it worked for DVD+R
If you read my other post it happened after I uninstalled, so I think I deleted something from the OS.
24. November 2007 @ 00:58 |
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Originally posted by blkbd: What would happen if I pulled the hard drive and formated on my computer to a fat32 or other format then reconnected it to the Xbox?
Forgot to add: if I formated the drive then reconnected to the Xbox and booted it with AID4.10 or Slayers disc.
AfterDawn Addict
24. November 2007 @ 03:23 |
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So it's working?
Sometimes you actually have to enable the chip (Hold the power button in for 3 seconds).
24. November 2007 @ 13:19 |
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Nope nothing.
all I get is the Xbox logo and at the bottom the print that says XECUTER2, And it just stays that way.
AfterDawn Addict
24. November 2007 @ 22:35 |
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If you are certain that the disc you burnt is correct, i'd say that you have a damaged chip! Maybe a dry solder joint or broken wire.
Have a look, see what you can see.
If push comes to shove, remove the chip entirely and softmod it like the rest of us!
25. November 2007 @ 01:02 |
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I really believe its the hard drive, Can I format it using XboxHDM for my PC? I all so have access to a un modded Xbox. is there a way to use it to help. Like swap the un-modded HD into my chipped box to see if it will boot up to a dashboard? Will the EEprom setting let this work or is it not a issue for chipped boxes.
AfterDawn Addict
25. November 2007 @ 07:05 |
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The modchip should allow access to the Slayers disc independent of what the HDD is doing!
For example, if you insert a brand new HDD into a chipped Xbox, it won't boot because the HDD is blank and unformatted. You then simply insert the Slayer CD, format the HDD and away it goes!
Fixing your HDD is only half of the issue, you modchip is malfunctioning!
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26. November 2007 @ 00:41 |
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ok if you just hoocked your hdd up to ur pc and formatted it without useing xbhdm your pretty screwed not toatly f-ed i dont think u have an x2 chip i have an x3 to unlock and lock the hdd dont think the x2 allows this but is it possible that its you get any kind of error at all blinking red/green???
26. November 2007 @ 18:42 |
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Originally posted by cearel: ok if you just hoocked your hdd up to ur pc and formatted it without useing xbhdm your pretty screwed not toatly f-ed i dont think u have an x2 chip i have an x3 to unlock and lock the hdd dont think the x2 allows this but is it possible that its you get any kind of error at all blinking red/green???
I have not formated anything yet, As for the blinking only when I first power it up or when it tries to read from the DVD but it only lasts for 5 to 10 seconds then goes solid and stays stuck on the Xbox/XECUTER2 logo.
26. November 2007 @ 18:51 |
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I also opened up the box to take a look and everything is real clean did not see any excess solder or loose screws rolling around on top of the mother board, Is there anywhere a Tutorial on getting to the chip? I did a search for chip removal and chip install but came up zip. I was able to remove the heat sink on the right but the fan and heat sink on the top of the chip I could not budge even after I unclipped the the spring steel retainer.
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27. November 2007 @ 18:17 |
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i would try the excuter site for a tut seems ur chip my have been flashed badly has it ever played burns