I recently purchased a 'Yaitai 5.1 Speaker Surround Sound system' from eBuyer and am looking for a device that may help me in connecting it up. The system itself consists of six speakers (Right, Left, Rear Right, Rear Left, Center, Sub woofer) though I only have two audio output ports in the back of my Television. Ideally I'm looking to connect up Video Game consoles to the system, such as the Wii and Xbox 360. The 360 Audio cable has three connectors Red, White and Yellow, while the Wii simply Red and White.
I was wondering if such thing existed as a sort of audio Hub or Splitter, where the audio output cables can be plugged into one end, while six ports for the Surround Sound cables are on the other. This would split the audio and send it straight to the Surround Sound system, not going through the TV at all seeing as though it does not have enough ports. Here is a simple diagram of what I am trying to describe, hoping that will make it easier to understand.
I've been looking around to see what's on offer, but cannot seem to find anything and was wondering if you could give me some advice on what I want to be buying product wise.
If you want your files and games to play in surround sound you have to transfer the audio in digital format. For xbox this means using the Optical cable hookup that is on your xbox video plug.
The only two ways that I know to transfer digital audio to your receiver is either with an optical cable or with a coaxial cable.