dont know why everyone is posting whos winning and not. seems like no body is winning this so called format war i know i aint since i have both blu ray and a hd dvd player so to me there was no real winner figuring i can play both formats and got stuck buying both.funny to see hd dvd fans and blu ray fans posting sales stats when ur not making money with the companies like ur a share holder or something. just my two cents with this format statics crap i keep seeing
Stop trying to instigate people on here, we all read the news and dont need you here shoving random statistics. If you read your own article, youd see that the sales is for europe. Notice that europe sales are 1/3 the numbers of US sales, notice that stand alone hd dvd players are almost at the 1 million sold mark, notice that sony's ps3 sales are not even past the 5 million mark while the xbox 360 is almost breaking the 15 million mark. Number of xbox hd dvd add ons sales grew 400% for this year so far for a total of 5.4 million shipped, meaning that even with the ps3's built in player, sony still doesnt have as many players sold as hd dvd and going into the holiday season there are several sub 200 and even 2 sub 100 hddvd players for sale.
But dont get me wrong, I own both players, I mainly use my HD DVD because bluray just isnt as good yet, seeing how hddvd has better codecs, transfer rates, and more space (currently hddvd ships on 30gb, bluray ships on 25gb disc) Sony has potential to be great, but they are taking their time again and microsoft/toshiba are taking advantage of it yet once again (repeat of xbox 360 and ps3 battle)
I think that the holiday will make or break both hd formats.