Custom Firmware Extender 1.9.2 help!
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3. December 2007 @ 11:44 |
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I have Custom Firmware Extender 1.9.2(3.71 M33-3) on my PSP and it works for playing my backed up PSP ISO's using Usbhostsfs Iso Redirection, what im needing help with is how do i play my backed up PSX backups either in EBOOT or ISO via Usbhostsfs? Im not a fan of Nethost as it very raley works for me, please please can someone help me out with this! im been around lots of different forums with no luck and now im ready to give up on my psp >.<
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3. December 2007 @ 13:13 |
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To be clear, I need to know wether you have a FAT PSP or a SLIM PSP.
If you have a FAT PSP then you have to use POPSloader, get it HERE.
For teh SLIM PSP, you have to find a way to convert the PSX games to EBOOT.PBPs. I don't know how but I think you can using PBP Unpacker.
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3. December 2007 @ 13:18 |
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im using a fat PSP, i know how to make them into EBOOTS etc, but when i activate CFE(music note+L trig) 3 options come up USBhostfs Iso redirection and 2 for nethosts, when i select USBhostfs Iso redirection it brings up my PSP ISO's and my EBOOTS but when i selct an EBOOT i get the following error message : Error Loading Module, do you think the pops loader will resolve this?
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6. December 2007 @ 16:41 |
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so any ideas? really want this to work ; ;
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10. December 2007 @ 18:33 |
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If you have a Fat PSP then you have to use the POPSloader from HERE.
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10. December 2007 @ 18:39 |
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what am i supposed to do with this exactly? the readme isnt very helpful lol
27. December 2007 @ 09:08 |
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Cobra unit
You wrote:
"I have Custom Firmware Extender 1.9.2(3.71 M33-3) on my PSP and it works for playing my backed up PSP ISO's using Usbhostsfs Iso Redirection,"
Can you give me a step-by-step instruction on how to do this?
I have a fat psp 3.71 M33-4.
I have no idea how to use it.
Please help?
Many thanks,
27. December 2007 @ 09:12 |
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If you have some suggestion on my previous post please reply.
Or if I should look in another forum please direct me to the best location.
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27. December 2007 @ 10:29 |
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CFE is really simple to use if its for playing PSP ISO's via USB, ill copy the read me into here as its easy to follow
Copy the content of the "release" folder to the root of your memory stick.
Take a look at the file "cfe.config" under "ms0:/seplugins/cfe"
with the cfe.config, its reccomended to change the last line to show your IP address(this is so usbhostfs_pc can pick up the details) you have to make sure you have a folder named ISO in the same location as the usbhostfs_pc program(as it directly links to that folder so make sure your ISO's are in that folder)
Enable cfe_vsh.prx and cfe_game.prx under the m33 recovery menu.
Set cpu speed to default under the m33 recovery menu.(i think you have set the 3.71 kernal for this to work)
once youve done this connect the USB to your PC and PSP(DONT toggle USB mode, its not needed)
Push "Note + Volume Down" (Note refers to the music note ot the psp)on the psp to see available commands.
To use usbhost iso streaming : after executing usbhostfs_pc on the computer,
type "Note + L" on the psp. 3 options will show up in white letters(i think, cant really remember)then use the home key to select the first option, and it should load your game.
i would reccomend downloading the CFE pack(ive only used the 1.9 version) directly from the maker or trusted ones that ive seen, but its just personal opinion)
Hope this helps its mainly from memory as i bricked my PSP a few weeks ago doing silly things with it lol
27. December 2007 @ 11:28 |
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Thanx CobraUnit!
I will try it out again tonight.
Although I tried to do that already exactly as you have described.
And when I try to start usbhostfs_pc on the pc in the windows folder(the folder that came with CFE) I get an error saying i need a lib...dll or something.
I found that dll file in another folder called driver. So when I put the usbhostfs_pc app in that folder it does work.
But after I press the "Note + L" and choose the first option, I get the message "cannot get remote list"
So I'm stuck there. But I'll try to it step by step again and check the kernel and the ip-address as you described.
I'll let you know anyway.
Tough luck on your bricked baby.... no way of unbricking???
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27. December 2007 @ 12:40 |
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to install it, copy the two files inculuded (vsh and the other one) and copy it it to the "seplugins" (without the quotes) folder in the root of your PSP. If it's not there, add it.
Then restart your psp. Once its off, hold the R trigger and open turn your psp on dont forget to keep holding the R trigger. Once you see recovery mode, let go of the R trigger and go into "Plugins" and set the POPSLoader plugin to "Enable" by just pressing X on it. It'ss say next to the plugin title if it's "Enabled" or "Desabled".
27. December 2007 @ 13:35 |
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In the meantime I have checked pspslimhacksdotcom and checked the tut "Stream ISO files by USB with CFE"
This guy does a nice job explaining how to do it exactly I'll post it here also.
Stream ISO files by USB with CFE
Some people have trouble getting this to work so I thought I'll tell everybody how to set it up. I used Windows XP.
First of all download Custom Firmware Extender if you haven't already.
Basic Setup
Extract the contents to a folder somewhere. Copy the contents of the "release" folder into your memory stick.
Boot up the PSP into recovery by holding R when turning on. Enable the plugins under the plugins menu.
Setting up host
Find the "windows" folder that you extracted. Go to "driver" and copy "libusb0.dll" into the "windows" folder that you were just at.
Streaming ISO's
Connect the PSP to your computer with the USB cable.
Press and hold the note (♪) button, and press L. A menu will come up. Press home on "Usbhost Iso redirection".
A dialog will pop up on your computer screen directing you to install a driver for your PSP. Choose the option that lets you find the driver yourself. When it asks for the location, browse to the "windows" folder, then select "driver".
The drivers will install.
You are now set up. Place the ISO's in the ISO folder of windows.
To play, run "usbhostfs_pc.exe" in the windows folder. The hold down note (♪) and press L, then home like before.
If you need screens, please tell me. Also tell me if you think I've missed out something.
Note: If it hangs at the black screen when starting up, take the UMD out if you have one inside.
He also answered a question and said
Q:Now what about that wifi mode?
A:Do you want to me to make a tut for that too? I think I forgot how to do it. I prefer USB over wifi.
just go to ms0:\seplugins\cfe and open the config file. put your ip address at the bottom.
Q:Ok, I changed the ip to mine and I ran nethost but it says "could not find remotelist"
A:It works for me. Reboot and try again. I don't think it works after using USBhost. Remember to start the PC app first.
I hope this will help me and others dealing with similar problems.
28. December 2007 @ 08:14 |
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yeah.... I've had no luck so far.
I keep getting the message 'Could not get remote list'
I followed all the instructions step by step, but still no luck.
Maybe because I have 3.71 M33-4....
If this IS the problem, then I'm sorry for being in this forum with useless questions.
If someone DOES have advice.... please give it to me
28. December 2007 @ 09:30 |
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I got it working.
The problem was the driver.... I had not installed the driver on my laptop.
I tried to do it on my pc and then it asked me for the driver, on my laptop it asked me also but i just clicked ahead without actually installing. When windows said the hardware was properly installed in a tray message. I automatically assumed it was ok.
Anyway thanks for the help.
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28. December 2007 @ 15:03 |
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no worries, i had the same problem too, hope you enjoy it as much as i did!
5. January 2008 @ 02:12 |
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hey im trying to do the same thing, when the installation wizard came up for windows i sorta crapped out on it(didnt knwo what to do) no i cant get the same window up, how can i install the driver???
5. January 2008 @ 08:05 |
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What you need to do:
- Open your device manager--> Right-click My computer-> Manage-> Device Manager Keep this window open
- Connect your PSP via USB-cable
- You will see an unknown USB device pop up in your device list. Right-click or double-click it as soon as you see it -- remember you will have to be fast otherwise it will be gone again and you won't see it until you disconnect and connect your PSP again
- Go to the driver tab and choose 'update driver' and browse to the CFE folder then select "windows" folder, then select "driver".The drivers will install.
Remember to be fast to click the unknown device, just keep connecting and disconnecting till you get it right.I hope this will help you.
7. January 2008 @ 21:34 |
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thanks spidert, that did work. just another question, how do you get into the cfe.config file to change the ip? in the seplugins/cfe folder its a config file and i cant open it.. and i cant find any configuration for it on the psp.. could anyone enlighten me??
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8. January 2008 @ 11:14 |
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you should be able to right click on it and open with wordpad/notepad if i remember right
9. January 2008 @ 13:39 |
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Hi all,
yet another noob here i bought a psp slim the other day i've now got 3.71 m33-4 running.
(not sure of relevance In the rcovery menu i can choose either 1.50 kernel or 3.71 kernel)
I've recently read about Custom Firmware Extender 1.9.2 and the option of mass storage,
basically i have an adaptor which plugs into the top of my psp to which i can attach a 16gb
usb stick. How can i get the psp to work with the usb stick, for the other things i've done
i've followed alot of the guides and i have got homebrew games running fine but i'm gatting confused with this
Custom Firmware Extender 1.9.2, can anyone please give some very simple instructions
to help a dude out?
Kind Regards