The Punisher - The Game -- Is it out on the PSP?
Senior Member
9 product reviews
16. December 2007 @ 08:54 |
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So is it?
I've seen some YouTube videos and I think I'll like the game.
I Googled and found out that the game is available on PC and Xbox. That's all that I could find... Do you think it's on the PS1 or the PSP? I hope that it's on the PS1 so I can emulate it... Anyone know?
Senior Member
16. December 2007 @ 10:40 |
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it's only available for pc ,xbox1 and ps2
i played the ps2 version it's a fun shooter ,more or less like max payne
Senior Member
9 product reviews
16. December 2007 @ 10:49 |
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Originally posted by smlvfx: it's only available for pc ,xbox1 and ps2
i played the ps2 version it's a fun shooter ,more or less like max payne
It's a shooter?
I thought it's a stealthy game...
Senior Member
16. December 2007 @ 11:25 |
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no man it's not a stealth game
but if you are looking for a stealth game, for the psp i can only remember socom , syphon filter , Splinter Cell Essentials and metal gear
i like Splinter Cell but it's not as good as the ps2\xbox versions because of the controls
for ps1 i only remember metal gear solid but i dont know most of the ps1 games
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Senior Member
9 product reviews
16. December 2007 @ 12:42 |
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I'm sure that Manhunt is a stealth...
I thought that the Punisher would've been the same type... Oh well... Anyways, thanks.
Senior Member
16. December 2007 @ 12:45 |
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lol i forgot manhunt
i never tried the psp version ,i played both manhunt 1 and 2 for ps2
manhunt 1 was better
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AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
22. December 2007 @ 00:13 |
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Originally posted by kikzm33z: Originally posted by smlvfx: it's only available for pc ,xbox1 and ps2
i played the ps2 version it's a fun shooter ,more or less like max payne
It's a shooter?
I thought it's a stealthy game...
What about the Punisher makes you think he would be in a "stealthy" game. BTW The Punisher one heck of a fun Max Payne/Dead to Rights type shooter.
Senior Member
9 product reviews
22. December 2007 @ 07:15 |
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I watched some videos and it looked like it was the same type as Manhunt2(and I'm sure that Manhunt2 is a stealth) so that's why I thought that the Punisher would be stealthy..
Oh well =)
Senior Member
27. December 2007 @ 06:21 |
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well punisher's good.played it on pc.but i got my interest to splinter cell.does it same as rainbow six??
Senior Member
27. December 2007 @ 16:07 |
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Senior Member
27. December 2007 @ 18:27 |
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glad its not.coz i dont like rainbow six.i'm gonna try the splinter cell.thnx..
30. December 2007 @ 12:11 |
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It hass been released only the ISO VIDEO version of The Punisher on PSP.(1.66 GB)
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Junior Member
31. December 2007 @ 03:30 |
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the punisher is the sex. even in the movie he was the sex. My god he was hot.. the voice.. the body <3...
ok.. im glad i found this thread :3
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yikes.. I got suspended for this this :\ Let me make it a lot smaller. >.>;;;
Suspended permanently
31. December 2007 @ 05:48 |
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Well I have had SNES and NES games running on my PSP, using the eLoader, but that was a pain to have to boot GTA every time I wanted to play it. Anyways, I am interested in running the WiFi sniffer. I looked at the readme for the 303 OE and I am going to have to get a larger memory stick to carry that out, but I have a friend that has a 256mb card that he says he will sell to me for $15, so I am going to see if i can get that ASAP. Know any other things that I should definitely check out (homebrew).
http://www.i' edited by ddp
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31. December 2007 @ 13:11 |
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Why don't you update to 3.52 M33-4
HERE is a pretty good guide that will update your PSP in about 5 minutes...;)
And after that's done ill give you another guide to get it up to 3.71 M33-4...;)
This will allow you to play the NES and SNES emulators and also to play ISO's without the loader.
ROGDRIK, this is just my old profile...that i couldn't remember the password to...XD.
So I Ain't No NooB...Iight!!
My PsP life [TA-082] (2.50) > 2.60 > 2.70 > 2.71 > 2.80 > 2.71 > 1.50 > 3.40 OE-A > 3.52 M33 > 3.52 M33-4 > 3.71 M33-2(Unstable) > 1.50 > 3.52 M33 > 3.52 M33-4 > 3.71 M33 > 3.71 M33-2 (Slow) > 1.50 > 3.52 M33 > 3.52 M33-4 > (SEMI-BRICK) > 3.52 M33 > 3.52 M33-4 > 3.71 M33 > 3.71 M33-3(XMB Slow) > 1.50 > 3.52 M33 > 3.52 M33-4 > 3.71 M33-4 (Yes..!!..It's Working With No Bugs..!!)
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 31. December 2007 @ 13:13