I have a sony dcr vx-1000 and have had it for many years(since 2000). I know it's natural wear and tear, but I'm getting problem after problem and it's happening more frequently. I'll turn it on and the picture will be purple/green, I would have to tap the bottom of the camera to get the colors out. I know the optics are off. I do alot of skateboarding and it's taken a few hits. And the glass cover thats in front of the lens broke off and im holding it on with tape. And last but not least, the heads need cleaning and a little calibration. Does anyone know where I can get it fixed?? I live in Wesminster,Ca(So-Cal).Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!!
Originally posted by SwellBo: I have a sony dcr vx-1000 and have had it for many years(since 2000). I know it's natural wear and tear, but I'm getting problem after problem and it's happening more frequently. I'll turn it on and the picture will be purple/green, I would have to tap the bottom of the camera to get the colors out. I know the optics are off. I do alot of skateboarding and it's taken a few hits. And the glass cover thats in front of the lens broke off and im holding it on with tape. And last but not least, the heads need cleaning and a little calibration. Does anyone know where I can get it fixed?? I live in Wesminster,Ca(So-Cal).Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!!
You could contact Sony, and see where they recommend getting it fixed. I would think the cost would be more than what the camera is worth.
do you know anyone with a vx? When it comes to skateboarding and using a death lens, no other camera comes close im comparison to the vx-1000. I could always buy another used vx, but if I'm going to pay the same price for a used one(since there are no brand new vx-1000's), as I am to fix it, I might as well get mine fixed instead of buying someboady else's problem.....any other suggestions? I just need a few more options, I definately will contact sony. Any other help would be greatly appreciated. Thank You!
Originally posted by SwellBo: do you know anyone with a vx? When it comes to skateboarding and using a death lens, no other camera comes close im comparison to the vx-1000. I could always buy another used vx, but if I'm going to pay the same price for a used one(since there are no brand new vx-1000's), as I am to fix it, I might as well get mine fixed instead of buying someboady else's problem.....any other suggestions? I just need a few more options, I definately will contact sony. Any other help would be greatly appreciated. Thank You!
Sorry, I don't know anyone with that video camera. Good luck with your quest to get it fixed.