Can anyone tell me if you can turn off the spyware on Nortons Antivirus and Spyware 2008 as I am running Spyware Doctor and I've heard the two conflict? I've also heard that the 2008 version uses a lot of resources and slows everything down, has anyone experienced this? Does anyone have a proven good alternative to Nortons?
I downloaded the free 15 day trial of Norton Antivirus 2008 after reading your question. There is no place to turn off the spyware protection. Are you using the paid version of Spyware Doctor?
OK, I downloaded the trial version of Syware Doctor, ran a scan, it said, I have a Trojan-PWS.TANSPY, which attempts to steal my password. The funny thing though, NONE of my other antispyware programs detects this Trojan. Then I tried to remove the items found after the scan and the program wanted me to buy it! LOL What a scam! Sorry, but i don't trust programs that first want my money before I have had a chance to evaluate them. This program suckers you into downloading it, by telling you it's a free trial.
Note: There are plenty of other free programs out there where you don't need to pay for antivirus or antispyware protection. I use all free programs, and don't have any problems. Once a week I run a scan and remove any junk. Never anything really bad, like trojans. After looking over Spyware Doctor, as much as I was able. I found you can turn off the ON GUARD feature which may be what is causing a conflict with Norton Anti-spyware program. To do this, R/Click on the SD icon in systray, select disable On Guard. Another window pops up. Here click on the drop down box and select, Permanently turn Off Guard (Not Recommended) Not to worry. You still have Norton's Anti-spyware program running in the back ground to stop most spyware from entering your machine. Well, at least in theory. LOL