I've seen a few posts asking how to play your own choice of music whilst playing a game. most use mp3plugin, but some just want the music in THAT game.. plus mp3plugin slows some games down alot
Firstly, I must say, I mostly do this on games with "ETRAX music" (the likes of Need For Speed (all), Burnout legends, Fight Night 3 etc.). They have a better way of selecting the music within the game than other games. So that you know which ones you want to keep or not. This method will work on other games. Just as long it has some music files. Whether it be menu or in game music.
1.An ISO of the game.
2.MP3's files to be transferred. Wav, wma or aac files etc. will not work.
3.Exact Audio Copy PSP Edition (to convert the mp3's).http://rapidshare.com/files/14759631/EACSetup.rar
4.UMD Gen (I use v2.01. only because im used to it. Version v4.00 is available but I can not get my head around it).
2.USBSSS_100. this is a homebrew to back-up your UMD's to ISO files on your pc via the usb cable. http://rapidshare.com/files/14770221/USBSSS_100.rar NOTE. For the following steps, i will be using "Need For Speed Carbon" ISO. Not all game iso's are the same.
1.In "Need For Speed Carbon"Ã? there is an "EA Media Center". On some games it's called "ERTAX". This is where you can change which song you listen to in the game and sometimes in the game menu. Make a note on which songs you don't like and they can be replaced later on. Not all games will have this option.
2.Choose which mp3's you want to convert and copy them to a separate folder (I do this just in case something happens to the file but nothing should. If something does happen, I can safely delete the files knowing that the original mp3's are safe in they're original folder).
3.Open up "Exact Audio Copy PSP Edition". There are two ways you can select the files you want to convert. a) Drag and drop and or b) Open the folder from the tab.
a). Just select the files and drag n' drop them into the main window of the converter.
b). Left click on the "EAC" tab and then select "Convert MP3 Music To Harddisk".
With both ways, when you have selected the files, the converter will ask you where you want to save the files to. I use the same folder as I got them from. Click on "Save" and the converter will convert the MP3's files to that folder in the "toc." file format.
4.When you have finished converting your MP3's, open up UMDGen. (Like I said earlier, I use UMDGen v2.01 so the next steps will be for v2.01. and not for v4.00. UMDGen v4.00 is slightly different)Ã? Select "File" Then "Open". Navigate your way to your ISO and select it. Again, if I were you, I would make a copy of the ISO you are going to modify and put it in the same folder as the copied MP3's. Just in case something goes wrong and you need to revert back to the original ISO.
5.In the left window, there will be a small disk icon called "Root". This is the root directory of the ISO. Under the icon, there will be a folder called "PSP_GAME". Expand the folder and an other two folders will appear, "SYSDIR" and "USRDIR".
6.The folder that we are interested in, is the "USRDIR" folder. When you expand the folder, there should be a folder in there somewhere called "MUSIC" or "SOUNDS" or something similar. You will have to have a look around.
7.Locate the music files. There are different file formats that are used (eg. AUD. AT3. MUS. Etc). They should be easy to locate. Most of the files are named after the artist or song or sometimes both (eg. in "Need For Speed Carbon" the fist song is called "dynamite_afterparty.aud" which is the name of the artist and the song).
8.Right click onto which song you wish to replace (the ones you don't like) and press "Replace". A widow will open up, locate the converted MP3 files (as in step 3) and click on "Open". This will replace the original file with your converted MP3 file. NOTE. The name of the file in the ISO will not change but the converted file has replaced the original file. You can get a track editor to change this but I can't seem to find one anywhere.
9.When you have finished replacing the files, click on "File" then "Save". A window will pop up and ask you where you want to save the ISO to. You could either save it to your desktop or another folder ready to transfer it to your PSP. It's up to you. But you must save the game, or it will not work.
10.You will probably notice, that the ISO may have increased in size. This is due to the size of the converted MP3. There are programs out there where you can change the bit rate of the MP3 to make it smaller but I don't bother. If you are short on space on your memory card, then you could use a program like "PSP ISO Compressor v1.3" to compress the ISO into a smaller CSO or DAX file.
11.Now to see if it has all worked. Copy the game to the "ISO" folder in the root directory on your psp. Select the game on your PSP. In the game "Need For Speed Carbon" select the "EA Media Center". Locate the files that you replaced and press play. You should now hear the MP3 that you converted and not the original song. HAPPY DAYS!!!!
As I lightly mentioned in step 1, not all games will have an option to choose and listen to the music on the game. But don't worry, you can still change the games music. Just follow the same steps as above. Some of the titles are easy to spot. eg. in "Miami Vice" root directory:- PSP_GAME/USRDIR/SOUNDS/MUSIC the tunes are main theme, menu etc. how hard was that to find??? Easy.
Tip Try and keep the length of the MP3's that you are converting to around 5-7min long. For a few reasons 1st There is no point in going any longer than 7min. Most of the games (like "Need For Speed") only have a short game play time. Even if the song has finished and your still on the level that your playing, the game will select the next song. 2nd The longer the song, the bigger the file. Hence, a bigger ISO. Just to see what would happen, I made a "Need For Speed Carbon" ISO which was nearly 2.5gb. The game crashed as soon as I selected it in the xmb. No surprise there.
I hope this tut has been helpful. And enjoy.
I have decided to add a list of games of which games tunes have been changed by using this method. If you have changed the music in any other game that is not on the list, then please PM me with the game title and will add it to the list as soon as i can.
Burnout Dominator
Burnout Legends
Carol Vorderman's Sudoku *(see note)
Fight Night Round 3 Midnight Club 3
Need For Speed Carbon Own The City
Need For Speed Underground Rivals
Note. * With this game, the in game music is looped. you can still change the tune but i suggest you either have an album or a DJ mix as one long mp3 track. that way, you wont hear the same track over and over again.