psp's error message DECODED!!
31. December 2007 @ 21:32 |
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well, im new as you can tell so here goes!!
First 4 digits indidoge the functional area that reported an error :
8002 is the kernel
8001 is the standard libc (and the error numbers correspond to the POSIX errno.h constants).
* CA000005 = keys.bin
FIX: a keys.bin file is required in order to play psx games, put the keys.bin file in the same folder as your eboot.pbp for the game
* 80220180 = Format failed
* 80100D00 = The Channel could not be added
FIX: Reformat the memorystick...
* 80410D09 = A connection error has occured.
FIX: The PSP doesn't support WAP wifi security, try switching to WEP and reconnecting
* UKN9000001 = The update cannot be started. The data is corrupted.
* 80110305 = Load failed.The Memory Stick* could not be acessed.
FIX: Backup savedata folder and reformat your memorystick
* 80010013 = device / media not found
* 8001B002 = unknown
* 80020001 or 800244C = kernel errors
* 80020001 = generic kernel error (default)
* 800200D9 = failed to allodoge the memory block
* 80020130 = file read error
* 80020148 = PRX type unsupported
Explanation: This error comes up when you try to use emulators, homebrew, etc. on a psp with version 1.52 and higher.
* 8008271D = An internal error has occured (flash1 is corrupted)
Explanation: after restoring default settings, upon upgrading from DAX's 2.71SE to DAX's 3.02OE... your network settings will give that error.
* 80110482 = occurs when test of wlan infrastructure connection fails
* FFFFFED3 = unknown (might be decryption error)
* 80410001 or 80410D16 = network errors
* 80410D07 = This error comes up when errors occur connecting to a wireless router
FIX: Change psp settings to manual and enter in all of the ip,dns,subnet mask, and default router info
* ffffffff = PSP update failed
* 80410A0B = Internal Error (WLAN module failure) this was founded out by DARK_SYLAR
* 80410410 = Cannot connect to the given acess point(Connection to the Server Failed.)
FIX: Unplug your modem and router (if you got one) for 30 seconds to a minute. Plug in your modem, wait 30 seconds to a minute, then plug in router.
* 80010087 = The game could not be started
* 0x0 = no error
* 0x80010013 = (device / media not found)
* 0x80020001 = error
* 0x80020002 = noti mplemented
* 0x80020032 = illegal exception code
* 0x80020033 = exception handler not use
* 0x80020034 = exception handler already used
* 0x80020035 = system call table not use
* 0x80020036 = system call table alraady used
* 0x80020037 = illegalsystemc alltable
* 0x80020038 = illegalPrimary Syscallnumber
* 0x80020039 = PrimarySyscall numberalreadyuse
* 0x80020064 = callfrominterr upthandler/thread
* 0x80020065 = illegalINTRCOD E
* 0x80020066 = CPUalreadyinte rruptdisable
* 0x80020067 = Hnadleralready exist
* 0x80020068 = Handlernotfoun d
* 0x80020069 = illegalinterru ptlevel
* 0x8002006a = illegaladdress
* 0x8002006b = illegalIntrHan dlerOptionParamsize
* 0x8002006c = illegalstackad dress
* 0x8002006d = alreadystackad dressset
* 0x80020096 = notfoundfreeHardTimer
* 0x80020097 = illegaltimerID
* 0x80020098 = illegalsource
* 0x80020099 = illegalprescal e
* 0x8002009a = HardTimerinuse
* 0x8002009b = HardTimernotse tup
* 0x8002009c = HardTimernotin use
* 0x800200a0 = unitnumberalre adyused
* 0x800200a1 = unitnumbernotu sed
* 0x800200a2 = romdirectoryno tfound
* 0x800200c8 = idtypealreadye xist
* 0x800200c9 = idtypenotexist
* 0x800200ca = {notavailable}
* 0x800200cb = unknownUID
* 0x800200cc = unmatchUIDtype
* 0x800200cd = idnotexist
* 0x800200ce = notfoundUIDfun ction
* 0x800200cf = UIDalreadyhold er
* x800200d0 = UIDnotholer
* 0x800200d1 = illegalpermiss ion
* 0x800200d2 = illegalargumen t
* 0x800200d3 = illegaladress
* 0x800200d4 = thememoryareai soutofrange
* 0x800200d5 = thememoryareai soverlap
* 0x800200d6 = illegalpartiti onid
* 0x800200d7 = partitioninuse
* 0x800200d8 = illegalmemoryb lockallodogiontype
* 0x800200d9 = failedtoalloca tememoryblock
* 0x800200da = inhibitedtores izethismemoryblock
* 0x800200db = failedtoresize thismemoryblock
* 0x800200dc = failedtoalloca teheapblock
* 0x800200dd = failedtoalloca teheap
* 0x800200de = illegalchunkid
* 0x800200df = cannotfindchun kname
* 0x800200e0 = thereisnofreec hunk
* 0x8002012c = modulelinkerro r
* 0x8002012d = illegalobjectf ormat(notPRX/PFX)
* 0x8002012e = notfoundModule
* 0x8002012f = notfoundModule file
* 0x80020130 = Modulefileread error
* 0x80020131 = memoryinuse
* 0x80020132 = partitionmisma tch
* 0x80020133 = modulealreadys tarted
* 0x80020134 = modulenotstart edyet
* 0x80020135 = modulealreadys topped
* 0x80020136 = modulecannotst op
* 0x80020137 = modulenotstopp edyet
* 0x80020138 = modulecannotre move
* 0x80020139 = exclusiveload
* 0x8002013a = Libraryisnotli nkedyet
* 0x8002013b = Libraryalready exists
* 0x8002013c = Librarynotfoun d
* 0x8002013d = illegalLibrary header
* 0x8002013e = Libraryisusedn ow
* 0x8002013f = modulealreadys topping
* 0x80020140 = illegaloffsetv alue
* 0x80020141 = illegalpositio ncode
* 0x80020142 = illegalaccessc ode
* 0x80020143 = modulemanagerb usy
* 0x80020144 = illegalflag
* 0x80020145 = cannotgetmodul elist
* 0x80020146 = prohibitLoadMo duledevice
* 0x80020147 = prohibitLoadEx ecdevice
* 0x80020148 = unsupportedPRX type
* 0x80020149 = illegalpermiss ioncall
* 0x8002014a = cannotgetmodul einformation
* 0x8002014b = illegalLoadExe cbuffer
* 0x8002014c = illegalLoadExe cfilename
* 0x8002014d = Thereisnoexitc allback
* 0x80020190 = nomemory
* 0x80020191 = illegalattrpar ameter
* 0x80020192 = illegalthreade ntryaddress
* 0x80020193 = illegalpriorit yvalue
* 0x80020194 = illegalstacksi ze
* 0x80020195 = illegalmode
* 0x80020196 = illegalmask
* 0x80020197 = illegalthreadI D
* 0x80020198 = notfoundthread
* 0x80020199 = notfoundsemaph ore
* 0x8002019a = notfoundeventf lag
* 0x8002019b = notfoundmessag ebox
* 0x8002019c = notfoundVpool
* 0x8002019d = notfoundFpool
* 0x8002019e = notfoundmessag epipe
* 0x8002019f = notfoundalarm
* 0x800201a0 = notfoundthread eventhandler
* 0x800201a1 = notfoundcallba ck
* 0x800201a2 = threadalreadyD ORMANT
* 0x800201a3 = threadalreadyS USPEND
* 0x800201a4 = threadisnotDOR MANT
* 0x800201a5 = threadisnotSUS PEND
* 0x800201a6 = threadisnotWAI T
* 0x800201a7 = nowdispatchdis abled
* 0x800201a8 = WAITtimeout
* 0x800201a9 = WAITcanceled
* 0x800201aa = WAITstatusrele ased
* N0x800201ab = WAITstatusrel easedwithcallback
* 0x800201ac = threadistermin ated
* 0x800201ad = semaphorecount erzero
* 0x800201ae = semaphorecount eroverflow
* 0x800201af = eventflagcondi tionnotoccur
* 0x800201b0 = thiseventflagc annotacceptwaitswithmulti plethreads
* 0x800201b1 = illegaleventfl agwaitpattern
* 0x800201b2 = messageboxhave nomessage
* 0x800201b3 = messagepipeisf ull
* 0x800201b4 = messagepipeise mpty
* 0x800201b5 = waitobjectdele ted
* 0x800201b6 = illegalmemoryb lock
* 0x800201b7 = illegalmemorys ize
* 0x800201b8 = illegalscratch padaddress
* 0x800201b9 = scratchpadinus e
* 0x800201ba = scratchpadnoti nuse
* 0x800201bb = illegaltype
* 0x800201bc = illegalsize
* 0x800201bd = illegalcount
* 0x800201be = notfoundvtimer
* 0x800201bf = illegalvtimerI D
* 0x800201c0 = illegalKTLSID
* 0x800201c1 = KTLSisfull
* 0x800201c2 = KTLSisbusy
* 0x80020258 = invalidsuchpri ority
* 0x80020259 = devicenameisin valid
* 0x8002025a = devicenameisun known
* 0x8002025b = pminformationi sregisteredalready
* 0x8002025c = pminformationi snotregistered
* 0x8002025d = majorstateisin validvalue
* 0x8002025e = requestisinval id
* 0x8002025f = requestisunkno wn
* 0x80020260 = unitnumberisin valid
* 0x80020261 = cannotcancelre quest
* 0x80020262 = pminformationi sinvalid
* 0x80020263 = argumentisinva lid
* 0x80020264 = alreadytargete powerstate
* 0x80020265 = failedtochange systempowerstate
* 0x80020266 = cannotchangede vicepowerstate
* 0x80020267 = devicedoesnots upportsuchpowerstate
* 0x800202bc = requesttotheDM ACfailed
* 0x800202bd = DMAoperationis lessorequalone
* 0x800202be = theoperationis alreadyqueued
* 0x800202bf = theoperationis alreadyfinishedornotqueue ud
* 0x800202c0 = theoperationis alreadyintransferprogress
* 0x800202c1 = theoperationis notassignedyet
* 0x800202c2 = thesyncoperati ontimedout
* 0x800202c3 = dmaoperationst ructisalreadyfreed
* 0x800202c4 = dmaoperationis used
* 0x800202c5 = dmaoperationis empty
* 0x800202c6 = DMAoperationis aborted
* 0x800202c7 = DMAoperationis error
* 0x800202c8 = physicalDMAcha nnelisalreadyreserved
* 0x800202c9 = physicalDMAcha nnelisnotmanagedbydmacman ager
* 0x800202ca = thereisaprivil egeaddressinlinklist
* 0x800202cb = linklistbuffer isnotenough
* 0x800202cc = theoperationis notassignedtophysicalDMAc hannel
* 0x800202cd = theoperationis childoperation
* 0x800202ce = itistoomuchtha ntransferabledatasize
* 0x800202cf = argumentisinva lid
* 0x80020320 = Toomanyopenfil es
* 0x80020321 = Nosuchdevice
* 0x80020322 = Cross-devicelink
* 0x80020323 = Badfiledescrip tor
* 0x80020324 = Invalidargumen t
* 0x80020325 = Unsupportedoperation
* 0x80020326 = Aliasisalreadyused
* 0x80020327 = Cannotmount
* 0x80020328 = Driverdeleted
* 0x80020329 = Asyncoperationisbusy
* 0x8002032a = Noasyncoperation
* 0x8002032b = Deviceisalreadyregistered
* 0x8002032c = Nocurrentworkingdirectory
* 0x8002032d = Filenametoolong
* 0x800203e8 = DECI3Nosuchdeviceoraddres s
* 0x800203e9 = DECI3I/Oerror
* 0x800203ea = DECI3Notenough core
* 0x800203eb = STDIOnotopened
* 0x8002044c = Parameterisnotcachealigne d
* 0x8002044d = Endofkernelerrorcode.Neve rusethisname
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
10. January 2008 @ 20:21 |
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woah ... this can solve alot of problems
12. January 2008 @ 00:22 |
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That is extremely helpful .. sticky IMO.
PC Specs:
E6750 C2D @ 2.66GHZ 1333FSB
1GB Corsair Value Ram 667MHZ/Transcend 2GB 800MHZ
EAH4650 512 Onboard
2x 250G Seagate SATA
Senior Member
13. January 2008 @ 11:45 |
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PsPgOd120 great job.!!
21. January 2008 @ 20:12 |
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hey i just bought a used psp and it has a modded operating system and will not update you wouldn't happen to know how to fix it or update
21. January 2008 @ 20:46 |
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Wrong thread - start a new one instead. You might also want to include what firmware it's on now, which one you want to update it to and if it's a fat or slim.
edit - the best forum to post that in would be the mod and firmware forum.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. January 2008 @ 20:47
1 product review
24. January 2008 @ 14:09 |
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What about this one: 80410402, communication with the server failed, DNS error
25. January 2008 @ 21:56 |
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i suggest a sticky!!!!
this thread is Grrrrrreeaat! :D
25. January 2008 @ 22:09 |
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Who's Blinkie :)
Hmmm - would be good stickie material some more of the fixes could be filled in on the error codes.
Anyone up to helping fill in the blanks on the fixes?
8. February 2008 @ 07:06 |
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Hi....guys ,well I'm currently using psp version 3.52m33-4 and i want to update either 3.71 or 3.80 (better) but everytime when i want to update to 3.71 ,it will come out error message saying "dadada"....can anyone please teach me step by step on how to go about in installing the 3.71 or 3.80?? I'm anoob so please no more forums for me....thanks guys!!
8. February 2008 @ 08:36 |
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Why do you want to go to it, and anyway, better start a new thread in mod and firmware discussions or just read some stickies over there.
AfterDawn Addict
8. February 2008 @ 17:24 |
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I hate to bash... but... this thread should probably be closed. There was a thread just like this a few months ago, not sure if it was ever stickied, but yea, there's not much point in having a repeat thread.
As to the people with the (DADADA) error;
This is a custom firmware only error, and only applies when you try to do something "foolish" - In this case, trying to upgrade to OFW from CFW. This error was put in place originally so that people didn't accidentally upgrade from custom to official. Granted there are a few reasons where you'd have to return to OFW, like returning a PSP to a shop etc. this can be done by downgrading back to 1.50 using the "1.50 recovery folder" and then installing official firmware from there.
Though, to you people just wanting to upgrade - get 3.90 M33, i'm sure there's probably a thread about installing it somewhere if you can't follow the read-me that comes with the files... get it from DaX's official site
PSP, all the way from 1.00 to 5.50 GEN D2 - DS Lite w/ M3DS Real (M3 Sakura v1.34)
PS3 3.01 - iPod Touch 2G 16GB Jailbroken - Xbox 360 60GB - PC, Q6600, 3GB DDR2, GTX260 (216) 896MB
1 product review
20. March 2008 @ 09:44 |
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yeah... i got the error message 8002014E when i were installing msipl to reserved area and after that psp could not read the memory stick , pc could not either. i had to format it (from psp)
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