IN case this has not been already covered i wish to cover this subject here. I have known about this for a number of years but have never posted it.
You have your TV, Video, DVD,Hi,Fi remote you go to perform a function and nothing happens? What could the problem be Flat Batteries or is the remote even working?Here is an easy test to see if your remote is working and how then to rule out suspected items.
OK get your digital camera or your mobile phone. On the remote the end it which you normally point towards the appliance it will have either a dark redish smoked glass or contain what appears to be a bulb. Tkae your camera now while pointing it at the end you would normally face towards your appliance face it towards the camera make sure if it is a mobile phone you have selected video and make sure it is read to capture the device you wont have to click anything to record what you are about to do. Press any button on the remote you should see either a semi pulse flash or the light will go on and quickly go back off.? Ok no light? Ok before the next part remove the batteries now inspect the contacts where the batteries contact to spring at one end and a plate at the other. Make sure that these contacts are free from rust usually caused by leaking batteries.Take a file or a steel nail file and clean the contacts emery paper or sand paper van also be used and if the space is confined wrap a piece of torn sand paper or emery around a small flat blade screwdriver.Blow out any particles taking care that you wear eye protection when doing this. If batteries have leaked make sure you discard the old batteries properly and take care not to get any acid onto your skin wear protective gloves if need be
Clean any areas where batteries have leaked.
Replace with batteries you know are good and repeat the above test if the remote still does not flash then it is the remote which is at fault.
I hope this helps someone!