Everex gPC with gOS
9. January 2008 @ 19:02 |
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ok I bought this load of crap for christmas the os in it sucked so much ass so I installed xp in it it worked for alittle bit but now I cant get the the start up screen so I cant press f8 or f10 or anything like that what am I supposed to do?
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9. January 2008 @ 23:07 |
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Consider your purchases more seriously in the future?
You're probably not going to get much help in this forum, what you have is either a hardware, Windows, or user problem. At the end of the day, it is just another computer, it just doesn't have the MS tax applied to it, so ask in the hardware or Windows categories.
9. January 2008 @ 23:16 |
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alright thanx I fixed it well alittle dissapointed with afterdawn on this one :(
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Build 1duel core 2.40 2mb cache 500GB drive xfx 128 bit by256MB and 4 GB memory
Build 2 Nas w 1.5TB
Build 3 HP HDXc90 640GB w 2.66GHZ w 6mbcache 1 gig video
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10. January 2008 @ 02:55 |
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What?? You give people 4 hours?
We don't get paid for our know how.
Seriously.. you come along and post some pretty random information about some strange low end PC that.. lets be honest.. you messed up with XP.. in the linux section. Did it even enter your head to google for a user manual or anything first?
So what do we have here... It's a replacement for the e-machine.. a basic functional web machine running a variant of ubuntu (which for some bizarre reason they decided to bog down with enlightenment) Plain gnome or one of the lighter desktop managers would IMHO do a far better job on what is after all low end hardware.
I'm getting the feeling it's more linux you can't get to grips with than anything fundamentally wrong with the machine.. most reviewers are of the opinion that gOS is too minimalist then dressed up with eye candy.. and for $200 what do you honestly expect.
I don't often suggest ubuntu, but in this case that's what you need to do... put ubuntu 7.10 on it and unlock the potential with a full application suite.
Quote: Bah. It's a $200 machine. It ain' gonna run like a Mac, even if the minimize/quit buttons are on the left. To expect otherwise is foolish.
IMHO I could build the same or better from a junkbox for next to nothing, but why the performance is so poor from what appears at first sight to be a reasonable cpu and a decent amount of ram is a mystery. Perhaps the system swap isn't working as it should or the graphics chipset is limited?
I would quite like to get my hands on one as an experienced linux user to see how it would work with a nice "lean and mean" minimalist linux desktop and the Xfce application set. I also saw the possibility to maybe clock up the cpu on the via datasheet. Whether this option is available on these machines, or they are running flat out is a mystery.. From the reviews it seems the system is running clocked right down, and then dressed up with all the "bling" that slows it down.
Why buy one?.. Well that old pentium3 450 in the shed will probably perform just as well with a sensible minimalist linux installed... but if you need a low end browser/internet machine, you know how to install flash plugins and java on linux and fancy something visitors/friends/kids/granny can't screw up browsing the net, and not much else then this is for you.. without the rather naff gOS of course.
(didn't see a linux users review of this machine anywhere else on aD so I thought we should have one)
10. January 2008 @ 05:07 |
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im sorry if I offended you well I didnt know what to put it in so I put it here somehow when I unplugged all of the usb it worked ? go figure and thanks for info next time I will be alittle bit more patient
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Build 1duel core 2.40 2mb cache 500GB drive xfx 128 bit by256MB and 4 GB memory
Build 2 Nas w 1.5TB
Build 3 HP HDXc90 640GB w 2.66GHZ w 6mbcache 1 gig video
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10. January 2008 @ 05:53 |
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No probs.. It's a global site and your post happened to arrive at around midnight ;)
I saw a reviewer having issues with the usb hardware as well. So how does it run XP?.. and the reported cpu clock speed??
I'm interested in these machines because I do a lot of service calls for schools and charitable pc teaching organisations who simply can't afford to pay £300+ for new hardware.
10. January 2008 @ 18:07 |
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well like I said it has a laundry list of problems with xp its just sooo slow I mean we got it just to watch movies on the hardrive and its having problems so yep
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Build 1duel core 2.40 2mb cache 500GB drive xfx 128 bit by256MB and 4 GB memory
Build 2 Nas w 1.5TB
Build 3 HP HDXc90 640GB w 2.66GHZ w 6mbcache 1 gig video
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11. January 2008 @ 05:08 |
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Strange indeed.. it should run a basic dvd player quite well. I think that's down to the graphics chipset. probably low end 12Mb or something. I think it should be possible with some tweaking with screen refresh rates and resolution to get acceptable playback.. I find the limit for reasonable dvd playback is around a 400mhz cpu with 256mb ram, and that's with old onboard 4/8mb graphics gear... so why does this struggle.. unless xp is hogging all the ram and the graphics is trying to share a chunk of it.
If all you want to do is play dvd's then have a look at a very small linux installed distro.. puppy full or frugal, or something like it.
Totem-Xine doesn't take much in the way of resources, and a small OS ram footprint will help greatly..
11. January 2008 @ 15:48 |
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no I mean from a hardrive like running a video application sorry I cant install linux iM really not that advanced yet whats the pros and cons of it ?
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Build 1duel core 2.40 2mb cache 500GB drive xfx 128 bit by256MB and 4 GB memory
Build 2 Nas w 1.5TB
Build 3 HP HDXc90 640GB w 2.66GHZ w 6mbcache 1 gig video
Junior Member
11. January 2008 @ 19:40 |
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If you have to ask, then its not for you. Because you would of read numerous threads or used google to find your answer.
11. January 2008 @ 20:02 |
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ooooooooooo lol dont count me as another newb I no its a computer operating system software just like windows or apple and you basically customize the shit out of anything I just want to know what some of the perks are I know there are differrent linux like damn small linux and stuff like that
dont be so quick to judge ??/?
My personal website project www.compufuze.com
please visit and give your feedback
My tech
Build 1duel core 2.40 2mb cache 500GB drive xfx 128 bit by256MB and 4 GB memory
Build 2 Nas w 1.5TB
Build 3 HP HDXc90 640GB w 2.66GHZ w 6mbcache 1 gig video
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11. January 2008 @ 21:33 |
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I wasn't judging you in the first place. Obviously you know what Linux is or you won't be posting in this section. What I am saying is, your question has been answered so many times. If you know about linux then why are you asking that question? Just naming one distro doesn't mean much btw. And since you answered your own question, I think you don't an explanation on pros and cons. Ones' pros can be anothers' cons. Some like kde because of appearance, some think its bloated. Some like gnome because it's plain,easy,and clean, while others think its too plain, too easy, and too clean.
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12. January 2008 @ 05:10 |
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And I like fluxbox and rox..
For ubuntu (which people say runs extremely well on this machine).. just download the latest netinstall iso.. boot from it, follow the installing wizard.. let it do it's thing.. and it will pretty much automatically install everything you will need. The only thing that may give you some fun is the partitioning part.. just select "use full drive, automatic". That will get the machine back into a state where you can try to get it working better.
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10. March 2008 @ 22:05 |
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gOS so suck
11. March 2008 @ 07:02 |
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Originally posted by billi: gOS so suck
billi - care to elaborate on your constructive, long-thought out, and in-depth review there ?. I see this is your first post on Afterdawn, do you think we regulars are ready for more from you, should we put aside more reading time for future posts of yours ?
Main PC ~ Intel C2Q Q6600 (G0 Stepping)/Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3/2GB Crucial Ballistix PC2-8500/Zalman CNPS9700/Antec 900/Corsair HX 620W
Network ~ DD-WRT ~ 2node WDS-WPA2/AES ~ Buffalo WHR-G54S. 3node WPA2/AES ~ WRT54GS v6 (inc. WEP BSSID), WRT54G v2, WRT54G2 v1. *** Forum Rules ***
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11. March 2008 @ 14:04 |
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gOS was supposed to be available for d/l around the time of this thread.. I was going to grab it and install/test.. but as usual for US based things it seems to have never happened because of mp3/dvdcss crap issues.. bloody yank profits first, people last laws..
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