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Styled Subtitles and ConvertXtoDVD
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AfterDawn Addict
14. January 2008 @ 02:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I've been burning anime DVDs from fansubs for friends for some time now using ConvertXtoDVD and thought I had a pretty good handle on it. I know that it dosent detect the subtitles on it's own when the episodes are softsubbed and what I've been doing for years is to extract the srt file using virtualdubmod and add it manually in the ConvertXtoDVD menu.

However some newer series are stumping me.

The subbers included highly stylized subs. Different colors, different font styles, subs placed in various places about the screen, even scrolling subs that said what some japanese text scrolling across the bottom of the screen said.

When I try to burn these with my usual method the resulting subtitles display as unstyled subs and show all the comments and scripting that make them look nice on the computer. There is often so much as to compleatly cover the whole TV screen.

My question is is there a way to make them display properly on the screen? A different method than the one I was using to add them perhaps? Or maybe just a different program besides ConvertXtoDVD that can handle them properly? If theres even a way to have them display as regular, unstyled subtitles I'd settle for that.
AfterDawn Addict
18. January 2008 @ 10:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Similar post.

If the files are MKV they can be converted to DivX/XviD and then converted to DVD.
The problem is that multi-channel audio has to be converted to stereo with another program.
The pic is from the finished DVD and shows the Karaoke type highlights on top and the English subs below.

AfterDawn Addict
18. January 2008 @ 11:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I've figured it out. It seems that the subs were really in ssa format, but for some reason whenever I tried to extract them I was getting an srt file. Finally I found mkvextract which was able to get them out in their true ssa form. Then somebody in another forum told me about the subtitler plugin for vdubmod. I tried that and it worked! Softsubs converted to hardsubs.

As for the audio streams I just ran both the hardsubbed avi and the origional mkv through mkvmerge and repacked the hardsubbed video with the dual audio streams into a new mkv file which convertxtodvd handled just fine.

And I laughed when I saw the pic you posted. I've been working with the same exact series. Different fansubbers but the same series. > forums > digital video > subtitle help > styled subtitles and convertxtodvd

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