If anybody can tell me the best performing, most reliable CD/DVD Burner & Media, it?s YOU.
It?s real simple. I want a CD/DVD Burner that will give me top Quality sounding CD?s & burn a top quality DVD that is compatible with most Stand alone Players, you know, almost no coasters. I?d also like you to recommend what you guys consider to be the best media for both CD & DVD-R, again with the fewest coasters. It doesn?t matter if it?s different media for each function, just the best for the best price, and where you suggest I go to buy the Burner, and the Media, again best quality for lowest price. I?ve got a Gateway Dual-Core that?s about 1 ½ years old with Windows XP & Nero 7 Ultra Edition Software. Thanks ahead of time, you guys never let me down. Don?t get to technical for me I?m not as smart as you guys, but I do appreciate top quality merchandise for a nice low price (like who doesn?t?).
Originally posted by uncleb: If anybody can tell me the best performing, most reliable CD/DVD Burner & Media, it?s YOU.
It?s real simple. I want a CD/DVD Burner that will give me top Quality sounding CD?s & burn a top quality DVD that is compatible with most Stand alone Players, you know, almost no coasters. I?d also like you to recommend what you guys consider to be the best media for both CD & DVD-R, again with the fewest coasters.
All burners are cheap (and cheaply made these days thanks to Lite-on and NEC). Just consider them disposable items and replace them when they act up.
It's hard to beat these discs for quality and reliability.
Taiyo Yuden and Verbatim are virtually regarded as the Kings of Quality when it comes to any format of media but especially DVDs. Stick with those and you can't go wrong.