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Save The Hd-dvd Format! (support Is Stronger Than Ever)
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22. January 2008 @ 05:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user

Sign here if you want to save HD DVD.... you know you want to...

here is why

#11,195 votes, wow looks like there are alot of HD DVD supporters, some are posted by BLURAY fangirls, but they get deleted after a while so nice try to them so all true HD DVD supporters counter

also this petition has been forwarded directly to studios and TOSHIBA, and also i have posted this on 30 forums, and still doing more, and thats just me alone, there are others too who are spreading the word...

also the petition is being noticed everywhere::::::::
(posted jan 10)
(posted jan 21)

plenty more too,

word is getting out, so, hey like i say it may work it may not but like winning money you have to be in it to win it, so who would giveup something they like so much,

but since this has been spread far and wide, we will just see, and even if HD DVD wins it doesnt mean its from this petitition as HD DVD movie sales are going up alot, i have bought more and will continue to do so.....

so keep signing and for the people who care, help spread the word, even your parents hey if you cat can type then show him too...

now the petition has been notice in HD news areas such as the above links more and more poeple will know about it.....


UNIVERSAL says HD DVD is here to stay and an interview yesterday with executive vice president for Universal Studios and who is also the co-president of HD DVD saying they have no plans for BLURAY even after Warner Brothers left........ so HD DVD is not going anywhere
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22. January 2008 @ 12:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
heh, posted at foe twanky...

Yea there are a lot of HD DVD supporters...over 1 million of them.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 22. January 2008 @ 12:12

24. January 2008 @ 06:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
votes #22,594

keep them coming, and spread the word........
Senior Member
24. January 2008 @ 10:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Man I wish some of you would wake up from your delusions...
Of course the co-president of HD-DVD is going to say it's here to stay! Geez.. you think he's gonna publicly denounce his own format?

Those words mean jack-all in terms of the format war, you need to see the facts my friend.

Blu-Ray has 70% of the home video market and is outselling HD-DVD 13:1 in terms of optical drive sales across all platforms. It's backed the biggest film studios and electronics manufacturers in the world and has the financial backing to drag on this "war" as long as it takes for BD to gain 100% of the market share.

HD-DVD maybe "here to stay" in the short-term, but 23,000 signatures and bunch of crap exclusive titles is a drop in the ocean, it means nothing.

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24. January 2008 @ 10:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yea, and you're a sucker for buying into Sony's proprietary DRM infected product. I bet you are one of those people that bought a PS3 (trojan horse) and just happen to get lucky that it's also a Blu-ray player. What sucks is that all the REAL a/v enthusiasts get screwed over by a kiddie game console, if it wasn't for Sony's marketing tactics with the Trojan horse, Blu wouldn't be were it is today, I don't care what people say, their huge sales numbers are all related to that game console.

HD DVD isn't going anywhere, there are plenty of titles available to keep it around for years.
25. January 2008 @ 13:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I prefer HD DVD and own an HD DVD add on but if microsoft releases a blu ray add on , i buy it cos i want to enjoy movies . Now as i said i prefer HD DVD but theres nothing that we can do
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25. January 2008 @ 19:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Can someone explain what a petition is going to do?
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28. January 2008 @ 08:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Nothing, to put it bluntly...

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28. January 2008 @ 22:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I say just stop with the format war already and let Blu-ray win. This way ALL dvd titles will be on one format and we can all get on with our lives. Not to mention Blu-ray was designed to hold up in the future with its greater disc capacity and besides its already selling better than HDDVD. You HDDVD supporters are just mad because you rushed out and got a HDDVD player with dvds because it was the cheaper of the two formats and you have no patience. Blu-ray is superior so just accept your losses, sell your HDDVD players now while you still can, and start enjoying Blu-ray!
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29. January 2008 @ 04:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i think blueray has pretty much already won. u might want to hold off selling the hddvd player though. from what ive read blueray has a lot more copy protection than hddvd. and a lot of that protection is built into the player. we all know sony and its "team" update there protection very frequently. so what if u had a blueray ray rom drive to rip and a hddvd burner to burn, and a hddvd player to play. that way u could back-up ur blueray collection pretty easy. i think slysoft and a few others could handle this easy. think about it, hddvd players wont be updated much if at all. besides that u will only be playing ur backups, so there wont be any firmware updates at all. the way i understand it, is blueray and hddvd can update firmware keys(if cracked) by just playing a new release movie. they will update automatically, so the old key( on ur back-ups) will not work anymore. if hddvd isnt updated then it will still play ur backups. just something to think about.
any country that sacrafices liberty for security deserves neither---ben franklin.
29. January 2008 @ 17:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
How about buy more movies if you want your format to live.....Petition is useless right now only movie sales are going to help your guys.

Junior Member
30. January 2008 @ 23:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by NexGen76:
How about buy more movies if you want your format to live.....Petition is useless right now only movie sales are going to help your guys.
So true, dont sit on your computer and bitch that it's better. Prove it by buying more and more of it. Toshiba care about sales figures not signatures.
3. February 2008 @ 19:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Bought my HD-A3 today ($148.00) and its awesome! Got 2 DVDs with player. Sent off for the 5 free DVDs and bought 5 more. Also signed petition just cause. Is over 31,000. Can't wait to get more. Am really impressed with video and audio.
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7. February 2008 @ 13:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Amir89:
Man I wish some of you would wake up from your delusions...
Of course the co-president of HD-DVD is going to say it's here to stay! Geez.. you think he's gonna publicly denounce his own format?

Those words mean jack-all in terms of the format war, you need to see the facts my friend.

Blu-Ray has 70% of the home video market and is outselling HD-DVD 13:1 in terms of optical drive sales across all platforms. It's backed the biggest film studios and electronics manufacturers in the world and has the financial backing to drag on this "war" as long as it takes for BD to gain 100% of the market share.

HD-DVD maybe "here to stay" in the short-term, but 23,000 signatures and bunch of crap exclusive titles is a drop in the ocean, it means nothing.
wow, what a mature response.

First, HD DVD players took a hit after the warner announcement, but it is no sign of any kind of trend. The latest videoscan numbers show that it was just a blip, and that the majority of blu-ray players were not sold, but were giveaways with HDTVs.

Second, The A3, A30, and A35 are all in Amazons top 5 for DVD players right now, with Blu-ray at spot number 12, not even in the top ten.

Third, Warner has an opt out clause if Blu standalone don't actually start to sell, Giveaways don't count. HD DVD standalone have been flying off the shelves, with retailers struggling to keep stock. And regardless, we still get Blockbusters such as I am Legend, and great Catalog titles such as the dirty harry box sets etc. Hmmm, haven't seen a Matrix announcement for Blu yet???

Forth Universal, Paramount and dream works hold more rights to "Good" films than any other distributor. There are also over 1000 independent studio title exclusively on HD DVD. And the Present title count(Big Studio) is almost even, and is actually in HD DVD favor if you include imports since HD DVD is region free.

Your numbers you stated are inaccurate and meaningless since you didn't bother to do any research yourself and are just spouting nonsense you read at (The most biased site in HDM)

Fifth Universal and Paramounts Theater lineup this year has more blockbusters than all studios combined. Cloverfield, Indiana Jones etc.

No run along and play your PS3 already.

Oh, and Studios actually have to release titles and on time to honestly be considered supported. Fox and Newlines support has been insulting at best.

I just recently got another PS3 (Free this time) so im duel format, but prefer the consumer friendly, finished format. Just imagine in a year or two if Blu-ray actually takes off, "Mommy why wont the Disney game advertised on the box work on our player".. " I don't know hunny, it should" "WTF, i have to buy a new player, since i cant upgrade it??" ..."WTF, the only upgradeable players is a game console??" Doesn't that just scream mass acceptance?? LMAO
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7. February 2008 @ 14:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Amen Bigperm, I mean
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7. February 2008 @ 14:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by goodswipe:
Amen Bigperm, I mean
Haha, Nice one.
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7. February 2008 @ 14:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Bigperm88:

Fifth Universal and Paramounts Theater lineup this year has more blockbusters than all studios combined. Cloverfield, Indiana Jones etc.

You think we will ever see an Indiana Jones box set? I know Universal was behind those film's but, I know that Steven Spielberg directed them and wasn't there some stuff floaten around on the net stating that his films would be never see HD DVD?
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7. February 2008 @ 14:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by goodswipe:
Originally posted by Bigperm88:

Fifth Universal and Paramounts Theater lineup this year has more blockbusters than all studios combined. Cloverfield, Indiana Jones etc.

You think we will ever see an Indiana Jones box set? I know Universal was behind those film's but, I know that Steven Spielberg directed them and wasn't there some stuff floaten around on the net stating that his films would be never see HD DVD?
Most of that was just FUD and spins taking a Spielberg quote out of context; it was more along the lines of he wouldnt release his catalog titles in HDM (red or blu) right away, and the smurfs spun it to death. I cant find the original link anymore, doh. I'm not sure about a box set, but the new installment is said to come out Day and date with the DVD release.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 7. February 2008 @ 17:55

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7. February 2008 @ 14:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 7. February 2008 @ 17:55

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7. February 2008 @ 15:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Here's what I found, taken from High-Def Digest. I sure would like to see Temple of Doom out on HD DVD.

Edit button is in the top right corner of your post. ;)

Khali mah shuckdeday!

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 7. February 2008 @ 15:04

8. February 2008 @ 19:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm sticking with HD-DVD for the forseeable future.

I like the few discs I already have and the economically priced player (A3 for $100)...Plus, it's ability to upconvert my standard DVDs.

Not going anywhere for awhile.

Moreover, tired of Sony and it's proprietary ways

Core 2 Duo E6600, 2 GB 667Mhz DDR2RAM, Asus P5B Deluxe, ATI AIW Radeon X1900 256, WD Raptor WD1500ADFD, Seagate 320 GB Barracuda 7200 16MB, Corsair HX 520W PSU, CL SoundBlaster Audigy 2, Lite On DVD-RW (2), Dell 2007WFP
8. February 2008 @ 22:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Bigperm88:
wow, what a mature response
WOW your comments was more mature.

Originally posted by Bigperm88:
First, HD DVD players took a hit after the warner announcement, but it is no sign of any kind of trend. The latest videoscan numbers show that it was just a blip, and that the majority of blu-ray players were not sold, but were giveaways with HDTVs.

Second, The A3, A30, and A35 are all in Amazons top 5 for DVD players right now, with Blu-ray at spot number 12, not even in the top ten.
Lets look at the numbers.

Nielsen/VideoScan Numbers ending January 13th

WE: BD-85% HDD-15% YTD: BD-74% HDD-26% SI: BD-63% HDD-37%

Nielsen/VideoScan Numbers ending January 20th

WE: BD-83% HDD-17% YTD: BD-76% HDD-24% SI: BD-64% HDD-36%

Nielsen/VideoScan Numbers ending January 27th

WE: BD-82% HDD-18% YTD: BD-77% HDD-23% SI: BD-64% HDD-36%

Nielsen/VideoScan Numbers ending February 3rd

WE: BD-74% HDD-26% YTD: BD-76% HDD-24% SI: BD-65% HDD-35%

Now i don't know what Nielsen/VideoScan Numbers your looking at but the Warner move has did like most project it.

Far as the amazon thing goes they isn't the leading HD seller they are 3 or 4 at best.Even Ray Charles know thats a Fire sale i even picked up a A3 which make a great upscale DVD player.

Originally posted by Bigperm88:
Third, Warner has an opt out clause if Blu standalone don't actually start to sell, Giveaways don't count. HD DVD standalone have been flying off the shelves, with retailers struggling to keep stock. And regardless, we still get Blockbusters such as I am Legend, and great Catalog titles such as the dirty harry box sets etc. Hmmm, haven't seen a Matrix announcement for Blu yet???
Guess you didn't look hard enough because Warner has announced Matrix & many other Past titles that didn't come to Blu-Ray.I would like to see a link to this Warner out clause all so.These blockbusters titles are time released are at leased 3 weeks or more also they just push back there catalog titles also,So good luck trying to get them before June because the one they are releasing up to June is water down at best.

More Warner 2008/2009 Blu-ray Release Plans

Warner Extends HD DVD Release Delay to Catalog Titles

Originally posted by Bigperm88:
Forth Universal, Paramount and dream works hold more rights to "Good" films than any other distributor. There are also over 1000 independent studio title exclusively on HD DVD. And the Present title count(Big Studio) is almost even, and is actually in HD DVD favor if you include imports since HD DVD is region free.
Thats the most laughable thing I've heard this year with BD holding the majority of the Big studio.You don't even believe that flawed logic.If you willing to pay the price for two HD-DVD then so be it but very few & i say very few HD titles are worth double the price.

Originally posted by Bigperm88:
I just recently got another PS3 (Free this time) so im duel format, but prefer the consumer friendly, finished format. Just imagine in a year or two if Blu-ray actually takes off, "Mommy why wont the Disney game advertised on the box work on our player".. " I don't know hunny, it should" "WTF, i have to buy a new player, since i cant upgrade it??" ..."WTF, the only upgradeable players is a game console??" Doesn't that just scream mass acceptance?? LMAO
Please educate yourself on this issue because its HD-DVD that having issues with system bricking left & right because of firmware.BD had one issue with two disc which was the two very first disc to use DVD+.Thats has been fixed(firmware upgrade) & since then there have been over 30 titles released on BD+ with no issues what so ever don't get upset because BD has close all the BS excuses people used to cover up that they was to cheap to go out & buy DVD's.Anti consumer NO more like Anti Pirate.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 8. February 2008 @ 22:07 > forums > archived forums > hd dvd discussion > save the hd-dvd format! (support is stronger than ever)

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