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Runescape Private Server Development - Establishing Server - **NO EMAIL ADDRESSES OR INSTANT BANNING**
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22. January 2008 @ 09:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Welcome All

To Save Space And Messiness On The Other Runescape Server Devolpment Thread - I Have Created This Thread. This Thread Is Here For Server Devolpment ONLY Not For Creating Servers. If You Have A Server This Is The Right Thread For You - Assuming You Want To Add Features To Your Server. I Am Here To Help Adding The Following Features To Your Blakescape or Testscape Server.

-NPC Placement

-Shop Customization

-Player Status Changing (Player Moderators Etc.)

-Basic Client Coding Features

-.exe Applications For Your Server - (Music Players, Price Guides)

-And A Few Other Things

Always Glad To Help,


Liamscape ADDICT! W00T
22. January 2008 @ 13:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
so is the starting the server the same as blackscape you move all files into the jr creator

i downloaded liamscape
Alternatively You Can Download The 102.82mb Compact (lol) Liamscape Ultimate Package From The Following Link Contains Everything You need Including Java+Hamachi

is this all i need to do just move the folder to somewhere else then i can run it

its done its working but how do people join

a while back you wanted my server
there it is

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 22. January 2008 @ 15:37

23. January 2008 @ 01:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Help Number 1

Well If You Visit My Site, *removed*
You Will Find Everything You Need. I Havent HEard About J Creator - And My Server Is Basically Everything You need AND THe Files For The BIN DIRECTORY Of JDK Update 3. Inside The 102.82mb COMPACT Folder There Is The JDKu3 Setup Required For Liamscape Aswell As The Hamachi Setup.

Blakescape Is An Empty Source (Which Most If Not All People Already Know) But It Is Empty. Liamscape Was Originated From Testscape Which Originated From Cheezscape 40 Which Originated From Blakescape. Liamscape Has Some Pre-placed Monsters. A Large Collection Of Commands -Which I Will Post If Required - And A Moderator,Admin Guild + Edited Towns Etc. Liamscape Is Like A Step After Blakescape. I Also Find It Much Easier To Edit. You May Customize Liamscape As You Wish - Aslong As There Is Maybe Possibly Some Credits Back To Me And Nvi Ible (Testscape Creator).

If You Want My Guaranteed Way Of Getting Liamscape Working. Follow This Tutorial, Even Though IT Is Clearly Stated This Wasn't A Creation Thread =P

===Liamscape Tutorial===

PS: Please Give Vicious88 Some Credit As This Tutorial Is Very Simmilar To His.

1. Download The Liamscape 3.0 Ultimate Package (102.82mb) Here - Http:\\\liamscape

2. Extract It To Your Desktop And Rename It Liamscape Files

3.Open Up The Folder And Start The Hamachi Installer - It Will Install Hamachi

4. Get It Set-up And Create A Network

5. Install JDK Update 3 (Also Found In Liamscape Files Folder)

6. Go Into C:\Java\JDK3(?)\Bin. Then Go Back To Your Liamscape Folder And Copy Everything From The 3.00 Update Folder (Not The Folder ITself) Into Your BIN Folder (Let It Overwrite Stuff)

7. In Your BIN Folder Make A Folder Called characters. You May Now Exit Your LiamscapeFiles Window. Click Compile.bat... It Shoudl Say Depreciated API Something. THAT IS OK AND IF YOU SAY IVE GOT A PROBLEM ON THIS THREAD AND IT SAYS TAHT - YOU WILL BE LAUGHED AT LOL.

8. Click runserver.bat And You Should See Starting Testscape Server On 45394 - Also Send Runserver.bat To Your Desktop As A Shortcut. Now Go Back To Your Liamscapefiles Folder (Leave The BLack Window Running) And Find The Liamscape Client Or Rsprivservclient - Also Send That To Your Desktop. Exit Out Of All Windows Apart From The Server And Start Your Client. Let It Load. Enter Any Username You Want. (If You Want An Instant Gold Crown Username Will Be liam!) Your Password Is The BIG WHITE IP On Your Hamachi Screen.

Log In And Enjoy, I WIll Cover Editting In Some Other Post.

(To Let Friends Join Your Server Just Hand Out Your Network Username And Password (Hamachi) And Maybe The LiamscapeFiles If They Are New To This Sort Of Stuff.


This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. January 2008 @ 03:39

23. January 2008 @ 08:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
So... how i add npc to blakescape?
23. January 2008 @ 12:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
im on it but what does my friend need to type in because ive tried my ip the code in the window of hamahachi and many more none work
24. January 2008 @ 04:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Help Again...

Gamerboy You Need To Find The Autospawn.cfg File (I Suggest Downloading Liamscape And Copying Its If You Cannot Find It). You Then Open It With Notepad. You Will See A Collection Of Monsters. Scroll Down To The Bottom. Copy The Last Monster And Paste It Directly Underneath. Your Autospawn.cfg Should Look A Little Like This:


spawn = 1699 2816 3462 0 2817 3463 2815 3461 2 Ghost Shopkeeper
spawn = 23 2660 3304 0 2662 3306 2658 3302 2 Knight Of Adrougne
spawn = 23 2662 3309 0 2665 3311 2660 3308 2 Knight Of Adrougne
spawn = 20 2657 3307 0 2659 3310 2653 3305 2 Paladin
spawn = 368 3263 3407 0 0 0 0 0 1 Varrock Gate Guard at Magic Shop
spawn = 573 3267 3412 0 3269 3413 3264 3408 1 Herb Shop
spawn = 572 3266 3410 0 3269 3413 3264 3408 1 Ingredient Shop
spawn = 1834 3170 3176 0 0 0 0 0 1 Lumbridge Swamp Candle Seller
spawn = 844 2681 3325 0 2686 3327 3318 2679 1 East Ardougne Essence Wizard
spawn = 553 3253 3402 0 3255 3404 3250 3399 1 Varrock Aubury at Magic shop
spawn = 522 3217 3416 0 3220 3420 3213 3411 1 Varrock General Store Shop Keeper
spawn = 523 3217 3416 0 3220 3420 3213 3411 1 Varrock General Store Shop Assistant
spawn = 300 3104 9571 0 3107 9574 3096 9566 1 Draynor Village Essence Wizard Tower
spawn = 462 2591 3086 0 2596 3092 2585 3083 1 Yannile Essence Wizard Guild
spawn = 82 0000 0000 0 3254 3398 3248 3386 1 Varrock Mugger at Magic Shop
spawn = 9 3271 3427 0 3276 3431 3268 3426 1 Varrock West Exit Guard
spawn = 9 3271 3430 0 3276 3431 3268 3426 1 Varrock West Exit Guard
spawn = 526 2958 3387 0 2960 3390 2953 3385 1 Falador General Store Shop Keeper
spawn = 527 2958 3387 0 2960 3390 2953 3385 1 Falador General Store Shop Keeper
spawn = 577 2975 3383 0 2979 3386 2972 3383 1 Falador Shield Shop
spawn = 580 2950 3387 0 2952 3390 2948 3385 1 Falador Mace Shop
spawn = 9 2962 3381 0 2969 3384 2958 3376 1 Falador Center Guard
spawn = 9 2968 3381 0 3385 3384 2958 3376 1 Falador Center Guard
spawn = 9 2965 3384 0 3385 3384 2958 3376 1 Falador Center Guard
spawn = 9 2964 3396 0 2968 3398 2963 3391 1 Falador North Exit Guard
spawn = 9 2967 3396 0 2968 3398 2963 3391 1 Falador North Exit Guard
spawn = 538 3075 3429 0 3077 3431 3073 3427 1 Barbarian Village Helmet Shop
spawn = 546 3203 3434 0 3204 3437 3201 3431 1 Varrock Staff Shop
spawn = 548 3206 3417 0 3208 3421 3202 3414 1 Varrock Cloth Shop
spawn = 551 3206 3398 0 3209 3404 3202 3395 1 Varrock Sword Shop Shop Keeper
spawn = 552 3206 3398 0 3209 3404 3202 3395 1 Varrock Sword Shop Shop Assitant
spawn = 549 3229 3439 0 3232 3442 3225 3433 1 Varrock Armor Shop
spawn = 1917 3230 3439 0 3232 3442 3225 3433 1 Bar Seller
spawn = 550 3232 3425 0 3235 3427 3230 3421 1 Varrock Archery Shop
spawn = 575 3233 3425 0 3235 3427 3230 3421 1 Varrock Dart Seller
spawn = 584 2946 3335 0 2946 3337 2944 3332 1 Falador Gem Store
spawn = 581 2971 3313 0 2976 3314 2969 3310 1 Falador Chainmail Shop
spawn = 570 2670 3303 0 2672 3305 2669 3301 1 Adrougne Amulet Seller
spawn = 585 2949 3205 0 2952 3208 2946 3202 1 Rimmington Crafting Shop
spawn = 530 2947 3216 0 0 0 0 0 1 Rimmington General Store Shop Keeper
spawn = 531 2948 3216 0 0 0 0 0 1 Rimmington General Store Shop Keeper
spawn = 1860 2957 3204 0 2960 3205 2953 3202 1 Rimmington Archery Shop
spawn = 557 3014 3206 0 3016 3210 3012 3203 1 Port Sarim Food Shop
spawn = 558 3014 3224 0 3017 3229 3011 3220 1 Port Sarim Fishing Shop
spawn = 559 3028 3247 0 3030 3253 3023 3245 1 Port Sarim Battleaxe Shop
spawn = 556 3013 3246 0 3015 3248 3012 3244 1 Port Sarim Jewelery Shop
spawn = 583 3015 3258 0 3016 3261 3011 3257 1 Port Sarim Magic Shop
spawn = 520 3212 3246 0 3214 3250 3208 3242 1 Lumbridge General Store Shop Keeper
spawn = 521 3212 3246 0 3214 3250 3208 3242 1 Lumbridge General Store Shop Assistant
spawn = 519 3231 3203 0 3233 3205 3228 3201 1 Lumbridge Axe Shop
spawn = 541 3288 3189 0 3290 3192 3285 3187 1 Al-Kharid Scimitar Shop
spawn = 545 3320 3194 0 3323 3197 3318 3191 1 Al-Kharid Crafting Shop
spawn = 524 3315 3180 0 3318 3186 3312 3178 1 Al-Kharid General Sote Shop Keeper
spawn = 525 3315 3180 0 3318 3186 3312 3178 1 Al-Kharid General Store Shop Assistant
spawn = 542 3316 3175 0 3318 3177 3114 3173 1 Al-Kharid Legs Shop
spawn = 544 3315 3163 0 3318 3165 3313 3160 1 Al-Kharid Skirt Shop
spawn = 309 3104 3424 0 0 0 0 0 1 Barbarian Village Fishing Lure & Bait
spawn = 309 3104 3425 0 0 0 0 0 1 Barbarian Village Fishing Lure & Bait
spawn = 309 3110 3432 0 0 0 0 0 1 Barbarian Village Fishing Lure & Bait
spawn = 309 3110 3433 0 0 0 0 0 1 Barbarian Village Fishing Lure & Bait
spawn = 309 3110 3434 0 0 0 0 0 1 Barbarian Village Fishing Lure & Bait
spawn = 316 3085 3231 0 0 0 0 0 1 Draynor Village Fishing Net & Bait
spawn = 316 3085 3230 0 0 0 0 0 1 Draynor Village Fishing Net & Bait
spawn = 316 3267 3148 0 0 0 0 0 1 Al-Kharid Fishing Net & Bait
spawn = 316 3268 3147 0 0 0 0 0 1 Al-Kharid Fishing Net & Bait
spawn = 316 3275 3140 0 0 0 0 0 1 Al-Kharid Fishing Net & Bait
spawn = 316 2921 3178 0 0 0 0 0 1 Karamja Island Fishing Net & Bait
spawn = 316 2924 3181 0 0 0 0 0 1 Karamja Island Fishing Net & Bait
spawn = 316 2923 3180 0 0 0 0 0 1 Karamja Island Fishing Net & Bait
spawn = 312 2925 3181 0 0 0 0 0 1 Karamja Island Fishing Cage & Harpoon
spawn = 312 2926 3180 0 0 0 0 0 1 Karamja Island Fishing Cage & Harpoon
spawn = 312 2926 3179 0 0 0 0 0 1 Karamja Island Fishing Cage & Harpoon
spawn = 312 2923 3179 0 0 0 0 0 1 Karamja Island Fishing Cage & Harpoon
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spawn = 1772 3149 3224 0 0 0 0 0 1 Lumbridge goblins
spawn = 1772 3154 3228 0 0 0 0 0 1 Lumbridge goblins
spawn = 1772 3153 3238 0 0 0 0 0 1 Lumbridge goblins
spawn = 1771 3192 3257 0 0 0 0 0 1 Lumbridge goblins
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spawn = 1771 3195 3245 0 0 0 0 0 1 Lumbridge goblins
spawn = 1771 3233 3294 0 0 0 0 0 1 Lumbridge goblins
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spawn = 1771 3143 3229 0 0 0 0 0 1 Lumbridge goblins
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spawn = 61 3165 3250 0 0 0 0 0 1 Lumbridge spider
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spawn = 61 3164 3246 0 0 0 0 0 1 Lumbridge spider
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spawn = 1753 3207 3287 0 0 0 0 0 1 Lumbridge crow
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spawn = 47 3240 3312 0 0 0 0 0 1 rat
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spawn = 5 3235 3201 0 0 0 0 0 1 woman
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spawn = 2 3234 3205 0 0 0 0 0 1 man
spawn = 2 3231 3237 0 0 0 0 0 1 man
spawn = 4 3238 3205 0 0 0 0 0 1 woman
spawn = 2237 3234 3217 0 0 0 0 0 1 gee
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spawn = 2238 3235 3233 0 0 0 0 0 1 donie
spawn = 1 3232 3207 0 0 0 0 0 1 man
spawn = 1 3224 3240 0 3225 3238 3220 3242 1 man
spawn = 3 3217 3235 0 0 0 0 0 1 man
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spawn = 1763 3194 3259 0 3193 3276 3211 3258 2 sheep
spawn = 758 3190 3272 0 0 0 0 0 1 fred the farmer
spawn = 89 3139 3208 0 0 0 0 0 1 unicorn
spawn = 1268 2663 3716 0 2666 3719 2661 3713 1 Rellekka Rock Crab
spawn = 1266 2666 3715 0 2668 3717 2664 3713 1 Rellekka Rock Crab
spawn = 1268 2669 3718 0 2671 3719 2667 3712 1 Rellekka Rock Crab
spawn = 1268 2673 3716 0 2675 3718 2671 3712 1 Rellekka Rock Crab
spawn = 1268 2676 3713 0 2678 3715 2674 3711 1 Rellekka Rock Crab
spawn = 1268 2677 3717 0 2680 3720 2674 3714 1 Rellekka Rock Crab
spawn = 1266 2683 3716 0 2685 3718 2681 3714 1 Rellekka Rock Crab
spawn = 1268 2687 3724 0 2689 3726 2685 3722 1 Rellekka Rock Crab
spawn = 1268 2670 3727 0 2672 3729 2668 3725 1 Rellekka Rock Crab
spawn = 1266 2677 3721 0 2679 3722 2675 3718 1 Rellekka Rock Crab
spawn = 1266 2681 3733 0 2683 3734 2679 3730 1 Rellekka Rock Crab
spawn = 1266 2675 3729 0 2677 3731 2673 3727 1 Rellekka Rock Crab
spawn = 1266 2671 3724 0 2673 3727 2669 3723 1 Rellekka Rock Crab
spawn = 1268 2680 3728 0 2682 3730 2678 3726 1 Rellekka Rock Crab
spawn = 41 3230 3299 0 3237 3301 3225 3292 1 Lumbridge Chicken
spawn = 7 3228 3290 0 3230 3294 3225 3287 1 Lumbridge Farmer at Chickens
spawn = 41 3231 3298 0 3237 3301 3225 3292 1 Lumbridge Chicken
spawn = 41 3229 3298 0 3237 3301 3225 3292 1 Lumbridge Chicken
spawn = 41 3226 3296 0 3237 3301 3225 3292 1 Lumbridge Chicken
spawn = 41 3233 3294 0 3237 3301 3225 3292 1 Lumbridge Chicken
spawn = 41 3233 3300 0 3237 3301 3225 3292 1 Lumbridge Chicken
spawn = 41 3227 3300 0 3237 3301 3225 3292 1 Lumbridge Chicken
spawn = 41 3230 3296 0 3237 3301 3225 3292 1 Lumbridge Chicken
spawn = 1767 3254 3256 0 3256 3258 3253 3255 2 Lumbridge Cow
spawn = 81 3260 3260 0 3262 3262 3258 3258 2 Lumbridge Cow
spawn = 397 3255 3259 0 3257 3261 3253 3257 2 Lumbridge Cow
spawn = 397 3263 3260 0 3265 3262 3261 3258 2 Lumbridge Cow
spawn = 81 3259 3266 0 3261 3268 3257 3264 2 Lumbridge Cow
spawn = 1767 3262 3271 0 3264 3273 3260 3269 2 Lumbridge Cow
spawn = 1766 3257 3273 0 3259 3275 3255 3271 2 Lumbridge Cow
spawn = 397 3255 3279 0 3257 3277 3253 3277 2 Lumbridge Cow
spawn = 1767 3257 3293 0 3259 3295 3255 3291 2 Lumbridge Cow
spawn = 81 3253 3289 0 3255 3291 3251 3287 2 Lumbridge Cow
spawn = 81 3248 3284 0 3250 3286 3246 3282 2 Lumbridge Cow
spawn = 1766 3248 3288 0 3250 3290 3246 3286 2 Lumbridge Cow
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spawn = 397 3244 3289 0 3246 3291 3242 3287 2 Lumbridge Cow
spawn = 397 3263 3293 0 3265 3295 3261 3291 2 Lumbridge Cow
spawn = 1768 3263 3288 0 3265 3290 3261 3286 2 Lumbridge Cow
spawn = 81 3262 3283 0 3264 3285 3260 3281 2 Lumbridge Cow
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spawn = 1766 3172 3327 0 3174 3329 3170 3325 2 North-West Lumbridge Cow
spawn = 1767 3182 3316 0 3184 3318 3180 3314 2 North-West Lumbridge Cow
spawn = 81 3197 3321 0 3199 3323 3195 3319 2 North-West Lumbridge Cow
spawn = 81 3197 3331 0 3199 3333 3195 3329 2 North-West Lumbridge Cow
spawn = 81 3158 3325 0 3160 3327 3156 3323 2 North-West Lumbridge Cow
spawn = 397 3159 3319 0 3161 3321 3157 3317 2 North-West Lumbridge Cow
spawn = 81 3158 3341 0 3160 3343 3156 3339 2 North-West Lumbridge Cow
spawn = 7 3159 3330 0 3163 3343 3153 3319 2 North-West Lumbridge Farmer
spawn = 7 3154 3293 0 3170 3297 3144 3283 2 North Lumbridge-Draynor Village Route Farmer
spawn = 41 3188 3277 0 3191 3279 3185 3276 2 North Lumbridge-Draynor Village House Chicken
spawn = 41 3191 3277 0 3191 3279 3185 3276 2 North Lumbridge-Draynor Village House Chicken
spawn = 41 3185 3278 0 3191 3279 3185 3276 2 North Lumbridge-Draynor Village House Chicken
spawn = 41 3186 3276 0 3191 3279 3185 3276 2 North Lumbridge-Draynor Village House Chicken
spawn = 41 3189 3279 0 3191 3279 3185 3276 2 North Lumbridge-Draynor Village House Chicken
spawn = 7 3190 3273 0 3192 3275 3188 3270 2 North Lumbridge-Draynor Village House Farmer
spawn = 43 3209 3260 0 3212 3276 3192 3257 2 Lumbridge Sheep
spawn = 43 3208 3273 0 3212 3276 3192 3257 2 Lumbridge Sheep
spawn = 43 3196 3261 0 3212 3276 3192 3257 2 Lumbridge Sheep
spawn = 43 3203 3266 0 3212 3276 3192 3257 2 Lumbridge Sheep
spawn = 43 3205 3266 0 3212 3276 3192 3257 2 Lumbridge Sheep
spawn = 1763 3210 3266 0 3212 3276 3192 3257 2 Lumbridge Sheep
spawn = 1763 3201 3273 0 3212 3276 3192 3257 2 Lumbridge Sheep
spawn = 1763 3202 3257 0 3212 3276 3192 3257 2 Lumbridge Sheep
spawn = 1763 3195 3269 0 3212 3276 3192 3257 2 Lumbridge Sheep
spawn = 1763 3209 3258 0 3212 3276 3192 3257 2 Lumbridge Sheep
spawn = 1765 3205 3268 0 3212 3276 3192 3257 2 Lumbridge Sheep
spawn = 1765 3199 3267 0 3212 3276 3192 3257 2 Lumbridge Sheep
spawn = 1765 3203 3262 0 3212 3276 3192 3257 2 Lumbridge Sheep
spawn = 1765 3195 3275 0 3212 3276 3192 3257 2 Lumbridge Sheep
spawn = 1765 3201 3263 0 3212 3276 3192 3257 2 Lumbridge Sheep
spawn = 1770 3224 3262 0 3229 3264 3219 3260 2 Lumbridge Goblin
spawn = 1769 3217 3278 0 3222 3283 3212 3273 2 Lumbridge Goblin
spawn = 1 3223 3240 0 3225 3242 3219 3237 2 Lumbridge Man
spawn = 3 3217 3236 0 3220 3240 3215 3235 2 Lumbridge Man
spawn = 1 3238 3405 0 3240 3408 3236 3403 1 Varrock West From Magic Shop Man
spawn = 3 3238 3405 0 3240 3408 3236 3403 1 Varrock West From Magic Shop Man
spawn = 2 3261 3398 0 3263 3403 3260 3396 1 Varrock Man East from Magic Shop
spawn = 1 3245 3394 0 3347 3396 3243 3393 1 Varrock Man South West from Magic Shop
spawn = 8 3235 3384 0 3238 3386 3233 3382 1 Varrock Thief South-South West from Magic Shop
spawn = 1615 3255 3530 0 3255 3530 3255 3530 2 Abyssal Demon - 87
spawn = 1615 3252 3534 0 3252 3534 3252 3534 2 Abyssal Demon - 88
spawn = 1615 3251 3530 0 3251 3530 3251 3530 2 Abyssal Demon - 89
spawn = 1615 3014 3847 0 3014 3847 3014 3847 2 Abyssal Demon - 135
spawn = 1615 3010 3845 0 3010 3845 3010 3845 2 Abyssal Demon - 136
spawn = 1615 3012 3852 0 3012 3852 3012 3852 2 Abyssal Demon - 137
spawn = 1615 3248 3537 0 3249 3538 3247 3536 2 Abyssal Demon - 90
spawn = 1615 3252 3538 0 3253 3539 3251 3537 2 Abyssal Demon - 91
spawn = 50 2717 9820 0 2721 9524 2714 9817 2 KBD - 92
spawn = 553 3256 9518 0 3256 9518 3256 9518 1 Aubury
spawn = 553 3004 3933 0 3004 3933 3004 3933 1 Aubury
spawn = 553 3040 4842 0 3040 4842 3040 4842 1 Aubury
spawn = 903 2536 4716 0 3040 4842 3040 4842 1 Lundail
spawn = 2745 3104 3933 0 3100 3929 3108 3937 1 Jad
spawn = 220 3231 3332 0 3231 3332 3231 3332 1 Fisher King
spawn = 2253 3088 3252 0 3088 3251 3089 3254 1 Rich Old Guy
spawn = 1459 2789 10215 0 0 0 0 0 2 Monkey Guard
spawn = 1459 2791 10215 0 0 0 0 0 2 Monkey Guard
spawn = 795 2790 10221 0 0 0 0 0 1 Ice Queen
spawn = 1686 3064 3951 0 3063 3950 3066 3953 1 Ghost In Wildy
spawn = 278 3210 3215 0 3210 3212 3212 3216 1 Cook
spawn = 3200 3242 3923 0 3239 3921 3244 3925 2 Chaos Elemental
spawn = 380 2955 3147 0 2958 3146 2946 3147 2 Customs Officer
spawn = 376 3027 3217 0 3029 3219 3026 3216 2 Captian Tobias
spawn = 1001 3245 3429 0 3244 3427 3247 3431 1 Dark Mage
spawn = 2259 3088 3489 0 3244 3427 3247 3431 1 Zammy Mage
spawn = 1625 3232 3529 0 3224 3526 3247 3537 2 Smokedevil - 110
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spawn = 1605 3292 3878 0 3277 3879 3297 3892 2 Aberrant Spector - 139
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spawn = 682 3243 3519 0 3243 3519 3243 3519 2 Armor Salesman
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spawn = 494 3254 3418 0 0 0 0 0 1 Varrock East Bank Male Banker
spawn = 494 3253 3418 0 0 0 0 0 1 Varrock East Bank Male Banker
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spawn = 19 2977 3341 0 2977 3345 2966 3339 2 White Knight
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spawn = 2267 3255 3428 0 3255 3428 3255 3428 1 Tyras Guard
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spawn = 187 3216 3431 0 3219 3435 3207 3422 2 Varrockian
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spawn = 1200 3210 3419 0 3210 3419 3210 3419 2 Tyras Guard
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spawn = 1200 3205 3430 0 3205 3430 3205 3430 2 Tyras Guard
spawn = 1200 3211 3437 0 3211 3437 3211 3437 2 Tyras Guard
spawn = 1200 3214 3437 0 3214 3437 3214 3437 2 Tyras Guard
spawn = 82 2613 3363 0 2614 3365 2611 3361 2 Lesser Demon
spawn = 82 2612 3367 0 2615 3369 2610 3366 2 Lesser Demon
spawn = 84 2612 3371 0 2614 3373 2609 3369 2 Greater Demon
Spawn = 84 2612 3374 0 2614 3392 2602 3370 2 Greater Demon
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spawn = 110 2611 3382 0 2614 3392 2602 3370 2 Fire Giant
spawn = 49 2613 3386 0 2614 3392 2602 3370 2 Hellhound
spawn = 49 2612 3389 0 2614 3392 2602 3370 2 Hellhound
spawn = 944 2609 3390 0 2614 3392 2602 3370 2 Combat Instructor
spawn = 1095 2609 3385 0 2614 3392 2602 3370 2 Rock
spawn = 1115 2608 3380 0 2614 3392 2602 3370 2 Troll General
spawn = 1460 2608 3374 0 2614 3392 2602 3370 2 Monkey Guard
spawn = 84 2604 3373 0 2614 3392 2602 3370 2 Greater Demon
spawn = 84 2605 3377 0 2614 3392 2602 3370 2 Greater Demon
spawn = 84 2604 3381 0 2614 3392 2602 3370 2 Greater Demon
spawn = 84 2605 3386 0 2614 3392 2602 3370 2 Greater Demon
spawn = 2030 3555 9708 0 3556 9716 3547 9707 2 Verac the Defiled
spawn = 2030 3552 9708 0 3556 9716 3547 9707 2 Verac the Defiled
spawn = 2030 3549 9709 0 3556 9716 3547 9707 2 Verac the Defiled
spawn = 2030 3548 9712 0 3556 9716 3547 9707 2 Verac the Defiled
spawn = 2030 3551 9711 0 3556 9716 3547 9707 2 Verac the Defiled
spawn = 2030 3553 9710 0 3556 9716 3547 9707 2 Verac the Defiled
spawn = 2030 3555 9711 0 3556 9716 3547 9707 2 Verac the Defiled
spawn = 2030 3554 9713 0 3556 9716 3547 9707 2 Verac the Defiled
spawn = 2030 3552 9714 0 3556 9716 3547 9707 2 Verac the Defiled
spawn = 2029 3554 9680 0 3556 9682 3547 9673 2 Torag the Corrupted
spawn = 2029 3552 9681 0 3556 9682 3547 9673 2 Torag the Corrupted
spawn = 2029 3550 9680 0 3556 9682 3547 9673 2 Torag the Corrupted
spawn = 2029 3548 9678 0 3556 9682 3547 9673 2 Torag the Corrupted
spawn = 2029 3549 9676 0 3556 9682 3547 9673 2 Torag the Corrupted
spawn = 2029 3551 9677 0 3556 9682 3547 9673 2 Torag the Corrupted
spawn = 2029 3553 9675 0 3556 9682 3547 9673 2 Torag the Corrupted
spawn = 2029 3550 9674 0 3556 9682 3547 9673 2 Torag the Corrupted
spawn = 2027 3538 9698 0 3539 9699 3530 9690 2 Guthan the Infested
spawn = 2027 3538 9695 0 3539 9699 3530 9690 2 Guthan the Infested
spawn = 2027 3537 9692 0 3539 9699 3530 9690 2 Guthan the Infested
spawn = 2027 3536 9694 0 3539 9699 3530 9690 2 Guthan the Infested
spawn = 2027 3535 9697 0 3539 9699 3530 9690 2 Guthan the Infested
spawn = 2027 3533 9697 0 3539 9699 3530 9690 2 Guthan the Infested
spawn = 2027 3532 9695 0 3539 9699 3530 9690 2 Guthan the Infested
spawn = 2027 3532 9692 0 3539 9699 3530 9690 2 Guthan the Infested
spawn = 2027 3534 9691 0 3539 9699 3530 9690 2 Guthan the Infested
spawn = 2025 3565 9675 0 3573 9682 3564 9673 2 Ahrim the Blighted
spawn = 2025 3567 9674 0 3573 9682 3564 9673 2 Ahrim the Blighted
spawn = 2025 3567 9677 0 3573 9682 3564 9673 2 Ahrim the Blighted
spawn = 2025 3568 9679 0 3573 9682 3564 9673 2 Ahrim the Blighted
spawn = 2025 3570 9680 0 3573 9682 3564 9673 2 Ahrim the Blighted
spawn = 2025 3570 9675 0 3573 9682 3564 9673 2 Ahrim the Blighted
spawn = 2025 3572 9677 0 3573 9682 3564 9673 2 Ahrim the Blighted
spawn = 2025 3572 9679 0 3573 9682 3564 9673 2 Ahrim the Blighted
spawn = 2026 3567 9691 0 3573 9700 3564 9690 2 Dharok the Wretched
spawn = 2026 3566 9693 0 3573 9700 3564 9690 2 Dharok the Wretched
spawn = 2026 3566 9696 0 3573 9700 3564 9690 2 Dharok the Wretched
spawn = 2026 3568 9698 0 3573 9700 3564 9690 2 Dharok the Wretched
spawn = 2026 3569 9696 0 3573 9700 3564 9690 2 Dharok the Wretched
spawn = 2026 3569 9693 0 3573 9700 3564 9690 2 Dharok the Wretched
spawn = 2026 3571 9691 0 3573 9700 3564 9690 2 Dharok the Wretched
spawn = 2026 3572 9697 0 3573 9700 3564 9690 2 Dharok the Wretched
spawn = 2028 3570 9708 0 3573 9716 3564 9707 2 Karil the Tainted
spawn = 2028 3567 9708 0 3573 9716 3564 9707 2 Karil the Tainted
spawn = 2028 3565 9710 0 3573 9716 3564 9707 2 Karil the Tainted
spawn = 2028 3568 9711 0 3573 9716 3564 9707 2 Karil the Tainted
spawn = 2028 3566 9713 0 3573 9716 3564 9707 2 Karil the Tainted
spawn = 2028 3568 9714 0 3573 9716 3564 9707 2 Karil the Tainted
spawn = 2028 3571 9714 0 3573 9716 3564 9707 2 Karil the Tainted
spawn = 2028 3573 9711 0 3573 9716 3564 9707 2 Karil the Tainted
spawn = 2463 3208 3460 0 3216 3466 3208 3460 2 Evil Chicken
spawn = 2463 3209 3462 0 3216 3466 3208 3460 2 Evil Chicken
spawn = 2464 3208 3464 0 3216 3466 3208 3460 2 Evil Chicken
spawn = 2463 3209 3466 0 3216 3466 3208 3460 2 Evil Chicken
spawn = 2463 3211 3465 0 3216 3466 3208 3460 2 Evil Chicken
spawn = 2465 3211 3463 0 3216 3466 3208 3460 2 Evil Chicken
spawn = 2464 3211 3461 0 3216 3466 3208 3460 2 Evil Chicken
spawn = 2464 3213 3460 0 3216 3466 3208 3460 2 Evil Chicken
spawn = 2467 3213 3462 0 3216 3466 3208 3460 2 Evil Chicken
spawn = 2467 3213 3464 0 3216 3466 3208 3460 2 Evil Chicken
spawn = 192 3203 3435 0 3216 3466 3208 3460 2 Evil Chicken
spawn = 212 3184 3392 0 0 0 0 0 0 KingModHangout
spawn = 1200 3208 3394 0 0 0 0 0 0 GuardModHangout
spawn = 1200 3196 3385 0 0 0 0 0 0 GuardModHangout
spawn = 1200 3184 3387 0 0 0 0 0 0 GuardModHangout
spawn = 1200 3185 3392 0 0 0 0 0 0 GuardModHangout
spawn = 1200 3183 3392 0 0 0 0 0 0 GuardModHangout
spawn = 50 2721 9744 0 0 0 0 0 0 KINGBDadmin
spawn = 1063 2728 3364 0 0 0 0 0 0 LegendGuard1
spawn = 1063 2729 3364 0 0 0 0 0 0 LegendGuard2
spawn = 1063 2726 3370 0 0 0 0 0 0 LegendGuard3
spawn = 1063 2727 3349 0 0 0 0 0 0 LegendGuard4
spawn = 1063 2730 3349 0 0 0 0 0 0 LegendGuard5
spawn = 1063 2731 3349 0 0 0 0 0 0 LegendGuard6
spawn = 1063 2726 3349 0 0 0 0 0 0 LegendGuard7
spawn = 1063 2731 3377 0 0 0 0 0 0 LegendGuard8
spawn = 1063 2734 3377 0 0 0 0 0 0 LegendGuard9
spawn = 1063 2731 3337 0 0 0 0 0 0 LegendGuard10
spawn = 1063 2731 3336 0 0 0 0 0 0 LegendGuard11
spawn = 1063 2731 3335 0 0 0 0 0 0 LegendGuard12
spawn = 1063 2730 3337 0 0 0 0 0 0 LegendGuard13
spawn = 1063 2730 3336 0 0 0 0 0 0 LegendGuard14
spawn = 1063 2730 3335 0 0 0 0 0 0 LegendGuard15
spawn = 1063 2710 3344 0 0 0 0 0 0 LegendGuard16
spawn = 1063 2712 3343 0 0 0 0 0 0 LegendGuard17
spawn = 1069 2732 3339 0 0 0 0 0 0 LegendGuard18
spawn = 1063 2729 3337 0 0 0 0 0 0 LegendGuard19
spawn = 1063 2729 3336 0 0 0 0 0 0 LegendGuard20
spawn = 1063 2729 3335 0 0 0 0 0 0 LegendGuard21
spawn = 1063 2730 3333 0 0 0 0 0 0 LegendCommander
spawn = 262 2607 3159 0 0 0 0 0 0 FightSlave
spawn = 262 2607 3160 0 0 0 0 0 0 FightSlave
spawn = 825 2610 3149 0 0 0 0 0 0 SlaveDude
spawn = 381 2853 3242 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mod Island Sailor
spawn = 1200 3248 3478 0 0 0 0 0 0 ImperialHideoutGuard
spawn = 1200 3248 3481 0 0 0 0 0 0 ImperialHideoutGuard
spawn = 1200 3251 3481 0 0 0 0 0 0 ImperialHideoutGuard
spawn = 1200 3251 3478 0 0 0 0 0 0 ImperialHideoutGuard
spawn = 1200 3255 3481 0 0 0 0 0 0 ImperialHideoutGuard
spawn = 1200 3255 3479 0 0 0 0 0 0 ImperialHideoutGuard
spawn = 1200 3255 3477 0 0 0 0 0 0 ImperialHideoutGuard
spawn = 1200 3255 3475 0 0 0 0 0 0 ImperialHideoutGuard
spawn = 1200 3255 3473 0 0 0 0 0 0 ImperialHideoutGuard
spawn = 1200 3257 3470 0 0 0 0 0 0 ImperialHideoutGuard
spawn = 1200 3259 3485 1 0 0 0 0 0 ImperialHideoutGuard
spawn = 1200 3259 3486 2 0 0 0 0 0 ImperialHideoutGuard
spawn = 1200 3259 3484 3 0 0 0 0 0 ImperialHideoutGuard
spawn = 1200 3258 3486 3 0 0 0 0 0 ImperialHideoutGuard
spawn = 1200 3258 3485 3 0 0 0 0 0 ImperialHideoutGuard
spawn = 1200 3258 3484 3 0 0 0 0 0 ImperialHideoutGuard
spawn = 1200 3257 3486 3 0 0 0 0 0 ImperialHideoutGuard
spawn = 1200 3257 3485 3 0 0 0 0 0 ImperialHideoutGuard
spawn = 1200 3257 3484 3 0 0 0 0 0 ImperialHideoutGuard
spawn = 1200 3256 3486 3 0 0 0 0 0 ImperialHideoutGuard
spawn = 1200 3256 3485 3 0 0 0 0 0 ImperialHideoutGuard
spawn = 1200 3256 3484 3 0 0 0 0 0 ImperialHideoutGuard
spawn = 1200 3257 3483 1 0 0 0 0 0 ImperialHideoutGuard
spawn = 1200 3257 3479 1 0 0 0 0 0 ImperialHideoutGuard
spawn = 1200 3209 3381 0 0 0 0 0 0 Imperial Guard
spawn = 1200 3213 3381 0 0 0 0 0 0 Imperial Guard
spawn = 1200 3174 3424 1 0 0 0 0 0 Imperial Wall Soldier
spawn = 1200 3174 3423 1 0 0 0 0 0 Imperial Wall Soldier
spawn = 1200 3174 3422 1 0 0 0 0 0 Imperial Wall Soldier
spawn = 1200 3174 3421 1 0 0 0 0 0 Imperial Wall Soldier
spawn = 1200 3174 3419 1 0 0 0 0 0 Imperial Wall Soldier
spawn = 1200 3174 3418 1 0 0 0 0 0 Imperial Wall Soldier
spawn = 1200 3174 3417 1 0 0 0 0 0 Imperial Wall Soldier
spawn = 1200 3174 3416 1 0 0 0 0 0 Imperial Wall Soldier
spawn = 1200 3174 3415 1 0 0 0 0 0 Imperial Wall Soldier
spawn = 1200 3174 3413 1 0 0 0 0 0 Imperial Wall Soldier
spawn = 1200 3174 3412 1 0 0 0 0 0 Imperial Wall Soldier
spawn = 1200 3174 3411 1 0 0 0 0 0 Imperial Wall Soldier
spawn = 1200 3174 3410 1 0 0 0 0 0 Imperial Wall Soldier
spawn = 1200 3174 3409 0 0 0 0 0 0 Imperial Wall Soldier
spawn = 1200 3174 3408 0 0 0 0 0 0 Imperial Wall Soldier
spawn = 1200 3174 3407 0 0 0 0 0 0 Imperial Wall Soldier
spawn = 1200 3174 3406 0 0 0 0 0 0 Imperial Wall Soldier
spawn = 1200 3174 3405 0 0 0 0 0 0 Imperial Wall Soldier
spawn = 1200 3174 3404 0 0 0 0 0 0 Imperial Wall Soldier
spawn = 1200 3174 3403 0 0 0 0 0 0 Imperial Wall Soldier
spawn = 1200 3174 3402 0 0 0 0 0 0 Imperial Wall Soldier
spawn = 1200 3174 3401 0 0 0 0 0 0 Imperial Wall Soldier
spawn = 1200 3174 3400 0 0 0 0 0 0 Imperial Wall Soldier
spawn = 1200 3174 3399 0 0 0 0 0 0 Imperial Wall Soldier
spawn = 1200 2951 3215 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gville
spawn = 1200 2948 3208 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gville
spawn = 1200 2955 3205 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gville
spawn = 1200 2957 3205 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gville
spawn = 1200 2966 3208 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gville
spawn = 1200 2968 3216 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gville
spawn = 1200 2963 3214 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gville
spawn = 52 2974 3213 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gville
spawn = 52 2975 3215 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gville
spawn = 52 2977 3210 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gville
spawn = 53 2981 3199 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gville
spawn = 50 3104 9518 0 0 0 0 0 0 G KBD
spawn = 2026 3078 9503 0 0 0 0 0 0 G Dharok
spawn = 2029 3081 9510 0 0 0 0 0 0 G GOD


spawn = 1699 2816 3462 0 2817 3463 2815 3461 2 NewNPC
spawn = 1701 2816 3460 0 2817 3461 2815 3459 2 NewNPC

Although Yours Will Be Spaced Out Correctly (Note This Is The Liamscape Autospawn.cfg And May Vary From Server Base To Server Base)

After Doing That First Step The End Should Look Like This:

spawn = 50	3104	9518	0	0	0	0	0	0	G KBD

spawn = 2026 3078 9503 0 0 0 0 0 0 G Dharok
spawn = 2029 3081 9510 0 0 0 0 0 0 G GOD
spawn = A B C D 2817 3463 2815 3461 E For Tutorial Purposes

Where The Letter A Is Is The NPC ID. These Can Be Found In NPC.cfg If You Have It In Blakescape Although IT IS IN LIAMSCAPE. Change The A To The NPC ID You Want B+C Are Coordinates. Change These To Your Coordinates In Game (There Are In The Running Man Tab Or If Your Server Has Commands It Is Usually ::mypos) Once You Have Your X and Y Coordinates For Your STATIONARY MONSTER (Note: Moving Monsters Are Slightly More Difficult And Will Not Be Covered In This Tutorial)

Replace B With X And C With Y. D Is The height Of Your Monster. If You Want Your Monster On The Ground, Change This Too A 0. If You Want It In A 2 Storey Building Change This To A 1 and So On Note: Ground Level Users Cannot See Different Level NPCs and Visa Versa

The Other Numbers Are For Moving NPCS Which I WILL NOT COVER IN THIS TUTORIAL The Last One. AKA 'E' Is The NPC Walktype. This Is Irrelevant If ITs A Stationary Mosnter And Can Be or 0 As This Is For Use With Moving NPCS (Obviously)

I Hope This Clears Up Some Of Your Problems.


In Order For A Friend To Play Your Server Via Hamachi You Need Hamachi Started Up. Click The Triangular Button And Create A New Network. Log Onto YOUR Server Via The Hamachi IP Provided Above Your Network (BIG WHITE ONE) Then Hand Out Your Network Username And Password - Not On Afterdawn ;) - To Your Friend(s). They Log Into Your Network Then Use YOUR HAMACHI IP As A Password (Unless You Are Usign Endar v4 Or Moparscape, In Which Case This Number Would Go In The Server Bar). This Should Now Work (If You Plan On Having More Than 16 People Playing Your Server Youll Have To Make More Networks) (16 Per Free Hamachi Network.)

Hope That Helps.


PS: A Noob Hamachi Hint. Make Sure Your runserver.bat is running (If Your Logged In It Is =) ) before you can let other people join your server. If You Did Not Know This And Have A Working Server You Are One Spoilt N00B.

This Must Be One Of The Longest Posts On Afterdawn =P

Liamscape ADDICT! W00T
31. January 2008 @ 11:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok i got the autospawn file but how can i make blakescape add them?
31. January 2008 @ 18:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Chuck Them Were All Your Other CFG Files Are. This Is Where ALL Your Other Files Are. Although, If Using Project 16 etc. - You Need To Stick This In Your CFG Folder. Compile The Server, Then Run It.

Liamscape ADDICT! W00T
5. February 2008 @ 15:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok i paste al cfg files in the blakescape serverfolder and compiled succesfull but still no npc, why this?

And how i change player rights on that annoning blakescape?
6. February 2008 @ 11:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Can some1 give me an working link to download a working testscape?

thank you
8. February 2008 @ 22:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I Suggest just Using Liamscape And Editting That. Honeslty, Its The Same As Testscape - And Its Easier.

You Can Download It On My Forums.


Liamscape ADDICT! W00T
12. February 2008 @ 02:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'll Teach You How To Change Player Rights On LS Aswell.

Liamscape ADDICT! W00T
25. March 2008 @ 04:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
This Page Has Been Idle For Over A Month. Guys Remember If You've Got A Server Give The Other Thread A Bit Of A Break.

Liamscape ADDICT! W00T
30. April 2008 @ 15:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
err cant find the other forums of this

2. May 2008 @ 06:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Im Not Actually Allowed To Say My Website Name On Here. Let Creaky Have A Check. But I'm Fairly Sure The General Rule Is No.


Liamscape ADDICT! W00T > forums > software, operating systems and more > windows - games > runescape private server development - establishing server - **no email addresses or instant banning**

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