operation: inner space - Good news!
Junior Member
22. January 2008 @ 21:16 |
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I posted on this forum about a year and a half ago, at http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/343268 but wasn't able to reply to it because of the 60-day rule for low-count posters. So, I decided to just say what I was going to say here instead.
Anyway, I was corresponding with someone through Yahoo! Mail, and just recently got a full version of the 1994 game "Operation: Inner Space". It's a completely full version that doesn't have any "No CD" errors or anything.
I know that the game's almost 15 years old, there still is a relatively high demand for it, often from people unable to purchase it themselves. So, if anyone really wants the game, just reply here and I'll e-mail you a copy.
Edit: Due to popular demand (it seems I wasn't the only one who loved the game), I've been getting many more requests than I thought I would. So, I'm just uploading the file and e-mail, so people can download it at their leisure:
Private Message me if you have any trouble, or if you want any of the Add-Ons (no one's asked for Add-Ons yet). I have Military & Nations of World Ship Sets and The Works.
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24. January 2008 @ 17:04 |
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hey, i just stumbled upon this thread and wow, its been a while since i last played this game, and i've never had the full version. it'd be much appreciated if u could send me a copy
please send to ***email removed***
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. March 2008 @ 02:07
6. February 2008 @ 04:14 |
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you just saved a life my friend, i was just about to give up hope and end it all when something told me to do another search and i ran across this jewel. Email address is ***email removed***i will be looking forward to this and thanks abunch
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Account closed as per user's own request
16. February 2008 @ 15:05 |
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Woww, finally someone has found this. I would be very grateful you could send it to me pleasee. ***email removed***
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. March 2008 @ 02:08
Suspended due to non-functional email address
1. March 2008 @ 04:11 |
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I've been looking for this game for AGES... but could never find it. Please send it to me, thanks! Very very much appreciated! My E-mail is ***email removed***
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. March 2008 @ 02:08
20. March 2008 @ 08:18 |
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Can I ask for game too? I have it, but... "not CD", you know. :) ***email removed***.
Thank you!
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. March 2008 @ 02:09
20. March 2008 @ 09:55 |
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Oh yeah: This one is the last I need: I hope it's not too late...
I would gladly take a copy at ***email removed***
thank you very much.
best regards.
P.S: if there are some ways I can return the favour... If you need old games like starfire, star hammer, or the star crusader mission disk, ask away!
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. March 2008 @ 02:09
Junior Member
20. March 2008 @ 10:24 |
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Originally posted by broadwing:
P.S: if there are some ways I can return the favour... If you need old games like starfire, star hammer, or the star crusader mission disk, ask away!
You've got Star Hammer? I loved the game, though I played the shareware version. I forwarded the Inner Space full version, so make sure you get that (if it's not in your inbox, check the bulk folder). Then, if you have the full version of Star Hammer, please send it to me.
20. March 2008 @ 11:13 |
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Right, got inner space (thanks a dozen).
If you want star hammer, go to the home of the underdogs forum: I started several threads on star hammer there, ask alexz721 for star hammer: I gave it to him when I preserved it and he'll give it to you (tell him starlord sent you).
Also check out several other games I preserved:
starfire (the prequel to star hammer)
fire wind
the xerix series
thanks again.
21. March 2008 @ 00:59 |
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Internet is actually veery tiny space. :)
1. Actually, I don't hope, that I can receive Inner Space here. But as broadwing receive it... kvn8907, can I repeat my request and ask you for Inner Space again? ***email removed***. If you need something another - only ask. :) I haven't much rare things (as I think :)), but I have many different ones - there is could be something valuable for you.
2. If not... broadwing, you owe me a favor, do you? ;)
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. March 2008 @ 02:10
1 product review
21. March 2008 @ 02:12 |
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No email addresses allowed....keep the requests in PM's.
Quote: 10. Don't post your email address to the forums! Spambots love dumb forum users who post their email addresses to public sites and grab those addresses and you will soon discover the wonders of penis enlargement kits and other really useful products posted daily to your inbox.
21. March 2008 @ 02:27 |
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Erm... I thinked, it is only suggestion, not rule. I don't care much about this address, because it is public and heavy anti-spamed. :) But as you say so... Ok, I am sorry, I'll PM then. :)
1 product review
21. March 2008 @ 02:57 |
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It's not a suggestion, it's a rule.
21. March 2008 @ 06:41 |
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Got it. broadwing, thank you very much! :)
Junior Member
21. March 2008 @ 12:32 |
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Originally posted by broadwing: Right, got inner space (thanks a dozen).
If you want star hammer, go to the home of the underdogs forum: I started several threads on star hammer there, ask alexz721 for star hammer: I gave it to him when I preserved it and he'll give it to you (tell him starlord sent you).
Also check out several other games I preserved:
starfire (the prequel to star hammer)
fire wind
the xerix series
thanks again.
Why can't you just give it to me? I had to apply for registration to the Underdogs forum, and I'm still waiting for confirmation. And even if I do get confirmation, I have to ask someone else for the game.
This is getting to be quite a hassle for a simple game.
21. March 2008 @ 14:13 |
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Heh, I'm sorry but I don't have it anymore: I'll ask alex if you wish (I'll get you starfire too).
Junior Member
21. March 2008 @ 16:12 |
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Originally posted by broadwing: Heh, I'm sorry but I don't have it anymore: I'll ask alex if you wish (I'll get you starfire too).
That would be nice. Besides, I can't get on to the Underdogs forum until a moderator accepts my registration, and so far I haven't heard anything about that. It's certainly odd to find a forum like that where registration takes more than 10 minutes.
Anyway, tell me when you get Star Hammer, and Star Fire if you can.
22. March 2008 @ 08:44 |
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Don't be to hard on the underdogs: They are maintaining their forums and site despite the fact that sarinee is away: Not an easy task, far from it! And I can assure you I'm more than greatful for it: If underdogs closed up, where would we be??? It would be a huge blow to games preservation efforts in general, as their data bank is one of the most complete we can have.
I have another bit of news: I have contacted alex and given him your address: He will forward starfire and star hammer to you: Consider yourself liberated from your search. Those games have been given to me on request by paul turbett (the creator) with permission to distribute the full versions, so go on and have fun (and spread them as much as you can).
best regards.
Junior Member
22. March 2008 @ 23:19 |
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Oh that's what Starfire was! The name sounded familiar, but I couldn't remember exactly what the game was. Now I remember, and remember how much fun I had playing the game. Actually, when I first played the games, I never even thought Starfire and Star Hammer were related. They both came on this "2000 Games" CD which was a collection of shareware, but I played them separately and at different times, and didn't notice the similarities. It was a real bummer when their shareware trial missions ran out, and as a kid of about 8 or so, I had no chance in heck of ever registering them at the time.
Both games work perfectly on my computer, thankfully. Thanks a lot! It's really fun to play the full versions of games I only knew of as shareware (just as with Inner Space ;-).
23. March 2008 @ 07:45 |
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And I can assure you they weren't easy to preserve: It's lucky that paul turbett made some noise at belevolent online (SLS doesn't exist anymore), and that he still had the games.
Anyhow, enjoy! Those are preserved now!
23. March 2008 @ 09:29 |
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Hey this is how you can help me:
I suggest you take a look at this:
"Hi there, I've got news for us die hard space sim pc fans:
I've been in contact with duane colbert from microsoft in order to ask him for a possible PC port of the promising project sylpheed on X360 and interestingly, he said that if a sufficient number of voters manifested an interest in the PC port of the game, then game arts studio in japan might consider releasing a PC version.
I have made an official petition on the matter:
Please, spread the word (and voters, come to me LOL)
best regards."
Junior Member
23. March 2008 @ 12:41 |
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I don't know what you're talking about. Sins of a Solar Empire just came out. There are plenty of Space Sims these days (though as always, it seems like amateur developers make twice as many as professional companies).
Junior Member
23. March 2008 @ 22:52 |
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Originally posted by kvn8907:
Both games work perfectly on my computer, thankfully. Thanks a lot! It's really fun to play the full versions of games I only knew of as shareware (just as with Inner Space ;-).
Well they DID work on my computer at home. Trouble is, the laptop I use in college came with Windows Vista, and any time I try to run those two games, I get a "This system does not support fullscreen mode" message, and it closes. I might still be able to play it on the desktop computers at school, but I'd have to save them to a Flash drive and either run it from a flash drive or re-install every time, because our school computers revert whenever anyone logs off.
Windows Vista be damned! >:-( I swear, if you were to try to run 20 programs on Windows Vista, only 4 of them would start, and only 2 of them would run correctly (for example, the game Soldat will start on Vista, but crashes after about 5 or 10 minutes)!
24. March 2008 @ 06:47 |
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I was talking about starfighter combat (freespace, wing commander), not turn based strategy.
Junior Member
24. March 2008 @ 09:09 |
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Originally posted by broadwing: I was talking about starfighter combat (freespace, wing commander), not turn based strategy.
Oh, not like Sins of a Solar Empire, Galactic Civilization, and Space Empire? More like Freelancer, X-Wing, X-Wing Vs. TIE Fighter, Starfighter, and the dozens of other Star Wars games that involve starfighter combat?
Seems like there are plenty of starfighter combat games, if you count Star Wars.
And as for Project Sylpheed, I looked that up, and that's not even a 1st person starfighter game. It's top down. So what's that game got that the innumberable other top-down games don't have, from Starfire and Space Strike to online games like Project: Monochrome and Pterattack?