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My Emulators Don't work on 3.80 m33-5
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25. January 2008 @ 11:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey, i got a friend of mine to upgrade my PSP to 3.80 (not real upgrade, hack upgrade while it remains 1.50) and also m33-5 at the same time. Don't kno which upgrade did it, but even though my emulators, Daedlus and SNES9x, show up on my PSP, they dont work. Its says: The game coulld not be starterd (80020148).

The weird part is my gpPS -Kai 3.2 test 8.e emulator works, and is accesable through 2 seprate files in the game folder (gpsp, and gpsp%)

what should I do to get my emulators working?
25. January 2008 @ 19:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey man, i had the same problem for a long time and searching on google always got me to your post... well i found out how to fix and i even registered in AfterDawn just to help you out :-D so yeah... what happened with me was that i hadn't installed the 1.5 kernel addon. you probably don't even know what that is since your friend did it for you, but i'm pretty sure you don't have it. no worries though, i'll give you a small tut.

1. Go to (or if that link doesn't show up just search "dark alex" in google and go to the sight where his name is separated by a dash) and download the "1.50 Kernel addon for 3.80". (just click on "release")

2. Connect your psp to your computer and look on the root of your psp memory stick (the first window that will pop up, it should contain: PSP, Video, Music, etc.) Check if there is a file called 150.pbp. If there is, then skip step 3.

3. Go to (i uploaded 150.pbp) and download that. (If the link doesn't show up, just look on youtube for a tutorial for "1.50 kernel addon 3.80" and one of them should have a link for the 1.50 eboot (which is 150.pbp). download the file.

4. Go to the root of your memory stick. Put the 1.50 eboot (150.pbp if its been renamed already) into the root of the memory stick (NOT in any of the folders).

5. Go into PSP from the root of your memory stick. Create a folder called GAME150 if there isn't already one. Then create a folder in GAME150 called UPDATE and put all of the "1.50 kernel addon" files (not the folder) from DarkAlex into the UPDATE folder.

6. Disconnect your psp and go to the games on your memory stick. there should be an installer for it as one of the icons. Start it up and follow instructions (DO NOT shut down, remove the memory stick, or really do anything that it doesn't tell you to do. after it stops showing the different processes just wait and your psp will restart on its own.

Voila! :-P
Doesn't look very simple i know, but it is once you get the hang of adding things on. Hope this helped :-D
25. January 2008 @ 19:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i forgot to say in step 4 that if the file is called eboot or something else (as long as its the correct file) to make sure that you rename the eboot you get to 150.pbp. but i guess it doesn't matter cause the link came through :-D happy gaming!
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27. January 2008 @ 19:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thanks, but i got a fried to explain this same thing to me a few days ago. thanks for the effort anyways. by the way, does anyone know any good sites to download mp4 movies?
3. February 2008 @ 13:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey, my snex9x emulator works but when ever i put the roms in the ROM folder nothing shows up....
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3. February 2008 @ 15:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
odstjosh- I had the same problem, I think it has to be in GAME150.

soheeb16- Try Limewire

3. February 2008 @ 16:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
@soheeb16: u can use a converter to convert the movies to mp4 instead

my (+[__]%) life

2.81 -> 3.71-> 3.71 m33-2 -> 3.71 m33-3 -> 3.71 m33-4 -> 3.80 m33 -> 3.80 m33-2 -> 3.80 m33-4

saddest (+[__]%) moment

i upgraded to 3.71
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3. February 2008 @ 16:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by hoip:
@soheeb16: u can use a converter to convert the movies to mp4 instead
ya, a good site to get movies (even though most are bootleg) is

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11. June 2008 @ 22:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I am so confused. I didnt post any posy after my first one. I mean, i already know the best way to get mp4 movies is to convert them using pspvideo9. Anyways, thanks for your help guys, and i know all about adding add-on, i learned alot in the pat 2 weeks.

I dont think the steps u gave me, getajob92, but i dont think it will work unless the add-on is specificly for the slim.
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13. June 2008 @ 13:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
whats up people, my question is does anybody have "homebrew" working
on their 3.80m33-4 or above? games like Mario War or Pong or you know those games freelance coders make.

Also does anybody have "Emulators" other than "snes-genesis-nes-gba" working on their 3.80m33-4 or above? Like turbo graphic 16-mame-neo geo or any others that I dont know about.

"So many games so little time" > forums > consoles > sony psp - homebrew software > my emulators don't work on 3.80 m33-5

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