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Sims 2 issue and Piracy Act/ Forum Rules...Legit question about V1.0.0.1022
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26. January 2008 @ 14:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok so I went to the store awhile ago and installed Sims 2, bought a new computer a year later, managed to step on the box and shattered the #1 CD out of 4.

My issue is I'm not the first to have this problem, yet it's not allowed to be discussed here.

What I did was I went online downloaded the ISO and burnt the #1 CD, which was version, What I was going to ask on this forum was
about a program issue, not illegal copying....

I want to know why my burnt CD works fine like my original CD, starting the install, and has no issues completing the install...

BUT, when I go to start the program it says insert Disc #1, ok fine no problem, it worked fine up till this point.

"Unable to find CD, Open and reinsert CD #1, Click OK to Retry"
I did it, and it happens again and again.....

COULD IT BE, that my store bought 2 through 4 Disc's be an older version, and the Burnt disc saying updated be the problem

(Or should I download [yes via LimeWire] the old (or whatever the number is) then reupdate it via EA Games

ANy help would be great, I apologize for the length of my Post, I tend to be very detailed to help avoid irrelevant answers


Shaun A. McCarthy
McCarthy Customs
Boston Mass
AfterDawn Addict
27. January 2008 @ 00:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The problem is games have more encryption's and protections on them than commercial DVD movies and the like.
Since they don't have to operated on stand alone machines,
They can use better encryption methods, to deter people
from trying to copy/pirate there software,

Most likely why its coming up that way is whoever made the
original image you downloaded did not emulate the protections
properly and the game knows its not the original disk.

Normally one of the disks has uber encryption on it, and had to be inserted for the game to play, Just to verify that you own the original.

In this case it is disk 1 (which installs fine, so the disk is valid)
But when the game checks to make sure its authentic, it doesn't pass.

"game jackal" is the solution that I see,

Which is made now by Slysoft, the maker of Anydvd / clonedvd
And DVD mobile (among others) That is top notch software and
a very good company that stands by there products and offers free lifetime updates,

Game Jackal is a PC application developed by Caribbean based company SlySoft that allows users to play PC game titles without the need for the game's media to be in the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive. The program functions similar to a virtual drive, however instead of making use of large disc images, Game Jackal uses a proprietary format which takes up considerable less storage space by working to only capture data the game requires to run.

I have another FREE alternative as well, Even though you OWN the software, others might not , And it could be used in bad ways, and would be against the forums rules,
So I cant post it here anyway.

Possunt Quia Posse Videntur.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 27. January 2008 @ 00:27 > forums > software, operating systems and more > windows - games > sims 2 issue and piracy act/ forum rules...legit question about v1.0.0.1022

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