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Originally posted by krisyrfc: what is the best disc's for:
burning PC games?
burning movies?
Taiyo Yuden or Verbatim is your best choice
Quote:i just want to know also - or +. what is the difference between them anyway, any help?
DVD dash R vs DVD plus R, there different formats most older dvd players do better with the dash format. the newer player do both with no problems. also using the DVD plus R format you can booktype to DVD-ROM which makes the dvd more compatible with all dvd players . heres some info to read
Some will fare better with the dash format-like pioneer,NEC.
Some will fare better with the plus format-if your drive can booktype them dvd-rom: Benq,Plextor,etc.
You'll find out which format yours favor when you slap those backups in other players,pc drives,and game consoles. If they don't like a certain format,a message will follow: No disc,Dirty disc,Wrong format,Wrong region,Illegal disc. If you encounter any of those messages when you insert a backup disc,try the opposite format.
Also make sure it's quality media like taiyo yuden or verbatim. It'll save a lot of headaches later.