I have a laptop that will connect with a wire to the router but won't connect through wireless.
When I connect it says limited or no connectivity and has the wrong ip, subnet mask and default gateway. When I put in the right ones (the next available ip for my router) it says its connected and everything is fine. However, It still isn't receiving anything and I can't open up the internet or get files from other computers on the network.
If I use a wire everything works as it should, but i don't want to have a wire connected to it all the time.
to start with can you give us some more information on your current setup? Can you tell us the following?
1) What brand / model your router is?
2) Who your broadband provider is?
3) Is DHCP enabled on the router?
4) Can you browse websites VIA IP rather than domain name (i.e, in Internet Explorer / Firefox, when you type in in the address bar, does it bring up a website?
5) Is your laptop a Centrino laptop? Some laptops won't connect if IEEE 802.1x Authentication is enabled.
6) Are you using any kind of network encryption (WEP / WPA etc).
7) Are you using MAC filtering?
The answer to these questions may hold a clue to a solution to your problem.
Have you tried uninstalling your wireless drivers and reinstalling them.
Also check there is nothing to interfere with your wireless connection. e.g wireless home phones, or lots of space between your wireless machine and router.
Is your firewall set up to allow other computers on your network via wireless (I had a similar trouble when i was using Mcafee)