If you have Windows XP or later, you can install the Windows 2003 Resource Kit which includes a program called "cdburn.exe", which allows you to burn .ISO images. You can download it from here.
I know it's overkill for just burning an ISO image, as there are other tools that do this as well, but I find the toolkit to offer other useful tools as well.
My advice is to wait till you get your A3, then temporarily run an Ethernet cable from wherever your internet access is, and just check every now and then for updates that way. You must have internet access if you're posting here.
I did this for about six months before I got around to running a permanent Ethernet cable to behind the entertainment center TV, with a 5 port switch so I could hook up the PS3 and Toshiba A20, primarily for FW updates.
Originally posted by Grampaw: My advice is to wait till you get your A3, then temporarily run an Ethernet cable from wherever your internet access is, and just check every now and then for updates that way. You must have internet access if you're posting here.
I did this for about six months before I got around to running a permanent Ethernet cable to behind the entertainment center TV, with a 5 port switch so I could hook up the PS3 and Toshiba A20, primarily for FW updates.
From what I've seen, it doesn't look as if patience is one of ofield's virtues. ;)