My sister recently purchased a slim pstwo 79001, and I was curious if the Fliptop along with Swap Magic 3.6 would work. I have an old ps2 and simply use slide tool, which has been working for a good 2 years now, but I've been searching, and haven't found a definitive answer for the 79001 series.
I have also come across this website which claims the fliptop will work with any pstwo 7XXXX series, but I figured I would come here just to clarify so I don't blow $40. The site in question is
I have the black 79001 slim pstwo and can comfirm swap magic will work but you don't need a fliptop. All you need are magic keys or magic switches which will cover the lid sensor and disc brake.
Great, thanks for the confirmation on swap magic. I asked about fliptop because I've read numerous reports with people having trouble getting the 3rd magic key in, and I figured the fliptop would be a little easier, but maybe not?
Well if you have the black 79001 like I do you don't need the third key. The only keys needed is the A switch which is above the power switch and the B switch which is the disc brake. I don't know if the silver 79001 is the same or not.