Looking for some guidance
Junior Member
4. February 2008 @ 00:18 |
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I am sorry if these questions seem to very newbish. I am just trying to eliminate further questions. I am trying to get a good knowledge base together. All the help from the forum is greatly appreciated.
* Is it recommended that you reformat your MS after every CFW update?
* For Emulators what is the proper file location? (CFW 3.80 M33-5)
* For Emulators, can I use the Roms I have running on my PC or do they have to be PSP specific?
* Are there know issues with the WEP encryption on the Wi-Fi when using CFW?
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
4. February 2008 @ 00:46 |
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1. no and yes. Depends if the psp has new functions that needs new folders. U can either just make a new folder or reformat the card. It dosent matter if u missing the folder, if u are not going to use the folder. Exmaple :Videos, Theme ...etc
2. the proper is GAME150 folder on ur PSP folder. U can also put in ur GAME folder, but u need to change to 1.5 kernal on ur recovery mode
3. NJust normal roms, mostly depends own ur emu
4. Not that i know of. Here is some guides about PSP newtork
Junior Member
4. February 2008 @ 16:09 |
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mrgooey - thanks for the post. It helps out quite a bit. Being that I did not jump right into the homebrew scene from the beginning I am just trying to get a good baseline. Your post helps. Please see my follow-up comments below.
Thank you again.
1. Good to hear that every time I upgrade that I won't have to format my MS and rebuild it.
2. So, no matter what folder I put it into I to switch to 1.5 kernal. Not a problem. That issue should be solved tonight.
3. I have MAME and Neo Geo roms that I play on my PC. Should they work on the PSP emus?
4. I will work with the guides this evening. I have had great luck with all my other wi-fi devices and was wondering if there was something unique about the PSP. From first glance it only appears that it calls for the router to be on channel 11. I am usually on 6. Not sure why this would matter but I will give it a try.
Thanks again.
4. February 2008 @ 16:47 |
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3) yes the roms should work just make sure u have the psp version of the emu's and i hear some ppl have problems with 3.80 m33-5 homebrews so i suggest u stick to 3.71 m33-4 but then again u mite b have no problems up to u
my (+[__]%) life
2.81 -> 3.71-> 3.71 m33-2 -> 3.71 m33-3 -> 3.71 m33-4 -> 3.80 m33 -> 3.80 m33-2 -> 3.80 m33-4
saddest (+[__]%) moment
i upgraded to 3.71
Junior Member
5. February 2008 @ 00:21 |
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A few more questions.
Is the problem with homebrew on 3.80 M33 that when you select an emulator the PSP shuts down?
Also, how difficult is it to downgrade? If I have to go down in order to get stable homebrew than I will do it.
Is there a standard file structure for emus?
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
5. February 2008 @ 21:06 |
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1. I dont notice any errors when im playing .
2. Depends, as long u have a good guide and have a brain then it would be easy. I'm sure u dont need to downgrade back. I never met a app that didnt work 3.80 M33.
3. When u download the emu there should one or two fodlers. Just put the folders in the GAME150.Open each folder and try to find a folder named ROMS and just put it in there. If not, make one and read the readme.
Junior Member
10. February 2008 @ 08:05 |
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I have resolved most of the issues. Still can't get EMUs to work though.
I checked the information on my MS and it said Magicgate unknown. From what I have been reading that is not a good thing and will most likely have to switch my MS.
Also, is there a thread on all the current realeases of the EMUs?
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
10. February 2008 @ 17:34 |
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Junior Member
10. February 2008 @ 21:42 |
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I have a fat PSP. It appears that my 8 Gig MS is a fake. I put my 2 Gig MS back in and I got MAME4All working. I now am going to start working on NEO-GEO emulation.
So, it appears that a large portion of my problems were driven by the MS. I got Wi-Fi working.
Last two challenges left are NEO-GEO and CPS games.
Thanks for the help.