Total Noob here suffering from information overload! So forgive me if this has been answered elsewhere, and would be grateful for a poke in the right direction!
I have a slim running 3.90, and have spent several hours reading up on installing a CFW. I have created a magic memory stick from the info I have found for v3.80 M33-5, which has all gone smoothly! I am still awaiting my 'TOOL' battery in order to procede to the next stage and actually update/downgrade the PSP. Hopefully I will get that by the weekend and can continue.
Anyway, but then I was thinking what next? Do I have to use this magic stick in order to use ISO's etc? or can I format a new card using the CFW, and will that create the appropriate folder structures etc to which I can copy the files?
If I ever want to go back to the official firmware, how do I do that?
Hope you can help on these questions - I dare say there will be more over the weekend!
Yes, u will need the MS to play ISO. (Where did u think it will come from ?). Yes, it will better if u format the card. Use the recovery mode to go back to 1.5 or use pandora.
It's just everything I come across about the Magic Stick seems to imply that after installing the CFW you put it away with the pandora battery for when it is needed again. And they are always mentioned as small capacity sticks, so how would you put an ISO on it etc, when ISO's are so big!??
Anyway, I have a 4GB stick so that should be sufficient for my needs!
So to my second question, how to go back to the official firmware if needbe?
if u made the universal unbricker v3 then u should be able to go from CFW to OFW easili, or u just dl the recovery folder and downgrade to 1.5 or use network update and update it to OFW
I know this will all make sense (hopefully) when I actually get to have a go, so for my last question(s) until then:
So I have my 'magic stick' and my service battery. To perform the downgrade, is it then just a case of putting the battery in, putting the MS in and switching on, and follow any on-screen instructions?
Is it self-explanatory from then on in? If not, any good guides you could point me to?
if u put the battery in, and the screen is black then u have a pandora battery (usualli for checkin if the battery is pandora or not), so put ur magic ms in first then put the battery, after something will popup on the screen then just follow the instructions (realli easi)