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eboot ps1 games w/ multi discs???
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7. February 2008 @ 10:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Like it says, ive got some nice eboot games that run perfectly on my 3.8 M33-4 firmware. They are in the correct folder and everythings plays great. My concern is for games with more than one "disc" like chronocross or Legend of Dragoon, how do you "change discs" at the appropriate time?
This is the game info frm the site i downloaded frm.

Eboots Info: All of them have
- fixed save slot (default saved game ID)
- All multi disc games have uniform save game name and ID. I usually use the default disc 1 info in all the the eboots made.
- .png files customized.
- no compression made unless otherwise indicated
- I'm using 3.03OEC to test the games.

I hope this helps someone help me, bc i dont understand much of this.

Shadow In Darkness
Senior Member
7. February 2008 @ 12:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well, you'll have to use PyPops to make multi-disk eboots ^_^
PyPps v0.1b - HERE

Well, now to give you some info about what you've posted :)
Originally posted by Valisk:
- fixed save slot (default saved game ID)
- All multi disc games have uniform save game name and ID. I usually use the default disc 1 info in all the the eboots made.

Well, all psx games have savegame IDs like "SLPS XXXXX" OR "SLUS XXXXX" (Where "X" are the numbers of the game ID)
By saying "All multi disc games have uniform save game name and ID", he means to say that while making the "EBOOT.PBP", he did not change the savegame ID of that game ^_^
Originally posted by Valisk:
- .png files customized.

Well, he changed the "icons and background picture that we see while choosing the game" in our PSP ^_^
Originally posted by Valisk:
- no compression made unless otherwise indicated
- I'm using 3.03OEC to test the games.

These are straight and any1 can understand ^_^

My (+[__]%) life - HERE :)
*Why do I take it all ??? Why do I beg for more ??? I never thought that this is how I Hit The Floor* Bullet For my Valentine darn rulez !!!! \m/ ^_^ \m/
Guide on how to use popsloader : HERE / Working and non-working pandora batteries : HERE
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7. February 2008 @ 12:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks Acidy, that was quick!!
Yeah i get the last two things about his testing and the custom image, it was the multi-eboot id that got me ^_^

Shadow In Darkness
Suspended due to non-functional email address
7. February 2008 @ 12:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I hate to bother u but could you tell me how to use PyPps v0.1b to make multi-disk eboots?
I downloaded frm the link, but i dont speak the language the instructions are written in.....
so i dont know what to do with it, sorry. If its not too much trouble could you give me some insturctions?

Shadow In Darkness
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7. February 2008 @ 16:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

I have legend of dragoon on my psp right now (all 4 dics). I know a very easy and alternative method to using PyPps v0.1b. since the first disc of the game does not require you to use any other discs you should be fine for that portion....

however, once you get ot the end of the first disc it will prompt you to save. (PLEASE DO THIS as if you don't your games will be unplayable) After you save all you have to do is exit the disc 1 eboot back to your main psp menu and than open the disc 2 eboot on your and it will carry on from your save point. this works for the end of all the discs.

Now, as for going back and forth between discs (Like going back and forth from disc 4-3 or 2-1 ect). in this situation you would have to save somewhere on the world map. so lets say your on disc 3 and want to go back to 2. save anywhere on the world map ( make sure you can reach somewhere like a city or town from disc 2 on the map where you choose to save). After saving exit the game, load up the disc 2 ebooy and load your file. MAGIC! your on disc 2 on the world map. I have confirmed this method to work with my psp and my brothers.

I know my instructions seem a bit confusing so please don't hesitate to ask for more clarification.

HELP ME PAY FOR SCHOOL ---> check out this site

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 7. February 2008 @ 16:58

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7. February 2008 @ 17:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Freakin' awsome
So ur saying that i dont have to do anything?
Just play through and save when it tells me and then load the eboot of the next disc?
It couldnt be any simpler!! Thx man, i was really stressing over it. LOD is my all time fav game! I wanted to make sure i could play it ALL.

Shadow In Darkness
Senior Member
8. February 2008 @ 00:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well, yeah :)

But the games like "chrono-cross & Metal Gear Solid" doesn't allow you to save before you switch your disc ^_^

And the file I gave you :P
HERE is the guide on how to use it :P

My (+[__]%) life - HERE :)
*Why do I take it all ??? Why do I beg for more ??? I never thought that this is how I Hit The Floor* Bullet For my Valentine darn rulez !!!! \m/ ^_^ \m/
Guide on how to use popsloader : HERE / Working and non-working pandora batteries : HERE
Suspended due to non-functional email address
8. February 2008 @ 11:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thank you both for your help!
I got the instructions and am using PyPOP 0.1b now ^_^

Shadow In Darkness
12. March 2008 @ 16:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok heres my question i just bought the new slimline psp with firmware 3.8 will i be able to play legend of dragoon on it? also what do i need to do to hack it? i used to have the old 1.5 when it first came out and i put some mario on it back then, but i havent had since and im a little rusty.Any help would be a big help!


12. March 2008 @ 21:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Moved to homebrew forum

Check the stickies for modding the psp - here's one:

Then when the psp is modded hit the homebrew forum for the sticky on popsloader.

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