I read another thread and followed the directions exactly but i cannot load it into my HDD. When I go to the ps2browser app in ule4.12 it tells me to stick in a real PS2 disc. The tut didnt say what to do with the disc after burning it. I have SNES on usb too but I dont want to load anything more onto my MC because it is running out of space. Cant I just install the snes-station directly onto my HDD? I downloadd an iso of snes-station with ROMS but it didnt work.....when I looked at the iso with poweriso I saw that install.cnf file was not in there. I dont want to remove the harddrive from the PS2 and put it back into my external enclosure again, to install via winhiip that way (one of the pins in the HD was sunk in, and I had to use a plier to pull it out for it to work again. I dont want to do it again, the pin might break and I'd have a paperweight.)
"You can burn SNES Station on DVD, it isn't really neither CD or DVD based because there's no media checks so you can use both medias. I've made my DVD's with Nero Ultra Edition, just make a UDF/ISO DVD and set project's properties like this:
- No multisession.
- ISO 9660 + Joliet filesysten
- 31 char filenames - Mode 2
- ASCII charset (I used this, haven't tried others)
- allow all loose restrictions except removing ';1'-extension
- Physical partition
- UDF 1,02
Add SNES_EMU.ELF, SYSTEM.CNF, INSTALL.CNF and your ROM folders into project and let it burn! "
I never use Install.cnf when I made any of my DVD's. I followed this guide http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/191217 and it worked perfect. Just change ISO 9660 only to ISO 9660+joilet and allow more than 64 characters for joilet names. There is updates to this emu being worked on, http://forums.sksapps.info/showthread.php?t=3253 Just put a rom folder on your hard drive with your roms of choice, and burn an Snes Station Cd. Load the Cd and select and play your roms off harddrive.