Rapid Fire Cheat in Monster Hunter Freedom 2[US] - CWCHEAT
18. February 2008 @ 06:02 |
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How do you get the rapid bow fire in monster hunter? Im very curious to use it. I saw one in youtube I saw that we were at the same version.
Cheating BOW
Want ISO's Rip them from the UMD.

25. March 2008 @ 02:40 |
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You mean the guy with kut ku stave? He hacked the game. How do I install hacks?
8. May 2008 @ 20:56 |
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in order to install hacks u need custom firmware-3.71 M33, then install CWcheat-look it up on google. Once downloaded on psp shut off completely and access recovery mode, go to plugins and enable them, if they're enabled thats okay. then go into your game, hold select button for 3 seconds, if it doesnt show up after 10 seconds then i wouldnt know what to tell u. this is for phat psp. if firmware is 3.50 or higher (sony brand) create pandora battery and magic memory stick (buy a nother one 512mb or higher. if u dont know how, go on youtube.
The More I Hack The Stronger I Am, The Stronger I Get The More I Hack
9. May 2008 @ 08:14 |
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Originally posted by hack4life: in order to install hacks u need custom firmware-3.71 M33, then install CWcheat-look it up on google. Once downloaded on psp shut off completely and access recovery mode, go to plugins and enable them, if they're enabled thats okay. then go into your game, hold select button for 3 seconds, if it doesnt show up after 10 seconds then i wouldnt know what to tell u. this is for phat psp. if firmware is 3.50 or higher (sony brand) create pandora battery and magic memory stick (buy a nother one 512mb or higher. if u dont know how, go on youtube.
The More I Hack The Stronger I Am, The Stronger I Get The More I Hack
I already know that.
But the problem is what cheat to enable.... Anyway thanks for the reply
Want ISO's Rip them from the UMD.

9. May 2008 @ 08:49 |
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what you do is, you type in google search "Cwcheat for (enter game name here)" then once you find the cheat you like it has to have a bunch of codes with it, then copy the whole thing:
_L.....(all of these)
(and the part of what the cheat does)
then put psp in usb mode, go into seplugins, cwcheat, right click on cheat.db open with notepat/wordpad, hit ctrl+f tye in ULUS-(game id)
find where the first cheat is for the game and paste it in before it, save, then exit. and there u go!! a brand new cheat to screw around with :)
The More I Hack The Stronger I Get,The Stronger I Get The More I Hack
9. May 2008 @ 08:56 |
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okay this is what you do, if u want new cheats and have Cwcheat, go on google.com type in search "Cwcheat for (type in game here)" look around until you find the codes, the put psp in usb mode. copy the codes u found, make sure to copy the whole part including the _CO part, all the _L codes and what the code does. then with your psp go into seplugins folder then cwcheat folder, open up cheat.db with notepad/wordpad (right click over the picture of two gears)then hit ctrl+f and type in ULUS-(enter game id here) then find the 1st code for the game and put the little type icon right before the _CO part and then paste, save and exit. and there u go a brand new hack to mess around with
The More I Hack The Stronger I Am,The Stronger I Get The More I Hack
9. May 2008 @ 09:10 |
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sorry about the twots with the same topic the site was messing up and put up two of my posts instaead of one. hope they help u!!
The More I Hack The Stronger I Get, The Stronger I Get The More I Hack
9. May 2008 @ 14:33 |
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i meant two not twots sorry.
The More I Hack The Stonger I Get, The Stronger I Get The More I Hack
16. May 2008 @ 16:42 |
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by the way if u havent figured out yet, u have to get the special attack cheat. hit select and do some major pwnage!!
17. May 2008 @ 08:14 |
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what special attack cheat
anyways... I cheat for fun
Want ISO's Rip them from the UMD.

17. May 2008 @ 20:45 |
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go to this link: forums.maxconsole.net/showthread.php?t=80292&highlight=CWcheat+monster+hunter
and there u go plenty of hacks that could make a depressed tigrex happy :)
The More I Hack The Stronger I Get, The Stonger I Get The More I Hack
17. May 2008 @ 20:51 |
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the special attack hack and others will be on. make sure when using special attack with bow, put on super run speed hack, the one at the bottom of list of default hacks for Cwcheat. (This will make the arrows shoot super fast, makes poisoning, paralyzing, or putting to sleep a monster alot quicker and easier. put on battle support too. gives u unlimited health so u dont die.) sometimes u will freeze, just hit triangle or a random button besides R or L trigger. The only reason i hack is because i already beat the game, and was getting bored, so i actually went out of my way to hardmod my battery into pandora, buy a new battery and memstick, and turn it into magic memstick.....
The More I Hack The Stronger I Get, The Stronger I Get The More I Hack
19. May 2008 @ 15:53 |
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im not a n00b when it comes to hacking.I hardmodded my xbox 360 to pick up internet from up to 2 miles away (I did not use the wireless adapter.) and for my psp hacked it to get windows xp on it and on my other psp, i put the xbox 360 main menu on it and it really works. plus i bought a kit on how to build an original xbox without instructions and built it in about 3 hours :)
The More I Hack The Stronger I Get, The Stronger I Get The More I Hack
20. May 2008 @ 07:59 |
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Originally posted by hack4life: im not a n00b when it comes to hacking.I hardmodded my xbox 360 to pick up internet from up to 2 miles away (I did not use the wireless adapter.) and for my psp hacked it to get windows xp on it and on my other psp, i put the xbox 360 main menu on it and it really works. plus i bought a kit on how to build an original xbox without instructions and built it in about 3 hours :)
The More I Hack The Stronger I Get, The Stronger I Get The More I Hack
Dont you read the rules?
thanks anyway you can just put your The More I Hack The Stronger I Get, The Stronger I Get The More I Hack thing it pisses me off
in your signature settings Dont ya...
Want ISO's Rip them from the UMD.

20. May 2008 @ 10:43 |
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Quote: im not a n00b when it comes to hacking.I hardmodded my xbox 360 to pick up internet from up to 2 miles away (I did not use the wireless adapter.) and for my psp hacked it to get windows xp on it
Let me get that straight - your xbox can pick up wifi from 2 miles away??
And you have a psp running windows xp??
Yet you can't manage to edit a post on a forum and post back to back with Bulls##t that you can smell 2 miles away!
The more you post the more you bulls##t, the more you bulls##t the more you post.
20. May 2008 @ 15:19 |
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first of ur the one b*llsh*t*ng. just because i have access to kits which is how i did all this. do u honestly think that a 16 year old knows haw to open a 360 and get it right the first time without busting it? of course not. i have a friend who also hacks, who helped me. and if u dont believe about the xp on psp and the 360 menu on the psp look for a video for them on youtube or some other video site. just because someone can hack better than u, doesn't mean u have to get pissed off about it like a 3 year old. so next time don't jump to conclusions retard......
The More I Hack The Stronger I Get, The Stronger I Get The Mote I Hack
20. May 2008 @ 17:06 |
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Quote: The More I Hack The Stronger I Get, The Stronger I Get The Mote I Hack
The mote I hack??
Pot kettle??
There is no way you can run windows xp operating system on a psp and wifi has an approximate maximum range of 100m outdoors.
And of course if it's on youtube it must be taken as fact.
20. May 2008 @ 17:13 |
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first..i meant more not mote. i type fast. second like i said, I used a kit and did not use wifi. there are other ways of getting internet. and with xp on the psp, im not allowed to tell u because technically i made an illegal hack to put xp on psp. its violating many copyrights. but on the plus side i can play minesweeper!! woo hoo!!
my psp fat firmware history
1.50>>2.00>>2.50>>2.60>>2.70>>2.71>>2.80>>2.81>>2.82>>3.00>>3.11>>3.30>>3.40>>3.52>>3.71>>3.80>>CFW 3.71 M33>>CFW 3.71 M33-3>>CFW 3.90 M33-2>>CFW 3.90 M33-3
go to this link to learn how to do something amazing on a psp!! http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/668691
20. May 2008 @ 20:14 |
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Ok all let's knock it off and keep to the topic at hand.
If you did access internet 2 miles away I hope it's the free public access and not that you're stealing someones internet.
Junior Member
20. May 2008 @ 23:53 |
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this is the funniest sh!t i saw today. calm down.
my magical psp journey thing:
slim (+[__]%): 3.60 > 3.71 > 3.73 > 3.80 > 3.71m33-2 > 3.71m33-4 > 3.80m33 > 3.80m33-5 > 3.90m33-2
Why think when you can fight?! -Flak
Need Help? - ask Jesus
21. May 2008 @ 03:49 |
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OK - peace.
But seriously, this is a forum to share information and to help others. I would really like to get internet access in the pub that is only half a mile from my house. And if I could run windows xp that would be another thing altogether............
If I ask nicely would you write a tutorial on how to do these things, or at least point us in the right direction?
21. May 2008 @ 06:54 |
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okay here it goes.....u need a wireless modem and router to do this. then ur gonna need a kit to hardmod the router and modem to pick up the 2 miles away setup. i got the kit from my friend's dad who happens to own an electronic store. he has a bunch of kits in the back. and he gave one to me for free :) i forget what video website it was that i learned how to do it, but it might have been youtube or google video im not sure. i did this over a year ago. if i can remember i'll post a post.
my psp fat firmware history
1.50>>2.00>>2.50>>2.60>>2.70>>2.71>>2.80>>2.81>>2.82>>3.00>>3.11>>3.30>>3.40>>3.52>>3.71>>3.80>>CFW 3.71 M33>>CFW 3.71 M33-3>>CFW 3.90 M33-2>>CFW 3.90 M33-3
go to this link to learn how to do something amazing on a psp!! http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/668691
21. May 2008 @ 06:58 |
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Originally posted by binkie7: Ok all let's knock it off and keep to the topic at hand.
If you did access internet 2 miles away I hope it's the free public access and not that you're stealing someones internet.
to answer ur question, it does pick up other peoples internet because i live in the suburbs. my dad owns a plumbing business so i guess u can say im upper-middle class. anyway it picks up other peoples internet, and some other nearby stores from downtown Willow Grove. its a small town. but its still big.
my psp fat firmware history
1.50>>2.00>>2.50>>2.60>>2.70>>2.71>>2.80>>2.81>>2.82>>3.00>>3.11>>3.30>>3.40>>3.52>>3.71>>3.80>>CFW 3.71 M33>>CFW 3.71 M33-3>>CFW 3.90 M33-2>>CFW 3.90 M33-3
go to this link to learn how to do something amazing on a psp!! http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/668691
21. May 2008 @ 07:09 |
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go to this link. i made a thread about a bunch of hacks for monster hunter 2
there u go good sirs......enjoy :)
my psp fat firmware history
1.50>>2.00>>2.50>>2.60>>2.70>>2.71>>2.80>>2.81>>2.82>>3.00>>3.11>>3.30>>3.40>>3.52>>3.71>>3.80>>CFW 3.71 M33>>CFW 3.71 M33-3>>CFW 3.90 M33-2>>CFW 3.90 M33-3
go to this link to learn how to do something amazing on a psp!! http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/668691
Senior Member
21. May 2008 @ 07:12 |
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sorry for breaking the ice but this is so funny my god
were all 100% of topic and there someone thats living in a dream would lol
hack4life my god you make the most funniest clames
2mile wifi there is no device in the world that can send a wifi signal that far and if it did it would be so faded it wouldnt be worth it.
the only thing that can go that far that you could pick a internet connection of is radio waves and a statelite seeing as that would be basicly imposable to connect to a xbox and then program it so that it could use it is funny.
next claim xp on psp well yes that sounds resonable i bet is just a portal your using i can do that too
now you will claim its not a portal so i challange you to video proof and an explaination on how to do it. why am i saying this well i know my way round computers and i am a noob programer.
i know that xp cant run on a proccesser that can only run a 333mhz max i know that xp can run on 32mb ram i know that xp is a large os so the chash mem would not cope.
i have to say this is so good i love a person who gets everyone p**sed off. this is what the internet does.
as a quote from american dad "where can we put some information that we have no proof and millions of people will belive it" well its prity oviouse hack4life has found it its called the internet yay!!!
(sorry binkie7 but its so funny)
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. May 2008 @ 07:12