I have 3.90m33-2. I have a PSX game named Strider.iso that I would like to play on my psp. I have downloaded and used popsloader to generate the eboot.pbp and keys.bin files.
So I have 3 files now: Strider.iso, eboot.pbp, and keys.bin. I placed Strider.iso in the ISO folder (X:\ISO). I created a folder named "Strider" and placed it in X:\PSP\GAME with the two files eboot.pbp and keys.bin.
When I try to run the game it wants me to select a "pops" (ranging from 3.something to 3.52 or "original flash) However, after the Sony logo disappears I am left with nothing but a black screen no matter which pops I choose.
Also, I have enabled popsloader.prx in the recovery menu. I also just bittorrented a ton of .prx's and placed them in X:\seplugins\popsloader, but they don't seem to help. What am I doing wrong?
first off dont put the original iso in the folder. only put the eboot and the keys.bin files in the folder. second i recommend downgrading back to 3.80 m33-5 if you are are planning on playing psx games because, although a lot of games work, a lot do not. for instance, i had resident evil 2 which worked fine with 3.80 -5 then i upgraded to 3.90 -2 and i couldnt seem to get my resident evil 2 to work at all. now im back on 3.80 -5 and it works like a charm.
Originally posted by dab0ne: first off dont put the original iso in the folder. only put the eboot and the keys.bin files in the folder. second i recommend downgrading back to 3.80 m33-5 if you are are planning on playing psx games because, although a lot of games work, a lot do not. for instance, i had resident evil 2 which worked fine with 3.80 -5 then i upgraded to 3.90 -2 and i couldnt seem to get my resident evil 2 to work at all. now im back on 3.80 -5 and it works like a charm.
Thanks for the info; this leaves me with 2 questions:
1. I still don't understand how I get .prx's or what they are used for. The folder named "popsloader" in "seplugins" is empty... it just has a text file that named "PRX's Go Here".. Do I need something in there? If so, what do I need and where do I get it/them from?
2. Let's say I want to take your suggestion and downgrade. How exactly do you do that with a custom firmware? Is it as simple as overwriting your flash0 and flash1 with my backup flash0 and flash1 when I was on 3.80m33? Or is there more involved?
I cannot stress how "in the dark" I am with this whole pops and .prx thing. That I am really trying to figure out. You know, when you try to play a ps1 game it wants you to choose a pops, like 3.51 or 3.whatever you know... there are a few to choose from. However choosing one over the other never makes a difference. Is this because I need something in x:\seplugins\popsloader for it to work? Because like I said I don't have any files in my popsloader folder. If someone could clear this up for me I would be most grateful.
im pretty sure the only way to downgrade 3.90m33-2 is with a pandoras battery. you can also go to dark alex's website and download the seplugins for the 3.80 m33 popsloader. you put those seplugin files on your psp root.
Originally posted by dab0ne: im pretty sure the only way to downgrade 3.90m33-2 is with a pandoras battery. you can also go to dark alex's website and download the seplugins for the 3.80 m33 popsloader. you put those seplugin files on your psp root.
However, I just stumbled across this thread which explains the whole subject in great detail -- I suggest you take a look at it
btw - Yes while you can download popsloader from dax's website and yes it does include the seplugins folder with some files, it does NOT include the files necessary for loading different pops versions which trying to play a ps1 game. I don't know if you're aware of this but it is clear as day to me now after finding that thread.
So basically if you're "popsloader" folder has less than 2 or 3 files in it, you're compatibility for ps1 games is going to suck no matter what firmware you're on.