Bookr alternative, or some kind of PDF viewer
Junior Member
24. February 2008 @ 00:54 |
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I need a text/doc/pdf viewer for my psp. I've been using bookr for a long time, however, bookr doesn't work with 3.90m33-2. Is there a good alternative to bookr? i don't want something that just converts pdf files into a load of jpegs. i want a real viewer. bookr was just perfect.. and now i can't use it.
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
24. February 2008 @ 22:35 |
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Junior Member
28. February 2008 @ 13:54 |
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i still get an error.
The game could not be started.
do i need to revert back to an older cf?
Junior Member
28. February 2008 @ 14:04 |
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i tried 1.50 kernel and get the error as well. files are in PSP/GAME folder.
Senior Member
28. February 2008 @ 14:25 |
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you need to put it into game150
Junior Member
28. February 2008 @ 22:07 |
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i tried putting the files in game150 and get the same error. anyone know the highest m33 firmware that bookr will work with? i'd consider reverting back to a firmware that the software will work on
Junior Member
29. February 2008 @ 00:22 |
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im on 3.71M33-4 with the second kernal add-on and i use bookr 0.713xx and it works really well. Personally i believe that you should downgrade to 3.71M33-4 i think its still the best CFW
9. March 2008 @ 08:29 |
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I'm on 3.71 M33 and can't get bookr 0.7.1 to work, I keep getting "The game could not be started (80020148)" error message (both in \GAME and \GAME150)
Any ideas?
Senior Member
9. March 2008 @ 08:33 |
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have you installed the 1.50 kernel addon?
9. March 2008 @ 08:40 |
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I installed 3.71 M33 using the automatic installer, if it's part of it I should have it but it doesn't sound familiar so I guess I didn't, how do I do install it?
Senior Member
9. March 2008 @ 08:46 |
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i uploaded it ages ago so its here all you need to do is copy the folder update to your game371 folder and cut the file called 150.pbp and paste it in the root of your memory stick and then start the installer once your finished then you will have the 1.50 addon
if the automatic installer did install the 1.50 addon dont worry about it it will reflash over the existing one with no problems
9. March 2008 @ 08:49 |
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If I'm gonna flash my PSP should I upgrade to a newer cfw while I'm at it? Will bookr work on a newr cfw or will I still need this kernel addon?
Senior Member
9. March 2008 @ 08:56 |
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if you install the 1.50 kernel addon for 3.71m33 then your homebrews will work.
all cfw above 3.52m33 need to have the 1.50 and 3.xx (soon to be 4 0_<) installed separately 0_<
Senior Member
9. March 2008 @ 22:25 |
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This may be old, but Bookr 0.7.0 works for me on 3.90 M33-2.
10. March 2008 @ 07:54 |
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Yup - works for me too and I'm on 3.90m33-2.
10. March 2008 @ 15:23 |
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Hi. I also have 3.0 m33 2 and can not get Bookr 7.0 work either. Need a PDF reader - can anyone help, please???
Senior Member
10. March 2008 @ 16:39 |
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Originally posted by fatchkn: Hi. I also have 3.0 m33 2 and can not get Bookr 7.0 work either. Need a PDF reader - can anyone help, please???
Do you have a fat or slim?
If you have a fat, do you have 1.50 kernal installed?
10. March 2008 @ 18:06 |
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Thanks dr1ver, I managed to get bookr 0.7.1 after upgrading to 3.90 m33-2 and installing the 1.50 kernel
Senior Member
10. March 2008 @ 18:22 |
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your welcome (its always simple in the end 0_<)
Junior Member
10. March 2008 @ 19:42 |
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i cannot get bookr to work on 3.90m33-4. people here are saying 1.50 kernel needs to be installed seperately? how do i know if i have it installed? and where can i get the files and instructions?
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
10. March 2008 @ 20:13 |
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Originally posted by mtb2k: i cannot get bookr to work on 3.90m33-4. people here are saying 1.50 kernel needs to be installed seperately? how do i know if i have it installed? and where can i get the files and instructions?
To check , just try a normal homebrew game and see if u get an error.
installing the 1.50 kernel patch
#download the 150 kernel addon from here
#download the 150 update from here
#rename the 150 update eboot to 150.pbp and place it in the root of your memstick
#extract the 150 kernel addon and put the files into a folder called update
#put the update folder in GAME380 folder on memstick
#scroll to game on xmb and launch the programme
#thats it you now have the 1.50 kernel
Junior Member
11. March 2008 @ 10:10 |
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Thanks a lot. I installed the 1.50 kernel addon, and bookr now works perfectly on 3.90m33-2!
24. June 2008 @ 05:03 |
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OK, this has been one ANNOYING task, but I have managed to work out how to get Bookr working on my Slim PSP running CFW 3.90 M33-3.
Due to lack of comprehensive instruction, I have compiled some info for those with the same set-up as me. (This will probably work with other versions too.)
Firstly, the good news is that there is a Bookr out there that supports 'Allcfw 3.xx'! YES!!
The other thing to remember, is you will still need to download and install 'Bookr 0.7.1' on your PSP. (The Allcfw 3.xx is just an addition which overwrites the original files.)
OK, I decided to cut this process out for you and upload the converted file here:
Once downloaded, simply extract the contents to your PSP memorystick via USB connection - mso:PSP/GAMES folder. Then place your PDF's in the mso:PSP/GAMES/__SCE__bookr/BOOKS folder and you're good to go!
Run 'Bookr' the normal way you would open your games. That's it!
Hope it works for you!
UPDATE!: OK, I decided to try a few things. It won't matter if you downloaded already, but I erased the Bookr files from my PSP and thought I might try installing the 'Allcfw 3.xx' folder once again and to my surprise it actually work.?????
Anyway, instead of extracting it out from the .rar straight to the PSP, I extracted it out to the PC desktop, then dragged the folder onto my PSP.
I'm not sure if the way I was extracting straight to the PSP caused it not to work, but doing the later seems to have worked.
Just something to keep in mind!
G'day mate!
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 24. June 2008 @ 19:21
21. August 2008 @ 03:28 |
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I'm using CFW 4.01M33-2 and it worked for me. Make sure to move the relevant files to GAME150 or GAME380 folder.
interface for reading PDF's is really nice
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
21. August 2008 @ 17:59 |
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Originally posted by redpanda7: I'm using CFW 4.01M33-2 and it worked for me. Make sure to move the relevant files to GAME150 or GAME380 folder.
interface for reading PDF's is really nice
GAME380 folder ? That's only for 3.80 kernel, this homebrew is a 1.50 kernel