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Homebrew suggestions, anyone?
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Junior Member
28. February 2008 @ 17:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
So I'm planning on loading up NesterJ and SNES9x on my PSP as soon as I get around to making a Pandora Battery, and will give Daedalus and whatever PSX Emulators are out there a try, but aside from emulators, what other kind of cool homebrew is out there? I poked around on for a little while, but nothing really impressive popped out at me. So I put it to you, what kinds of homebrew do you use to max out your PSP's performance?
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28. February 2008 @ 20:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well theres a couple of other things i think are cool.

-PSP Tube aka youtube
-UMD dumper isnt really cool or fun but its definatly useful.

Also not really homebrew but there are som really cool themes at custompsp.

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Junior Member
28. February 2008 @ 22:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
well just the emulators and psptube also theres irshell which allows you to play ur music own while you play your psp games,that also has the universal remote and you can extract and move files around its pretty cool,there are also another homebrew thats just the universal remote which works kinda beta then the one on irshell.but yea that pretty much it.thers also you knw wat that is???

LiL SHR4K~3.71 M33-2^3.71 M33-4^3.80 M33^-4^-5^3.90 M33-2^5.00 M33-6....(+[..]%)PHAT ALL THE WAY BABY(+[..]%)
Applecor,iRshell v3.9,Daedalus(N64),DGEN(Sega),Nester-J(Nientendo),SNES(Super Nientendo),GPSP(Gameboy Advanced),Universal Remote,PSPTube,And UMD DAX Dumper Beta 0.2
Junior Member
29. February 2008 @ 03:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
PSP Tube sounds wicked! I always used to lament that I couldn't watch Youtube videos in Sony's internet browser, so I'll be sure to check that out.

UMD Dumper looks like it'd be handy for creating ISO's that I can't find on torrent sites, but it'd get pretty expensive buying the UMD's just to put them on my memory stick. I think there are some online rental places where I could rent PSP games though, which would be handy.

Applecor looks pretty sharp, but I kind of want to try the "ultimate black" XMB first. It looks pretty popular on QJ, so I'd assume it works well and looks good.

How does Daedalus work? Does the PSP have enough buttons to make N64 games playable?
Senior Member
29. February 2008 @ 03:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
n64 ha its not that good it was more a test for the coders to see if they could pull it of, i dont think it will ever get to a stage where it can play all n64 game at a good frame rate but its good to try if you like mario 64 because that works very well.

i would suggest trying filer4.7 instead of umddump personally i find filer a bit better but thats only my opinion and suggestion.

Junior Member
29. February 2008 @ 04:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hehe Mario 64 is probably all I'd want to use it for anyways. I mean, was there anything else really worthwhile for the 64?
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29. February 2008 @ 16:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
n64 ha its not that good it was more a test for the coders to see if they could pull it of, i dont think it will ever get to a stage where it can play all n64 game at a good frame rate but its good to try if you like mario 64 because that works very well.

i would suggest trying filer4.7 instead of umddump personally i find filer a bit better but thats only my opinion and suggestion.
the reason why 64 isn't getting on its feet is cause nobody is working on it besides StrmnNrmn. Basically one guy... i really wish more people would focus on 64 rather than Snes and GBA ect. we already have several working emulators for most system. and none for 64.

Golden Eye and Zelda are definately worth it

HELP ME PAY FOR SCHOOL ---> check out this site

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 29. February 2008 @ 16:34 > forums > consoles > sony psp - homebrew software > homebrew suggestions, anyone?

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