So i've recently upgraded to the most recent custom FW update (3.90 m33-2) and i was just wondering if... I could play any emulator out there (nes, snes,Gba,) and if i could how would i be able to install them into my psp, and play them? if this topic and/or thread is illegal my apologies its my second post. But if it isnt i would really love some assistance.
well a little more indepth then that i just dll the emulator, and then download the rom make a rom folder slam those in there open emulator from the game memory stick and then pick which rom i play basically?
just about. dl the emulator and put it in your GAME150 folder(its in the psp folder)
downloa a rom and put it in the rom folder in the emu and then play
can someone just add me from msn and go through the steps with me cause i really dont feel like bricking my psp or something please and thanks reply in the forums if you can help me
191_NesterJ_v1_07, i downloaded this one,
Im supposed to put this were and with what files? because inside it comes with:
readme.txt (readme is in gibberish)
this is how it works
open up the file that you downloaded in there there might be two folder one that says 1.00 and one that say 1.50 open up the 1.50 folder and i there there might be two folders one with a % on copy both of them into game150. then once you have done that you need to put your roms into the folder that it tells you to.
To make sure that you dont put it in the wrong place the always read the readme file.
also you will not brick your psp running emulators because they dont really do anything with the flash0 drive so no change of bricking
hope that help and read the readme for each homebrew program.