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cant play ps1 on 3.71m33-4 and 3.90m33-2
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Junior Member
15. March 2008 @ 00:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I dont know whats going on here, i cant play ps1 games at all. first i was on 3.90m33-2 and had the pops and 1.50 add on and such i put the files in the right spot and i also had the plugin enabled. when i go to launch a game the xmb goes away and just sits, nuthin happens besides thats.
Now someone stated maybe my firmware was installed wrong so i tired a easy installer and tried agian, and to my surprise nuthin. Now iam on 3.71m33-4 with v2 addon of 1.50 and i have tired switching the kernel and still cant play my ps1 games.
Now someone stated that maybe my psp isnt seeing the 1.50 or whaat not so i installed a emulator ( gens) and it works and i can play sega games ( that works of the 1.50 right?) i dont think i installled the pops wrong and i did everthing right ( am not that much of a noob) PPLs help i get tired of just playing psp,gens, and some other i want ps1 games :) who ever can fix my problem gets a cookie :)

still no helps will wait( but i think i found something) i ran the 1.50 addon agian v1 and 2 and noticed the last entry was an error
on vsh/resrouce/pafmini.prx so... where can i get this file?? i know there is a file named like that for the pops but this is in the csh ( flash area ) i think maybe if i get this file and drop it there and then try the 1.50 add on everthing will be nice and smooth ( i hope ) so please help

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 15. March 2008 @ 03:50

Senior Member
15. March 2008 @ 08:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It may be that you are not creating the eboot correctly. The eboot is made from an iso of a ps1 game. to convert the iso to an eboot, follow the steps below:

First you need a .iso image of the PS1 game, then you need to use a converter to turn it into an eboot. Personally, I use ICETEA, which can be downloaded from HERE. All you need to do is choose the .iso you want to convert, and set the compression level to Best Compression which will save a lot of space without effecting gameplay. Fill in the Game Title how you want to see it in the XMB, and click onto the advanced tab. Here you can add the game icon and the full screen background for when the game is highlighted on the XMB, although they must be in .png image format. There are a number of other options such as the sound it will play when highlighted etc, but i never mess with these as i dont really see the point.
NB: it is not nessesary to add images and backgrounds. If you do not want to, simply skip this step.
Click CONVERT, and let the program do its thing. You will be given a folder with an eboot file in it when the program finishes.

Next, download THIS GUI by danny_kay1710. unzip the .rar, and go to the FILES folder. Copy the file called Keys.bin, and paste it into the output folder from ICETEA, which contains the eboot.

Now, rename the folder contaning your eboot and the keys.bin files to the name of the game, and copy the entire folder.

Now, connect your PSP to your PC, and go to USB CONNECTION under the setting tab on the XMB. Enter the PSP folder, and then the GAME folder. Paste the folder containg the eboot and the Keys.bin into the GAME folder, so the path should be as follows:
x:\PSP\GAME\NAME OF YOUR PSX GAME, and in that file there should be the Keys.bin and your eboot file. Press O on your PSP, and go to the GAME section. Select Memory card, and your PSX game should be displayed.

Hope thats easy enough to understand, its quite a simple process once you get your head around it.

If that doesnt work or you need anymore help just give me a shout. Hope it works out for you.


Junior Member
15. March 2008 @ 13:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
there premade games, and have worked when i was on 3.40oe and even LE, and 3.52m33, as i stated i did find a problem with the 1.50 add on , an error at vsh/module/pafmini.prx i think it was. maybe this is the source of my problem i need to get that file and place it on my psp and then run the add on and see if it still comes up as an error, then try the ps games agian

so iam gonna use psardumper, and extract files from the 3.71 fw, but iam not gonna put them in the pops folder what iam gonna do is take the file and stick it in this spot and see what happens :(

well the 1.50 add on doesnt have a error on the last entry but still cant play

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 16. March 2008 @ 04:29

16. March 2008 @ 21:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You might be having problems with the eboots. I ran into a similar problem recently where I had a pair of eboots working just fine under 3.03 oe-c that are considered corrupt in 3.80 m33-5. Luckily, I had the game discs and was able to re-rip the games and see if it would work and I was successful. It doesn't sound like you have that option, but here might be one: ripping an iso from your eboots. I don't see this option in RS-GUI Popstation MD v3.0 (which I used to make new eboots) but, if memory serves, you used to be able rip the iso's out of eboots with a previous version of popstation. You could then use those iso's to make some eboots with a newer program and try the new eboots on your psp.

Maybe someone else here can suggest a good program for ripping iso's from eboots?

Anyway... I'm not an expert, but it seems worth trying. Good luck.

17. March 2008 @ 16:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Okay, I've verified that you CAN rip the ISO from an eboot and get it to work properly. I took two old eboots that worked perfectly fine under 3.03 oe-c that I could not get to work at all under 3.80 m33-5. Here is what I did to get them working again.

I used Simple Popstation v3.0Beta by ZiNgA BuRgA (you'll have to google this one), navigated to the offending eboots using the program and pressed the "Extract ISO from EBOOT" button. Just like it says, it will pull out the iso and dump it in whichever folder you have as your output folder.

I then took those iso's and using RS-GUI PopstationMD 3.0 converted them back into a single EBOOT file (the iso's were for two discs from the same game). Then I just dumped it into the the PSP/GAMES/<gamename> folder.

It is working every bit as good as the EBOOT I made from fresh images. This could probably be improved upon if anyone knows a program that works better at extracting ISO's from EBOOTs, but for now it might give you a way of getting your old games to work again, tripleoh.

Good luck


This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 17. March 2008 @ 16:55

Junior Member
17. March 2008 @ 18:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ty i will have to try this, been kinda busy so might take a day or 2 2 get around to it, but i will let u know how it goes

ok so i made it a point to try this stuff out ( thinking and hoping ) that it would soolve my problems. Ok so i made a iso from the eboot, then i launch popstation md 3.0 and pick that iso and pick the id code for the game and click go, then a error happens, and it said ( along the lines) cygwin1.dll was not found, then program stops

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 17. March 2008 @ 19:19

9. April 2008 @ 11:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sorry for the long response time. I've run into this with other applications in the past. Try doing a search for cygwin1.dll on Place it in your windows\system\ directory on your computer and that error message will go away. I hope this helps.

Junior Member
10. April 2008 @ 09:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
PSP 3.40 OE-A is the goldenfirmware in my opinion, never had a prob with it{FW}plays ps2,psx games,awesome.
Junior Member
22. April 2008 @ 14:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
anyway still cant play ps1 on 3.71m33-4 and 3.90m33-2 i have dl a couple complete dls of all the files i need for the different pops, i have selected a eboot that i know works on 3.52m33, and 3.40oe, and i have enabled the plugin and when i start xmb goes away iam iam looking at my background. Now someone said maybe i installed 3.71m33 wrong but i dont i did the same for the 3.90m33 i even got the easy installers 2, and yes i have the 1.50 add on installed and yes its the version 2. need help.. please..
Junior Member
23. April 2008 @ 05:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Tripleoh, try and update to M33-4, to see if that works.
30. April 2008 @ 02:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm having the same exact problem on my slim 3.93 m33-3 . Do you have a custom theme or changed any of the xmb flash 0 files etc . Someone said that might be my problem and that makes sense because I flashes a complicated theme Shideloader . Still trying to figure out how to extract the flash 0 files from the 3.90 eboot I have on my PC so I can fix it without having to get a hold of a Pandora again .
Junior Member
30. April 2008 @ 09:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I fine if the game is in iso format when you convert it to a eboot it won't work But if the game is img or a bin and i convert it works perfect So use iso buster to convert psx iso to bin my cfw 3.90m33-2 with all pops hope this helps this is my experince
1. May 2008 @ 02:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Someone helped me with my problem on another forum I had an edited wave file for my theme system_plugin_bg.rco but I didn't use it because I had a wallpaper in front of it . So the actual game was loading in between the wave and the paper and I couldn't see it . If this sounds like what you have either try getting rid of the wallpaper or switching that edited file with the original .
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5. May 2008 @ 18:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
the reason it won't work is becuz u have a custom wave on the backround.
if you don't have a custom wave on the backround, i'm sry i do not know the answer

My Crisis Core v0.01 ptf theme: (I made the theme) Im also known as Devin2229 > forums > consoles > sony psp - homebrew software > cant play ps1 on 3.71m33-4 and 3.90m33-2

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