ok so i did the pandora battery, and the magic memory stick from a guide on this site with easy installer...so i decided to go to dl.qj.net to get some homebrew LUA and when i try play them it says "game could not be started ERROR 800429(or sumthing like that)"
Originally posted by logix: ok so i did the pandora battery, and the magic memory stick from a guide on this site with easy installer...so i decided to go to dl.qj.net to get some homebrew LUA and when i try play them it says "game could not be started ERROR 800429(or sumthing like that)"
well its likely because you have the "UMD - Required" driver set, so you have two options...
1. Put a UMD game in the UMD drive, the try to start your game again.
2. Enter recovery mode (fully shutdown your PSP by holding the power buttin up untill all the lights stop flashing, then hold the R trigger down whilst you restart it.
When the recivery menu comes up, go to Configuration, the to the UMD Mode option. Press X on there untill either M33 Driver or SONY NP9660 are displayed. Press BACK, the EXIT.
Your PSP will then reboot to the XMB, and if you try your game again, it should load.
installing the 1.50 kernel patch
#download the 150 kernel addon from here http://dark-alex.org/ #download the 150 update from here http://rapidshare.com/files/67857715/163_EBOOT_1.50.zip #rename the 150 update eboot to 150.pbp and place it in the root of your memstick
#extract the 150 kernel addon and put the files into a folder called update
#put the update folder in GAME380 folder on memstick
#scroll to game on xmb and launch the programme
#thats it you now have the 1.50 kernel
EDIT: U must have a phat psp. If u have a slm get the dark alex time machine