Step 2: Open the folder in which you saved Ir shell (the actual homebrew, not the patch) and copy the folders IRSHELL and seplugins
Paste them in the root of your memory stick
Step 3:FOR FAT PSP's ONLY Go to the folder were you saved Ir shell. Open the folder PSP and copy all the files you find in GAME150. Then go to your psps usb. Go to I:\(or whatever letter your psp drive is)PSP>GAME150 and paste the files you coppied there.
Step 3FOR SLIM PSP's ONLY Go to the folder were you saved Ir shell. Open the folder PSP and copy the file you find in GAME. Then go to your psps usb. Go to I:\(or whatever letter your psp drive is)PSP>GAME and paste the file you coppied there.
Step 4 Now go to the folder were you downloaded the patch for Ir shell.
Step 5 Go to folder BIN and copy all the files in the folder.
Step 6 Go to I:\(or whatever letter your psp drive is)IRSHELL>BIN and paste the files in the folder BIN on your memory stick. (it may ask to overwrite some files, just click yes to all)
Step 7 Return to the folder where you downloaded the patch for Ir shell
Step 8 Go to PATCH and you will find a folder called 3.9 Copy the folder 3.9 (do not copy the files in the folder 3.9, copy the whole folder 3.9).
Step 9 Go to I:\(or whatever letter your psp drive is)IRSHELL>PATCH and paste the folder 3.9 in there.
Step 10 Exit usb mode and turn your psp off completly. (Hold the power button up for around 10sec)
Step 11 Get into recovery mode (turn on the psp and press R at the same time)
Step 12 From recovery mode go to Plugins and you should see somthing that says "irsautoboot.prx [VSH] (Disabled)" press X to enable it.
Step 13 (the easiest of all) turn on your psp and it should boot into Ir shell.
Note: I'm not responsable for any damage to your psp
Please, do not ask any stupid qeustions like "Will this work on 3.80M33-5" In the title it's said that it will only work with 3.90M33-2
Hey emofive! I know you said I shouldn't ask about 3.80m33 but will it work in 4.00m33?!?!? HELP! I'M A n00b! HELP!!!
jk... great guide mate! Followed it to the tee and guess what MF'ers I got IRshell on my Phat PSP! *Dancing in a circle* "Oh ye-ah, oh ye-ah, I got it now, Oh ye-ah!" **grins like an idiot**
Originally posted by ObiKenobi: Hey emofive! I know you said I shouldn't ask about 3.80m33 but will it work in 4.00m33?!?!? HELP! I'M A n00b! HELP!!!
jk... great guide mate! Followed it to the tee and guess what MF'ers I got IRshell on my Phat PSP! *Dancing in a circle* "Oh ye-ah, oh ye-ah, I got it now, Oh ye-ah!" **grins like an idiot**
I was just kidding! hahaha... how awesome would that be though? You'd be able to do all sorts on things on 4.00m33, maybe even play PS3 games on the PSP? Maybe not, but I'm sure it'd be awesome anyway. =)
@General Public
Hmmm... I wonder how many people are gonna miss the fact that I was just kidding... **stares into the distance ponderously**