Step one
download the program here
step two
when its done downloading install it
it should ask you to crate an account
fill up the regristration with your real info
step three
copy the psp folder that came with the furikup download
into the root of your memory stick
step 4
go into psp/game/furikup/sipcfg.ini
it should look like this
username=xxxxxxx>>>>Username you used to sign up in the voip download
password=xxxxxxx>>>>password you also used in the voip download
step 5
on the psp/game/furikup/contacts.txt
it looks like this before adding your contact
SIP test,,sip,test
the last line meaning that you added your contact
when you go to your psp start up furikup and choose your internet connection the when you see your contacts just press x
you can use the Socom headset
This is my first ever tutorial so if its crappy im sorry just trying to help out
i would have putted images but i dont knoe how
To add pics FW330 just upload them to a file host site - like photobucket.
Then post the url for the image between the [img] tags - like this but w/o the astericks:
I know that Voipcheap is free for us to call anyone in the U.S but for the person that answers the call that we make do they get any charges for picking up our calls.