I don't know what the heck happened but I logged on to install spy sweeper on my laptop and I received some weird message or text on the screen in blue that only appears for like a second and then it's gone.My computer then shuts down and reboots. When I go to log on I get to the back round and am able to access things normally for about 30 seconds and it happens again. I have tried booting safe mode but even then it still does it. I am unable to provide you with any info on my laptop because I can't even log into now. All I can tell you is I'm running windows XP and it's a HP Pavilion DV5000. I'm more than likely sure I somehow downloaded a virus or something but want to know if there's anything I can do before I try and send it in for repairs which I don't want to do.Sorry for so little everyone I wish I could provide more for you.All the help is appreciated. Thank you.
It could be that spyware sweeper corrupted some files when you tried to install it. I've read about spyware sweeper causing this problem on certain configurations.
If that doesn't fis it, you might want to try doing a checkdisk/f on the system partition, you can use the windows installation cd to run the command. In most cases this can fix some minor file corruption.
Well I tried the system restore with command prompt and that didn't work. I got as far as selecting the restore point and when it went to reboot, the same screen appeared. As for the other 2 steps I can't even do those because I don't have the restore disk anymore. Can't find it. Step three I can't also do especially because of this.So what do you recommend now. I think I'm ready to throw in the towel and just call geek squad or someone to fix this. I don't have the computer skills do continue to try and fix this. Thanks.
do you know your lic # ..if you do then borrow someone else XP disk but DONT use a restore disk , use a XP clean install disk and it has to be XP pro disk if it's a a xp pro lic # , home version, etc.
try a clean install...sounds like the anti-malware program malled your registry...i did that once with spy sweep
some anti-malwares are vicious when removing malware and much malware is written to infect your registry so what happens when you start ripping away at your malware? you end up ripping away at your registry
install all of them at the same time free at snapfiles dot com
when you do a clean install you'll end up re-writing the registry and then go for updates (service pack 3 for XP) then load AVG free anti-virus program and those antimalware programs before surfing to questionable sites.
we cant help if you dont give details and ask questions so dont be shy
Hi,anyone out there that can guide me step by step on how to retrieve all files etc from my hard drive.My pc keeps booting itself,reaching the start options & then boots again.I have tried safe mode but same happens.I have a disc to wipe the hdd clean but I need to get saved documents from it before I do.I have never done this before and not very computer minded hence the request for step by step.The start up problem I will leave for another day.Any advice will be much appreciated.P.S I have read a few threads on the subject but can't pinpoint what I need,If there is a thread please point me in the right direction,THANKS.
Thanks zeroink for the help.Unfortunately I don't think I know anyone who has any of those items. I guess what I expected was true.It is something that I can't handle. Right now at least. Some day I will learn some more but right now isn't the time. I wished I could have hijacked my laptop for you but I can't even boot the damn thing up. I'm just going to bite the bullet and spend the 2 or 300 bucks to get this thing fixed. Thanks for all the help you guys and when I get the chance to pick up some skills. I will for sure come here for advise and knowledge.