Hi all. :) First post here, though I've been reading around for a few weeks after deciding to take the homebrew plunge. I found this place to be very helpful, and I'd like to say thanks to everyone who's written FAQs and Guides here. Thanks to you, I quickly and easily flashed my Slim's firmware, encountering absolutely no problems with the process. People like me really appreciate people like you, so thank you. :3
Okay, on to my question. I am using a PSP Slim, running 3.90 M33 CFW, and Popsloader 3.80 M33 v2.
I used Popstation GUI to convert my PSX FF7 ISOs to EBOOTs, using the Screen Height fix (but not the graphics fix).
I am loading the game with the Popstation 3.71 files as suggested in various threads here, as when I tried booting from flash the game had horrible graphical issues and froze up in the first battle.
Technically, using 3.71 files, the game is working flawlessly for me. However, the music is playing at about double speed, and it's a little weird. All the other sound effects are fine, as are the movies, it's just the music. I was wondering if there was any known way to fix this, as it's the last hurdle before I can begin re-exploring this wonderful game (of which I have many fond memories) in a portable format.
Since the game version I own here in the UK is PAL, Popstation apparently increases the speed of all PAL games by about 15-20% (to work around some kind of slowdown bug on some PAL games). Since FF7 doesn't suffer from this, its speed is increased even though it doesn't need to be.
I found the following information useful in fixing this problem.
Some of the game's battle sound effects seem a bit "off" to me now (such as Cloud's sword hit... it's like a mouse squeaking) but I'm perfectly happy to leave it alone for now.
Hope this information proves useful to somebody else who may be searching for answers. I share your collective frustration of trying to find up-to-date information in the PSP scene. :)
I had that same problem :D It was quite funny to hear the music go fast, but annoying aswell. Remember to convert your PAL games into NTSC before putting it on the PSP. I live in the UK so when I do a rip of a game from a disc, I always have to do that extra step. Actually, thanks, I forgot about this solution. I put Alundra on my PSP and the music was too fast, I forgot all about converting to NTSC, until I saw this post. I'll have to do try it again now.