easy installers for emualtors and irshell 3.9 for 3.90m33-3
2. April 2008 @ 17:27 |
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here are a couple easy installers for newbies:
download link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=NPMF9SY2
1.) easy emulator pack includes :
a.) daedalus a nintendo 64 emulator
b.) psp atari
c.) dgen sega emulator
d.) snes9xTYL me super nintendo emulator
they do not include roms you will have to locate those with a google search. just download the file run it on a windows pc when prompted select psp root drive and click next this will install the above emulators to your psp to add roms download them and place them in the rom folder in the proper emulator e.g. if you downloaded a supernintendo game you would place the rom in yourmemoryctick:\psp\game\snes9xTYL\roms\ you may have to create a roms folder. for a sega rom yourmemorystick:\psp\game\roms again you may have to create a roms folder
irshell 3.90 easy installer for 3.90m33-3
link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VTUUK4MD
this will install irshell 3.90 with patch for 3.90m33 works well on 3.90m33-3
just download the file run it on a windows pc when prompted select psp root drive and click next after install on your psp select the irshell icon you want the colorful one not the black and white one this will launch ir shell now select directory view navigate to the irshell folder select patch select 3.90 run btcnfpatch.prx (only if you have 3.90m33-3) firmware now turn off psp and enter recovery (hold the right shoulder button while turing on) select plugins and enable irsautoboot.prx exit recovery you now have irshell 3.9 and it will auto boot head over to irshell.org for the user guide
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 12. April 2008 @ 02:17
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
2. April 2008 @ 22:54 |
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do u know if all the games are working for the SNES emu? I downloaded TMNT for the SNES. I used the SNES emu for pc (and xbox) and the game works fine. However, it dosent work for the psp. Do u know y?
2. April 2008 @ 23:06 |
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i have tmnt tournament fighters it works fine nethostfs compatible
i also have tmnt 4 turtles in time it works as well with or without nethostfs if you have another tmnt let me know the full name and i see if i can find it and test it out
3. April 2008 @ 11:50 |
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Nice mini guide!:)
But i have a problem with ir shell...when clicked the ir shell(the colour one - green and white icon)the screen just stays black and just green light...but it doesn´t go off...so i turned off and then tryed turned on but it was still black screen..so first i tought that is bricked..but i took battery out and then the psp work..however, what is wrong with ir shell?
ps:i have a 3.90m33-3
3. April 2008 @ 18:10 |
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im going to re download and try now...
retested and worked try redownloading if that dosent work go to irshell.org and do the manual install if any one els ehas trouble with this installer please post i will rebuild or remove but it has worked perfectly on both of my psps
and the colorful one is the one with the palm tree leaf and ocean in the background of the icon the otheris for the 1.5 kernal only good for phats
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 3. April 2008 @ 18:41
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
3. April 2008 @ 19:56 |
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Originally posted by wasted420: i have tmnt tournament fighters it works fine nethostfs compatible
i also have tmnt 4 turtles in time it works as well with or without nethostfs if you have another tmnt let me know the full name and i see if i can find it and test it out
TMNT turtles in time thing. Seems not to work. Guess i just try it again. Could be corrupt when i transfer it.
4. April 2008 @ 07:46 |
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ok i redownloaded...but the same thing happened...so i went to irshell.org and folow the steps in guide(that ***** just copied the readme file..) and the same thing happened(black screen,green light and no wlan flashing)...but the other ir shell is working fine(the black or brown one - not colorful one).Is something wrong with my psp?any ideas...?
4. April 2008 @ 08:15 |
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sorry that i have queations...it was my stupid mistake..i didn´t changed in recovery mode 1.50 kernel to 3.90 kernel...sorry
but i have still one problem...when i went to 3.90 folder i click Run btcfpatch.prx Under fw 3.90 iR Shell.txt it nothing happens and it have o kb...do i have to click btcnfpatch.prx in blue words..but if i click that, it says that it is only for slim user..is this true?
4. April 2008 @ 17:36 |
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yes the patch in that folder is for both phat and slim
5. April 2008 @ 03:10 |
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OK i did now....
but if i wont to run black irshell i have to change in recovery mode from 3.90 to 1.50kernel and if i want to run the colorful one i have to change back to 3.90 kernel...hh...why is that?
5. April 2008 @ 04:19 |
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because oneis irshell 3.xx kernal based and one is 1.5 kernal based so you can run any homebrew through irshell someolder ones required 1.5
5. April 2008 @ 06:28 |
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aha...OK....thanks for helping
12. April 2008 @ 02:16 |
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files have been re uploaded and re tested all files are working on both psp slim and phat 3.90m33-3 (with or without 1.5 kernal)
14. April 2008 @ 08:18 |
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for the irshell installer it says "file is temporarily unavailable"?
30. April 2008 @ 22:06 |
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Hey how's it going? (^_^) I absolutely love your guide and installer, I have used that Installer maker myself. But anways besides that I was wondering a few questions about iRShell's Apps or what ever you wanna call em lol. What do USBHost and NetHost plus their Redirection's do? I'm guessing NetHost makes it so you can access your PC's Hard Drives via a Wifi Connection, But how do you get them to work? I am also guessing that you have to have a certain software for you PC for them to work lol. If so would you have the links to them and do they work on Windows 98? Thank You for your time Wasted! - FlameTai1 (A.K.A My names Jeb lol)
1. May 2008 @ 00:15 |
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Sadly I get the same issues I was having before, none of my applications will run through IRshell. Iso's, Eboots, Emulators, etc. Ran the patch (said it was already patched from the last time I tried), changed the recovery settings, nothing. I guess I'm not destined to use IRShell any more.
5. May 2008 @ 15:39 |
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Quote: NserUame: Sadly I get the same issues I was having before, none of my applications will run through IRshell. Iso's, Eboots, Emulators, etc. Ran the patch (said it was already patched from the last time I tried), changed the recovery settings, nothing. I guess I'm not destined to use IRShell any more.
1. Are you sure you are running the correct iRShell? There's on that is a kind of brownish color and maroon. If you have 1.50 or lower firmware you run that one. If you have 2.00+ Then you run the one that has a Palm tree in the background.
2. The installer may not have been fully downloaded, this happens to me sometimes when I'm installing a new program, the installer does not fully get downloaded and is missing a few files sooooo try going to Http://www.iRShell.org and downloading it there and manually installing it.
3. You say "Anymore" so what version firmware did you have it running on?
Oh and what would your PsP Information be? Firmware, Slim or Phat, Etc. And does iRShell atleast load for you?
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 5. May 2008 @ 15:41
5. May 2008 @ 17:59 |
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I had 3.80m33-5, ran fine. Yes I know about the multi-colored icons, I'm on a slim so I use to colorful one. IRShell loads fine, it just won't allow anything else to run while it's being used. UMD's, ISO's, Eboots, Emulators, Music, Videos...nothing. So aside from a pretty start up screen it's now worthless.
6. May 2008 @ 10:16 |
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Okay then. Have you tried going into iRShell and running the 3.90 Patch located in MS0:\IRSHELL\PATCHES\3.90? and tried running the btcnfpatch.prx file? Those could also be your problem.
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7. May 2008 @ 23:40 |
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Thank u i finally got it!
9. May 2008 @ 18:06 |
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Hi mate can you upload the irshell file again with the patch, cause the file is unavailable.
11. May 2008 @ 05:23 |
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hi, it works with my psp slim 3.90-3m33. my question is how can i change the IRSHELL theme the one comes with the easy installer is dull and simple. thanks anyway.
13. May 2008 @ 11:02 |
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www.irshell.org is a good forum site and is where you can download skins for iRShell.
30. May 2008 @ 16:37 |
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hey whats up guys i just wanted to know if someone can help me and xplain to me about ir shell 3.9 for 3.90m33-3 and what is it for?
bo ya
1. June 2008 @ 12:34 |
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why is my psp saying there is no need to update everytime i try putting on the 3.90 m33 software