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Playing Older games on fw 3.82 M33-5!!!!
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5. April 2008 @ 16:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi Guys,

Currently running custom firmware 3.82 M33-5. I am wanting to play the old games what first came out when dev hook used to load them up (many moons ago) like star soldier, frogger ect. Ive tried dropping the iso/cso in the game 150 folder and the game 3.80 folder but wont show up in the menu at all...also tried the normal iso folder. any help appreciated guys!!!

Second question is, i have got some psone (mite be ps2) emu games like crash bandicoot, grant turismo ect and i think they are eboots. Just wondered if anyone would know how to get these running or where i need to drop them...or do i need to dload something what would let me play these games.

Sorry if this posted in wrong thread but couldnt find one with topic of this (if the case i appologise)

If someone knows any of the above could you either post here, or drop me a PM...Thankyou again.....respect to the Afterdawn team (wicked site guys)
5. April 2008 @ 19:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by triggsta:
Ive tried dropping the iso/cso in the game 150 folder and the game 3.80 folder but wont show up in the menu at all...also tried the normal iso folder. any help appreciated guys!!!
where is this "normal iso folder"?

it should be MS:\ISO\

if you're putting the files there and they still don't show up - the MS might be the problem.

Originally posted by triggsta:
Second question is, i have got some psone (mite be ps2) emu games like crash bandicoot, grant turismo ect and i think they are eboots. Just wondered if anyone would know how to get these running or where i need to drop them...or do i need to dload something what would let me play these games.
the folder containing the eboot(eboot.pbp + keys.bin) go in MS:\PSP\GAME\
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6. April 2008 @ 16:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
if it still dosent show up. Check if it is a fake MS and refomart ur card

7. April 2008 @ 23:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
remember that if you have a psone cd you have to convert them first into a psp game,,, ok?? just google it how,,, then if you have an eboot like what you have said the create a folder under MS:\PSP\GAME\"name of game" then put the eboot there...

ok?? remember to create the folder under PSP\GAME\CRASHBANDICOOT for example..ok?? hope this helps
11. April 2008 @ 15:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Cheers for the help guys. What im trying to do is "2" different things. One is to play the "EBOOTS" i dloaded via a newsgroups which have already been converted. I have no problem at all playing all the latest games in MS/ISO/ but im trying to find out were i put i.e "Crashbandicoot" hit the nail on the head and grand turismo 2 ect ect which are rips of the playstation i belive...if there emu's of ps2 then thats even better. So playing these games is one thing im trying to acheive...

The second one is when the psp first came out, i was playing homebrew on the very first loaders which i belive was "devhook loader" on 1.50 i belive as you had to downgrade. The games which was around at that time wont play on this latest custom FW i.e 3.80 m33-v5. I used to love playing a Jap shooter called star soldier and if i drop that iso/cso into MS/ISO, they wont show up, if i drop them in MS/PSP/GAME150 0R MS/PSP/GAME380 they still dont show up.

So, i want to play psone eboots whats already converted ready to play and also to play the older games what was around just after launch of the magical psp. Sorry its all upside down, inside out but im sure you know what i mean. I will try what the guy said about making a folder and call it what ever the games called ect. Thanks to the guys who do have time and patience for people like myself who arent upto the mark on this kinda thing...thanks to all!! > forums > consoles > sony psp - homebrew software > playing older games on fw 3.82 m33-5!!!!

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