well, I've been google searching this for hours and I can't find anything that solves my problem, so if someone could help me out that would be great.
I'm running 3.90 M33 firmware on my fat psp, playing Final Fantasy VII from an ISO that I ripped/converted myself using AutoPopstation4. I can open the game and it starts up as it should, and I get to the New Game/Continue screen. When I click "New Game", the screen goes black. It won't go any further than this. I can still hit Home to open up all the options, it's as if the game is running but nothing is happening.
I read somewhere (but cannot find again) that I could get past this by opening the iso with ePSXe, starting the game, getting to a save point, and moving the save to my PSP. So, I opened the iso on ePSXe, played to the first save point (proving that the movie-loading problem was not with the iso) and saved the game. I went to the "memcards" folder under ePSXe, took the save, renamed it with the proper letter-number sequence for FF7, with a -0.mcr at the end. I installed CWCheat on my PSP, went into recovery mode, enabled it, then put the .mcr into the "MC" folder of "seplugins". Next, I started the game, held down select as instructed, went to the memory card option and chose to load the save as was told by several sites. When I choose the "continue" option, there are no save files to be found. I even tried loading the save to both slots, no dice.
First, thanks to anybody who read all that, I'm just trying to be as specific as possible with the problem so that whatever I'm doing wrong can be shown to me. If anyone knows how to get the opening movie to play, or how to load my saves, either one would be great help.
Thanks in advance to anybody who helps.
anyway, back to your problem, i had the exact same problem and i managed to fix it. What I did was:
installed popsloader 3.80 using the first sticky on this forum.just follow the instructions and use the official 3.72 firmware when u extract the .prx and when you load the game after all that pick the 3.72 pops because well, thats the one that sources have told me run ff7 the smoothest.
It should run smoothly, havent played through it yet but did it so i could do it for a friend's psp. If you need me to get into more detail pm me but i have a nine o clock class tmrw and should head to bed. toodles
i have myself fw 3.90 m33-3 and i used .prx files from fw 3.71 and ff7 runs like a charm so far, i was experiencing the same black screen issue so just using the .prx from 3.71 should sort you out
The 'POPS' you're usong are probably wrong. 3.71 and 3.72 are the best ones to play it one. Here is a good compatability list for which popsloader you need