I need some help Ive got a Modded xbox and trying to ftp the xbmc folder to my F:drive or E:Drive and im using a Crossover cable and Core Ftp but i keep getting an error saying Tranfer failed when tryin to transfer the files over to the Xbox was wondering If i could get some help on how i could do tranfer the folder over to the xbox without getting the transfer fails message all the time
You only need the PC drive shared when trying to access the PC from XBOX, not when you access the XBOX from PC. Follow the PC->XboX ftp guide, check the settings. Is your firewall off?
I had a small problem the other day. I updated ZoneAlarm, and for some reason, it did not turn my Windows firewall off. It took me a while to figure why I could not ftp anymore, with same settings that I had used the day before...Turned off Windows firewall, and all went fine...
Check the IP/Gateway settings, passwords, username...
Yeah i checked everything and i turned off Zonealarm and windows firewall when i was ftping here is my error it gave me i Logged COMMAND:> [4/8/2008 4:45:04 PM] MKD xbmc
[4/8/2008 4:45:04 PM] 250 Requested file action ok.
COMMAND:> [4/8/2008 4:45:04 PM] CWD /E/Apps/xbmc
[4/8/2008 4:45:04 PM] 250 "/E/Apps/xbmc/" is current directory.
STATUS:> [4/8/2008 4:45:04 PM] PWD skipped. Current folder: "/E/Apps/xbmc".
COMMAND:> [4/8/2008 4:45:04 PM] PORT 192,168,1,11,14,199
[4/8/2008 4:45:04 PM] 200 Port command ok.
COMMAND:> [4/8/2008 4:45:04 PM] LIST
[4/8/2008 4:45:04 PM] 150 Opening ASCII data connection for ls /E/Apps/xbmc/.
[4/8/2008 4:45:04 PM] 226 free disk space under this directory : 4.625.072.128
ERROR:> [4/9/2008 1:06:14 AM] Child transfer failed.