Hey Guys, I got the CPS2 emulator to show up fine and I can run it, however none of emulators show up. I trust the ROM cause it works on a PC Version, and according to a youtube video I saw it needs to be zip format, (No, it was not an instructional video, I just saw the guy access the file) unzipping it and trying to run it doesnot work.....there was a small package that makes some sort of cache when you run it (It came with the emulator), (This program however is not on the PSP and is on the PC, which I assumed where it was meant to run) the readme's are useless since most of em are in japanese (I need english) but if anybody has some insight on this matter, please help me out....Thanks Guys! Oh by the way if ya want to try the emulator out here's the link: http://translate.google.com/translate?h ? .tfact.jp/ Unfortunatley, I cannot give the link that gives ya the ROMs. This appears to be the lastest and greatest version! also I have a PSP Phat running CFW 3.90 M33-3 (I've downloaded the "CPS2PSP ver2.2.5 kernel version 1.5") and I do have the 1.5 kernel installed.
Sorry, not 100% up to date with emulators, just stuck on coding my own CFW updates at the moment. Success with UV unbricker which auto installs IRShell but thats about as far as I can get at the moment lol!
Sorry havent been keepin up with ya guys....works been hell....ok so, this is about "Street Fighter Alpha 3" so I got my cache file, and I put it in E:\PSP\GAME\CPS2\CACHE and I put my actual zip file in E:\PSP\GAME\CPS2\ROM but it wont start it starts to load like this:
Checking ROM info...
ROM set "sfa3"
File not found. "sz3e_03c.03"
Press any button
ok so I press a button, and I'm back out at the main screen where I can choose roms, now heres the weird thing....I put both Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Euro 980904) which is 22.9mb and Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Brazil 980629) which is 1.65mb I know the Euro Rom is good cause it works on a PC Emulator, and I did notice however that when I first downloaded the Brazil rom first and tried to run it, it wouldnt run...not until I had the Euro rom I'm assuming cause the majority of the game is in the Euro rom and not the Brazil rom, I can only theorize that the Brazil rom feeds off of the Euro rom...now I didnot cache the brazil rom and I put it right in E:\PSP\GAME\CPS2\ROM and ran the Brazil rom and it works....I know I kinda sound nitpickey here but I dont like the fact that it says "No Card" right in the lower middle of the screen (It also says it in the PC emulator) wheras the Euro rom doesnot, any ideas???
Ive had some experience with arcade ROMs, and it does seem odd that your Brazil rom runs while the Euro one doesnt. It sounds like the Euro rom is missing some files though that the emulator expects the game to have, but that are included in the Brazil rom. Id suggest getting a different rom. Maybe grabbing Street Fighter Zero 3, the japanese version, or finding a US version of Street Fighter Alpha 3 and using that.