Hello..im new to the forum and I have a problem regarding my Final Fantasy 8 eboot. I'm running a fat psp on 3.71 m33-4, and have a 2 gig card. I've gotten pretty far on the first disk, but as many of you know it freezes often. I'm using popsloader on the "original from flash" setting. I want to change my game id to make it run smoother, and I have using Popstation, by changing the ID with the Breath of Fire ID, but then I don't know how to change the save ID so that my psp will read it. Can someone please explain to me how its done, or refer me to a guide?
It may be easier to just try upgrading your FW. I haven't had to bother with popsloader on any of the PSX games on 3.80m33-5. I haven't played 9 on it yet, but I'm on the second disc of FF7 and it's run as smoothly as ever.
Originally posted by NserUame: It may be easier to just try upgrading your FW. I haven't had to bother with popsloader on any of the PSX games on 3.80m33-5. I haven't played 9 on it yet, but I'm on the second disc of FF7 and it's run as smoothly as ever.
Originally posted by repairz: I have 3.90 M33-3 and works fine for me :D
I don't really want to update it from 3,71m33-4 because I had someone pre-make a popsloader file for me because I'm that new to all this stuff.
I was able to convert the ID of the actual Final Fantasy 8 EBOOTt from SLUS00892 to SLUP01156 ( I heard it works with no freezes ), but I don't know how to convert the save so that my PSP will read it so I can keep playing on my old data. I have the SAVEDATA folder called "SLUS00892". I also have the Popstation Gui 3 Beta version, which is what I used to convert my Final Fantasy 8 EBOOT, and I have PXP2PSP V1.2, which I downloaded so I could try to fix the problem.
Please help. I've been working at this all day with no avail, so I'm sorry if I sound somewhat desperate. Thank for any help in advance.